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Class 10 Planting: Thessalonica, Athens & Corinth The 2 nd Missionary Journey Ends ~Paul the Letter Writer.

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1 Class 10 Planting: Thessalonica, Athens & Corinth The 2 nd Missionary Journey Ends ~Paul the Letter Writer

2 Homework How many synagogue rulers were converted in Corinth? Well see the answer later…

3 Departing Philippi Acts 17:1-4 Luke and Timothy stay behind in Philippi Thessalonica –first Macedonia town they found with a synagogue -100 miles from Philippi to Thessalonica Capital and chief city of Macedonia Popular destination city of Hellenist Jews after dispersion Even in modern times, before World War II, Salonika had the largest Jewish community in Greece. At the time of the German occupation, the Jewish population was about 50,000. World War II

4 3 Weeks in Thessalonica Acts 17:5-9 Like the first missionary journey, the gospel was more popular with the Gentile converts of the synagogue than the Jews Focus on the Suffering Christ –a stumbling block for Jews (1 Cor 1:23) The Jews heavy influence in the town made for opposition from city officials The “Mob gambit” We’ll come back to Thessalonica later in the lesson.

5 Berea Acts 17:10-15 The Jews in this Synagogue more noble minded (as well as the “God fearers”). The Bible is there for us to understand –if we will investigate. The cottage industry of opposition follows the fellowship –agitation and stirring up Paul sent with traveling party and left on his own in Athens Silas and Timothy (who arrived later –I wonder how he found him?) stay on in Berea

6 Athens College Town –a lot of intellectuals and philosophers –professors All things to all men, so that I might win some (1 Cor 9:19) God sets the times and places where we should live (Acts 17:21)… Except for a few –their religion never got from the head to the heart Timothy dropped in and returned to Thessalonica – as we’ll see later.

7 Corinth Acts 18:1-4 Paul in Corinth –Silas in Berea –Timothy in Thessalonica –Luke in Philippi Great to see a synagogue again! And friendly faces...Aquila Went to work –converted his coworker and his wife, Priscilla Counterpoint city to Athens in Achaia –all business, commerce and hedonism

8 Paul’s State of Mind Acts 18:5-11 Paul arrived in fear and trembling 1 Cor 2:3 Concern about Thessalonica 1The 3:1 The fellowship restored More opposition ~No, not another Philippi or Thessalonica Converted the Synagogue Ruler! Crispus The vision of the Lord to ENCOURAGE –I have many people in this city –alludes to Elijah, a hero of zeal (1 Ki 19:18 -7,000 have not bowed the knee to Baal in Israel) Do not be afraid –Yes, Paul was afraid 2 Cor 1:3-7

9 Paul the Letter Writer Wrote a letter to the Thessalonian church when Timothy and Silas arrived. 1 The 3:6 1 The 1 – a foretaste 1 The 1:6 –Power of imitation 1 The 1:7 –Pillar church 1 The 2:9 –They provided their own support through working and an example that the Thessalonians would not necessarily imitate as well…

10 What can you learn in 3 weeks? 1 The 3:4 –that you will be persecuted 1 The 4:3- be holy, avoid sexual immorality 1 The 4:9 –brotherly love 1 The 4:10 –spread the word throughout Macedonia 1 The 4:13 –The Lord will return 1 The 5:2 –He will come like a thief - unexpectedly

11 Different Outcome Acts 18:12-17 Similar charges to Thessalonica from the Jews –this time Crispus’ successor, Sosthenes Different administration –God rules the rulers –Gallio – I will accept no “whine” before its time… Mob gambit backfires –when you put a mob together, they will want to do what a mob does –they are hard to control… 1 Cor 1:1 –This zealous ringleader of the opposition later became a Christian as well -2 nd synagogue ruler to be converted! Mercy from the Christians after his opposition… God keeps his promise of “many people in this city”–stays 18 months in this fruitful ministry

12 Another Letter Clear up misunderstanding about the Lord coming back Pray for us that the message may spread and be delivered from wicked men Even though Jesus will come back soon and like thief, you still need to be working –don’t be idle Also known as 2 Thessalonians

13 Back to Antioch Wrote 2 Thessalonians before leaving Acts 18:18-22 Took Priscilla and Aquila –left Silas and Timothy in Corinth Last mention of Silas until he is mentioned as a coauthor of 1 Peter, (1 Pet 5:12) written to the churches of northern Asia minor Stopped off very briefly in Ephesus and left Priscilla and Aquila Sailed to Caesarea –Jerusalem to celebrate the 22 nd anniversary of the church -52 AD pentecost festival

14 Paul’s Witness Probably the greatest witness to the truth of the Christian message – next to the claims of Jesus about himself –Paul’s life and ministry do more to verify the truth of Jesus as Lord than arguably any other person who has ever lived –under the argument –Lunatic, liar, LORD –The claims Paul made –the visions he had, the tribulations he willingly suffered, he was either an incredibly good con man, a lunatic, or Jesus is indeed LORD, and will indeed return. 1 The 4:13 -18

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