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Studies in the Apocalypse First Trumpet - Rev.8:7 Second Trumpet - Rev.8:8 Third Trumpet - Rev.8:10 Fourth Trumpet - Rev.8:12.

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Presentation on theme: "Studies in the Apocalypse First Trumpet - Rev.8:7 Second Trumpet - Rev.8:8 Third Trumpet - Rev.8:10 Fourth Trumpet - Rev.8:12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Studies in the Apocalypse First Trumpet - Rev.8:7 Second Trumpet - Rev.8:8 Third Trumpet - Rev.8:10 Fourth Trumpet - Rev.8:12

2 ‘Recap’ of historical details so far Seal period revealed to John: internal events in the Roman. world AD 96 - 312 6th Seal - First of three ‘great earthquakes’ when the government changed from Paganism to ‘Christianity’ When the 7th Seal was opened John sees 7 angels with trumpets Before the Barbarian nations invaded, they began to threaten and make inroads into the empire by peaceful means (365 - 395) - The Angels were ‘preparing to sound’

3 Why Change the symbol from seal to trumpet? Unloosing the seals revealed events within the Roman Empire The trumpets were blown to summon armies from without to attack the empire Jeremiah 51:27 Set ye up a standard in the land, blow the trumpet among the nations, prepare the nations against her, call together against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashchenaz;

4 Gibbon Identifies 4 principle events which brought about the collapse of the Western Empire. 1. Attack by the Visigoths 395 - First Trumpet 2. Attack by the Vandals 429 - Second Trumpet 3 Attack by the Huns 450 - Third Trumpet 4. Attack by Ostrogoths 476 - Fourth Trumpet

5 6 Seals Ch.6 6 Trumpets Ch.8&9 7 Vials Ch.16 7th Seal 7th Trumpet AD96 312 1793 2??? 96AD96AD 180180 211211 235235 303303 312312 395395 429429 450450 476476 632632 10621062 17931793 17941794 17951795 18051805 18091809 18201820 20??20?? Overview of historic details prophesied in the Apocalypse 6 th seal – Ch.6:12:17 Ch.7:1-3 - After 6 th seal a period of calm on earth Ch. 8:1-2 - 7 angels with trumpets and a period of silence in heaven The period of silence in heaven relates to a period of calm on earth 3 great earthquakes Each results in a change of Religion Constantine makes ‘Christianity’ the state religion

6 Atlas of World History by The National Geographic Society. p67 1 2 3 4 476 452

7 The Western third of the empire fell during the first 4 trumpets North Africa & the Middle East fell during the 5th trumpet Asia minor, Greece etc fell during the 6th trumpet “the third part” 8:7 etc

8 The First Trumpet - Rev.8:7 The Visigoths invade the Roman Empire (AD 395-410)

9 Psalm 148:8 Fire, and hail; snow, and vapour; stormy wind fulfilling his word: Isaiah 28:2 Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand. (Assyria destroys Israel) Rev.8:7 “hail and fire mingled with blood,” the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up. Joel 2:3 A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. (Babylon destroying Judah)

10 Sounding the first trumpet summoned Alaric & the Visigoths 24th August 410. For three days German hordes have roamed the streets of Rome, burning and pillaging the greatest city in the known world. Under their leader, king Alaric….. The contemporary writer ‘Claudian’ refered to Alaric and his armies as “the hail storm”

11 Areas devastated by the ravages of Alaric and his armies and the third part of trees (Jud.9:8-15) was burnt up, and all green grass (Isa.40:6-7) was burnt up.

