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MATTHEW Chapter 7:1-12 WHEN IS IT OK TO JUDGE? I.Introduction A.Continuing - “Sermon on the Mount”.

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Presentation on theme: "MATTHEW Chapter 7:1-12 WHEN IS IT OK TO JUDGE? I.Introduction A.Continuing - “Sermon on the Mount”."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATTHEW Chapter 7:1-12 WHEN IS IT OK TO JUDGE? I.Introduction A.Continuing - “Sermon on the Mount”.

2 1.React with Jesus correctly = interact with each other properly. 2.First - “judging” each other. a) “To judge” from a Biblical perspective. B. “Don’t pay any attention to so and so?”

3 1.Matthew 7:2 2.“To judge” = to distinguish. a)Not to judge a person’s inward motives. (1) Jeremiah 17:9 (a)1Corinthians 4:5 (2) 1Corinthians 6:1-3 (a)God’s Word that judges not us!

4 (b) John 12:47-49 (i) Good judges! (a)We cannot know a person’s “motives”. II.Matthew 7:2-5 A.Not forbidden to take the speck out of a brother’s eye!

5 1. “Seeing clearly” = seeing the way the Lord does. a)I get migraines once in a while. (1) Difficult to see clearly. (a)At its worst I am “speculating”!

6 (b)Amazing we can look past a pole in our eye? (i)We are “speculating”. III.Matthew 7:6 A.A position where we have to judge!

7 1.Who are these “dogs” and “swine”? a) Those people that are spiritually “dogs.” (1) It is the Lord’s statement. (2) “Righteousness” mean to them as “holiness” does to a dog.

8 (a) As putting pearls on your pot-bellied pig! 2.Better off – saying nothing. a) Matthew 10:14-15 (1)Some simply will not listen! (a) “Dogs” in our society.

9 3.Not to judge motives but pick out the pigs! a)How? 4.Every day we contact those who need our help. a)How do we determine? IV.Matthew 7:7-12

10 A.These verses used for many things. 1. Prayer for determining correct judgment. B.1Corinthians 14:33 1.Ask and He will guide us.

11 a)He will show when to “bless the house”! (1) With each person we meet. 2.Giving my children a snake! a)Putting a rock on their plate for dinner! (1) I loved my children.

12 V.CONCLUSION A.Jesus desires to give us “good things”! 1. Matthew 7:12 2. How do I want people to treat me? a) To treat me fairly. b) With grace and mercy

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