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Product Launch—2004 Campaign. Product MemPro is a prescription medication to prevent and treat mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease.

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Presentation on theme: "Product Launch—2004 Campaign. Product MemPro is a prescription medication to prevent and treat mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease."— Presentation transcript:

1 Product Launch—2004 Campaign

2 Product MemPro is a prescription medication to prevent and treat mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease.

3 Campaign Goal Increase brand awareness Bring drug to the top of the mind of 18% of Hispanic target market by the third quarter of 2005. Educating Educate target audience about the devastating disorder that attacks the brain’s nerve cells and impairs memory, recognition, and behavior that ultimately leads to death, as well as offer a viable solution to those even slightly at risk.

4 Key Selling Attributes of MemPRO Prevents memory loss Allows one to maintain his or her lifestyle Allows patient to enjoy the lives of his or her family members (children, grandchildren) Only FDA approved drug that treats mild- to-moderate AD and also prevents it

5 Target Market Alzheimer’s Association report predicts disease will soar 600% among Hispanics by 2050. Increase more than six-fold during first half of 21 st Century 1.3 million Hispanics will have Alzheimer’s disease by 2050 As the target market dramatically increases in its risks for Alzheimer's disease, the campaign will be aimed at those women (55+) and their daughters (45-55) who are at high risk due to heredity. In the Hispanic culture, daughters often serve as their mother’s caregiver, so the daughters frequently influence drug buying decisions.

6 Product Suggests Target The daunting statistics show that increasing age is the number one risk factor for the onset of Alzheimer’s. 3 in 10 individuals over the age of 65 are affected while nearly half of the 85+ population have Alzheimer’s. Hispanic people will see a spike in the effect of Alzheimer’s in their population in the next 45 years. New studies report that Alzheimer’s will increase by 600 percent.

7 Demographics: Hispanic women ages 45+ Average income of $25,000 + With parents or loved ones that have been affected by AD or are at high risk of developing AD. Psychographics: Highly values family Often takes care of family members who become ill Frequently take part in traditions and family oriented events Niche Market within Target

8 Where the industry is now…and where we’ll take them.

9 Spent $30.9 million on advertising last year Tone includes targeting the “daughters concerned with their mother’s health”


11 Recently ran an ad titled “A Call to Action for Mother's Day and Father's Day” Distributed care kits to target audience, which includes tools to help distinguish between the early signs of Alzheimer's disease and normal aging. Included a free 20-minute calling card to connect with your parents this Mother's Day and Father's Day. This ad targets family members to act on their own concern for loved ones


13 Emotionally targets caregivers specifically those who care for their grandparents and parents



16 Overall Our Competition is… Using affective advertising Approaching the target audience directly with fear tactics Targeting traditional markets not including Hispanic market Frequently targeting family members and caregivers Using integrated brand promotional campaigns featuring websites and giveaways

17 Where we are heading…

18 Magazine Ad

19 Newspaper Ad

20 Creative Strategy Unique Selling Proposition –No other drug helps prevent Alzheimer’s and prevents the development of the disease for those who have already been diagnosed. Affective –family, children, life’s most precious memories Appeals to Maslovian levels –Safety –Love & belonging

21 Creative Strategy (cont.) Ends with strong call to action “Ask your doctor about MemPRO.”

22 Media Plan

23 Media buying will be heavily weighted on niche media that target the Hispanic market. Media Planning Theme


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