12 The siege of Rome by Alaric October 408 - Rome besieged - dreadful famine ensues (First time for over 600 years the capital had been attacked) Inhabitants eat the flesh of those who die Eventually Alaric accepts an enormous ransom to retreat Negotiations for peace fail & Alaric returns in 409 In 410 the city falls, the Goths sweep through with great fury & plundered the city for three days. Alaric died in 410


14 Second Trumpet The Vandals under Gaiseric are summoned to attack 429 - 464

15 Rev.8:8 “ a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea:” Jeremiah 51:25 Behold, I am against thee, O destroying mountain, saith the LORD, which destroyest all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain. Dan.2:35

16 Penguin Atlas of World History Vol. 1 page116 “The fleet of the Vandals dominated the Western Mediterranean, putting Rome, which depended on grain imports from North Africa, under pressure” (Page 117)

17 Rev.8:8 “ a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood” “He (Genseric) animated his daring vandals to embrace a mode of warefare which would render every maritime country accessible to their arms” (Gibbon – decline & fall vol.3 p.408)

18 Rome is sacked for the second time in less than 50 years Rome June 455 The Vandal army, laden with booty and taking thousands of captives is leaving Rome. This is the second attack of the city in 50 years, the first being in 410 at the hands of the Visigoths. The Vandal king, Gaiseric, took the city with an army landed by the powerful Vandal fleet. Now Gaiseric’s fleet is roaming freely throughout the western Mediterranean, with rich island prizes at its mercy. (Chronicle page 265)

19 Third Trumpet Attila & the Huns are summoned to attack

20 Atlas of World History by The National Geographic Society. p67 3 476 452 451 Battle of Chalons, Attila Defeated

21 there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, Isa.14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Attila (406-453) King of the Huns who invaded the Roman empire with an army that included Franks, Vandals and Ostrogoths. He was practically unbeaten in Europe until the battle of Chalons in 451, when his forces were annihilated by the son of Theodoric….(World History - Geddes & Grosset) The empire of Attila was of too ephemeral a nature to be crucially dangerous; his attack on the west was like the passing of a transitory meteor, (Cambridge Medieval History. Vol.1 p. 417)

22 there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, But the meteor was not yet exhausted; and Italy had to feel in 452, what Gaul had experienced in 451. Attila marched from Pannonia over the Julian Alps: Aqueleia fell, and the whole province of Venetia was ravaged. Passing from Venetia into Liguria, the Huns sacked Milan and Pavia; and the way seemed clear across the Apennines to Rome. (Cambridge Medieval History. Vol. 1 p.417) A meteor is a bright streak of light in the sky (a "shooting star" or a "falling star") produced by the entry of a small meteoroid into the Earth's atmosphere

23 …. and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; Danube Rhine Po Sein Loire Panonia. Aquileia Milan. Pavia. Gaul Liguria

24 Ex 7:19 And the LORD spake unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon all their pools of water, that they may become blood; and that there may be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood, and in vessels of stone. …. and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; Figuratively, he made the waters of public and private life bitter everywhere, with fatal affect to the drinkers. Wormwood was an appropriate name for the agent of such effects. (R.Roberts – 13 Lectures on the Aposalypse P.66)

25 Rev.8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. Wormwood Gr. Apsinthos = bitterness Ways in which Attila made life bitter 1. Imposing heavy taxes on the people of the Roman empire 2. His next demand was half the entire region of the empire 3. When this was refused he laid siege to, and destroyed many cities - loss of life was great

26 Rev.8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. Wormwood Gr. Apsinthos = bitterness Lam.3:15 He hath filled me with bitterness, he hath made me drunken with wormwood. 18 And I said, My strength and my hope is perished from the LORD: 19 Remembering mine affliction and my misery, the wormwood and the gall. Apsinthos is the name of a river in the region of Illyricum where Attila ruled.

27 First Trumpet - Trees & grass destroyed Second Trumpet - Burning mountain falls into the sea Third Trumpet - Rivers & fountains of waters made bitter

28 Fourth Trumpet 8:12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise. Attack by the Ostrogoths - 476

29 GLORIOUS GOTH IS MASTER OF THE WEST. Italy 510. The Ostrogoths, now the most powerful nation in western Europe following their annexation of southeastern Gaul. The move, aimed at containing the Franks, puts the Ostrogothic king Theodoric, in control of a kingdom that stretches from Gaul to Illyricum... (Chronicle of the World Page 271) Gaul Illyricum

