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CAFO Designs at Delaware Park Prepared for: October 24, 2006 NINTH ANNUAL WETLANDS & WATERSHEDS WORKSHOP.

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Presentation on theme: "CAFO Designs at Delaware Park Prepared for: October 24, 2006 NINTH ANNUAL WETLANDS & WATERSHEDS WORKSHOP."— Presentation transcript:


2 CAFO Designs at Delaware Park Prepared for: October 24, 2006 NINTH ANNUAL WETLANDS & WATERSHEDS WORKSHOP

3 Design and Effects on Hydrology and Plant Diversity in Aquatic Environments Presented by Duffield Associates Keith M. Horner, CCR and Al M.Demerich, R.L.A., A.S.L.A.

4 What is Delaware Park? A multi-dimensional establishment featuring horse racing, casino slots, and an 18-hole championship golf course located in Stanton, DE.

5 Located in the fall zone between the Piedmont and Coastal Plain, adjacent to the Mill Creek and White Clay Creek (Wild and Scenic River) Mill Creek White Clay Creek Barns and Stables

6 Watersheds Taken from NCC eParcelView Map White Clay Creek Christina River Site Delaware River Red Clay Creek

7 White Clay Creek (Wild and Scenic River)

8 Comprehensive Approach to Stewardship Stream Restoration Reforestation Native meadows Green technology

9 CAFO Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation Delawares program became effective on September 11, 2005, as required by the EPA under the Clean Water Act Primary goal is to eliminate the discharge of pollutants Delaware Park submitted an NOI to comply with CAFO regulations and completed implementation during the spring of 2006

10 Project Goals A two-fold goal to address the concentration of non-point source pollution as a means to enhance watershed quality Treat run-off from daily equine operations and remove run-off from the stormwater system Direct stormwater run-off away from barns and stables

11 Equine Activity Total Capacity March- May June- Oct NovDec-Feb 147510001350750 Less than 100 In 2005, this generated 27,006,397 lbs of straw and wood shavings

12 Treating Daily Equine Operations 1.Wash stalls- carries run-off directly to the sewer system, bypassing the stormwater ditch system 2.Manure bins- carport roofing limits potential for nutrient run-off

13 Wash stalls Concrete padsDrains directly to sewer system

14 Manure bins Carport roofing system

15 Treating run-off from parking areas Rain gardens Bio-retention facility

16 Components of rain gardens Green technology BMP best management practice Grading Plant Material

17 Grading Reduces run-off velocity Heavier material settles out (sedimentation) Allows plant material more time for water uptake Helps remove excess nutrients and bacteria

18 Plant Material Native plant material Plugs vs seeds Acclimates and establishes quickly Limits erosion potential Reduces invasive species

19 Rendering designed by RLA

20 Before Drainage ditches

21 Before (cont.) Drainage ditch

22 Grading

23 Plant installations

24 Near Project Completion

25 Rain Event Ponding water

26 First Growing Season Sedimentation

27 Before and After

28 An increased filtration area also helps to slow run-off velocities

29 Components of the Bioretention Facility Bioretention basin with 6 under drain pipe Bioretention media (equal parts sand, peat, triple-shredded hardwood mulch) Fore bay Dry detention pond Emergency Spillway into dry detention pond


31 Bioretention Construction Excavation to subgrade

32 Geotextile fabric Under drain pipe Approximately 6 of clean stone

33 Geotextile placed over stone layer Bioretention soil media

34 Place soil media using low- pressure track equipment

35 Storm water pipes leading to the fore bay Storm water discharge into bioretention fore bay Fore bay construction

36 Beginning plant installation Fore bay discharge pipes Mulching over soil media

37 Fore bay to bioretention basin

38 Near Project Completion Conversion from an open field… To a bioretention facility, improving water quality

39 Dry detention pond Bioretention basin Fore bay June 26, 2006

40 Results The wash stalls and manure bin covers have generally met the intent of the CAFO regulation. Conclusive qualitative results for the rain gardens and bioretention facility are not yet available.

41 On behalf of Delaware Park

42 Special Thanks Environmental Protection Agency –Dave McGuigan, Chief of Water Compliance –Hank Zygmunt, Agricultural Specialist –Ashley Toy, Enforcement Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control –Peder Hansen, Chief of Water Discharges –Cheryl Gmuer, Inspector Delaware Department of Agriculture –Bill Rohrer, Nutrient Management Administrator

43 Questions?

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