30 Times Atlas of European History page 50 Southwest Europe at the overthrow of the last western emperor 476 A Barbarian ruling with the agreement of the emperor in the East

31 Penguin Atlas of world history vol.1 page 116 (526 AD) 1st Trumpet 2nd Trumpet 4th Trumpet 3rd Trumpet? The star has fallen, meteor is burned out

32 526 AD 395AD

33 8:13 And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound! 5 th Trumpet = 1 st Woe ch.9:1-12 6 th Trumpet = 2 nd Woe ch.9:13-21 7 th Trumpet = 3 rd Woe ch.10:7 Gr. “mello” - translated ‘shall’ 25 times, ‘should 20’ times, ‘would’ 9 times, ‘shall begin’ 1 when he shall begin to sound 10:7... in the days of the trumpet call to be sounded by the seventh angel, the mystery of God, as he announced to his servants the prophets, should be fulfilled. (RSV & ESV) See also intro. To7th trumpet (3 rd woe) ch.11:13-19

34 AN OVERVIEW OF THE APOCALYPSE * Multitudinous Christ 1:12-18) *White robed multitude (7:9-17) * Lamb on Mt. Sion (14:1-7) Marriage of the Lamb (19:7) * *Throne in Heaven (4:1;11) * Angel with cloud & rainbow (10:1-11) New Jerusalem (21:1-8) * 7 Kingdom Visions SEALS TRUMPETS VIALS Judgment on Pagan Rome AD 96-312 Rev.12 Judgment on Political Rome 312- 1453 Judgment on Papal Rome & preparations for 2 nd advent INTERNAL EVENTS ( DRAGON PERIOD) INVASIONS ON WEST ON EAST ON HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE 1234561234561234567 (6:1) Peace White horse AD96 (6:3) Civil war Red horse 180 (6:5) Famine Black horse 211 (6:7) Death Pale Horse 235 (6:9) Perse- cution Souls under altar 303 (6:12) Pagans deposed Earth- quake 312 (8:7) Goths invade Hail/ fire 395 (8:8) Vandals invade Burning mount- ain 429 (8:10) Huns invade Star falls 450 (8:12) Political Eclipse Sun & moon dark 476 (9:1) Saracens invade Locusts (1 st woe) 1062 (9:13) Turks invade Euphratean Angels loosed 1062 ( 16:2) French Rev’n On earth 1793 ( 16:3) British blockade On sea 1794 (16:4) Napoleon invades On rivers 1795 (16:8) Royalty eclipsed On sun 1805 16:10 Religiou s / civil eclipse On beast 1809 16:12 Demise of Turks On Euphrates + frog spitits 1827 16:17 Armag- eddon 7 Thunder s ????? 7 th Trumpet (3 rd woe) ch.11:15 Contains the vials 7 th Seal (ch.8:1) contains the 7 trumpets & lasts until the kingdom > > > Earthquake,- ch.6:12 – Pseudo Christianity becomes the state religion Sea Beast Rev.13:1 (10 horns crowned) Barbarian nations invade Western Emp. Earth Beast (2 Horns) – Emperor in Vienna & Pope in Rome (Holy Roman empire) Rev.13:11 425 Earth & Woman witness 1260 days – ch.11:3 1685 Diminishing of Protestant witnessing Scarlet Beast/Whore Rev.17:3 Europe/Papacy (False Prophet) Political death of witnesses for 105 years Political ascension - ch.11:12 312 – ‘Christianity becomes state religion 1572 = Massacre of St. Bartholomew 425 = ‘Protestant’ witness begins, Nestorius v Arianism 1685 = Edict of Nantes revoked – witness crushed Red Dragon - Pagan Rome – 7 heads 10 h Dragon moves East as Constantine makes his capital Constantinople Dragon moves North to Moscow 312 Saints witness 42 months (11:2) 1572 7 Ecclesias Ch.2&3 Red Dragon – Pagan Rome – 7 Heads 10 horns Dan.7:7 & Rev.12:3 - crowns on heads – representing different forms of government in the pagan empire Earthquake ch.11:13 French Rev.’n Resulting in a religion of Humanism Faithful remnant Revival of the truth Papal power to persecute removed 2 legs of Image – Dan.2 Earthquake – ch.16:18 resulting in true Christianity Kingdom established AD 96 Ch.6Ch.8&9 Ch.7 ↓ Ch.10 → ↑ Ch.11 ↓ Ch.12 ↓ ↑ Ch.13 ↑ Ch.14 ↓ Ch.15&16

35 AN OVERVIEW OF THE APOCALYPSE * Multitudinous Christ 1:12-18) *White robed multitude (7:9-17) * Lamb on Mt. Sion (14:1-7) Marriage of the Lamb (19:7) * *Throne in Heaven (4:1;11) * Angel with cloud & rainbow (10:1-11) New Jerusalem (21:1-8) * 7 Kingdom Visions SEALS TRUMPETS VIALS Judgment on Pagan Rome AD 96-312 Rev.12 Judgment on Political Rome 312- 1453 Judgment on Papal Rome & preparations for 2 nd advent INTERNAL EVENTS ( DRAGON PERIOD) INVASIONS ON WEST ON EAST ON HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE 1234561234561234567 (6:1) Peace White horse AD96 (6:3) Civil war Red horse 180 (6:5) Famine Black horse 211 (6:7) Death Pale Horse 235 (6:9) Perse- cution Souls under altar 303 (6:12) Pagans deposed Earth- quake 312 (8:7) Goths invade Hail/ fire 395 (8:8) Vandals invade Burning mount- ain 429 (8:10) Huns invade Star falls 450 (8:12) Political Eclipse Sun & moon dark 476 (9:1) Saracens invade Locusts (1 st woe) 1062 (9:13) Turks invade Euphratean Angels loosed 1062 ( 16:2) French Rev’n On earth 1793 ( 16:3) British blockade On sea 1794 (16:4) Napoleon invades On rivers 1795 (16:8) Royalty eclipsed On sun 1805 16:10 Religiou s / civil eclipse On beast 1809 16:12 Demise of Turks On Euphrates + frog spitits 1827 16:17 Armag- eddon 7 Thunder s ????? 7 th Trumpet (3 rd woe) ch.11:15 Contains the vials 7 th Seal (ch.8:1) contains the 7 trumpets & lasts until the kingdom > > > Earthquake,- ch.6:12 – Pseudo Christianity becomes the state religion Sea Beast Rev.13:1 (10 horns crowned) Barbarian nations invade Western Emp. Earth Beast (2 Horns) – Emperor in Vienna & Pope in Rome (Holy Roman empire) Rev.13:11 425 Earth & Woman witness 1260 days – ch.11:3 1685 Diminishing of Protestant witnessing Scarlet Beast/Whore Rev.17:3 Europe/Papacy (False Prophet) Political death of witnesses for 105 years Political ascension - ch.11:12 312 – ‘Christianity becomes state religion 1572 = Massacre of St. Bartholomew 425 = ‘Protestant’ witness begins, Nestorius v Arianism 1685 = Edict of Nantes revoked – witness crushed Red Dragon - Pagan Rome – 7 heads 10 h Dragon moves East as Constantine makes his capital Constantinople Dragon moves North to Moscow 312 Saints witness 42 months (11:2) 1572 7 Ecclesias Ch.2&3 Red Dragon – Pagan Rome – 7 Heads 10 horns Dan.7:7 & Rev.12:3 - crowns on heads – representing different forms of government in the pagan empire Earthquake ch.11:13 French Rev.’n Resulting in a religion of Humanism Faithful remnant Revival of the truth Papal power to persecute removed 2 legs of Image – Dan.2 Earthquake – ch.16:18 resulting in true Christianity Kingdom established AD 96 Ch.6Ch.8&9 Ch.7 ↓ Ch.10 → ↑ Ch.11 ↓ Ch.12 ↓ ↑ Ch.13 ↑ Ch.14 ↓ Ch.15&16


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