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Chapter 4 Test on Friday!!! Define and draw a picture for the following vocabulary/people using 3 column format- direct democracy representative democracy.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 Test on Friday!!! Define and draw a picture for the following vocabulary/people using 3 column format- direct democracy representative democracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 Test on Friday!!! Define and draw a picture for the following vocabulary/people using 3 column format- direct democracy representative democracy philosopher Pericles Aspasia Ch 4 Sec 4 Age of Pericles Date RAP (left page)

2 Ch 4 Sec 4 Age of Pericles Date WOW Athenian Empire – Under Pericles, Athens became very powerful and more democratic. Delian League Persians still remained a threat 478 BC: Athens joins with other city-states to form the Delian League Headquarters: Island of Delos Treasurers, commanders, and most of the troops came from Athens Athens gained all control to eventually make the Athenian Empire 454 BC: moved the treasury to Athens and sent troops to other city-states to help free them from nobles

3 Achievements of Pericles Leading figure after the Persian Wars General Guided Athens for more than 30 years Helped dominate the Delian League Treated other city-states like subjects, forcing them to be loyal and pay tribute Had to use Athenian coins and measures Ch 4 Sec 4 Age of Pericles Date WOW

4 Made Athens more democratic Believed talents were more important than social standing Allowed lower-class citizens to run for public office and paid them Started major rebuilding program in Athens Supported artists, architects, writers, and philosophers Ch 4 Sec 4 Age of Pericles Date WOW Achievements of Pericles

5 Democracy in Athens Direct Democracy (Athens) vs. Representative Democracy (Present-Day US) Why does Direct Democracy work in Athens and not in the US?? Assembly held every 10 days to pass laws, elect officials, and make decisions on war and foreign issues Ch 4 Sec 4 Age of Pericles Date WOW

6 Background Info on Pericles General during Persian War Guided Athens for more than 30 years Encouraged cultural growth Strong supporter of democracy Ch 4 Sec 4 Age of Pericles Date WOW

7 Daily Life in Athens 285,000 residents in 400 BC Slavery very common Depended on farming and herding to make living, but did not have enough farmland Imported grain from other places Became trading center of Greek world Ch 4 Sec 4 Age of Pericles Date WOW

8 Roles of Men and Women Men worked in the morning, exercised or attended meetings of the assembly, then went to all-male gatherings Women: life revolved around the home, girls married at 14 or 15, had children and took care of household (rarely went out and had to be with a man) Women sometimes learned to read or play music Women had no political rights and could not own property Aspasia: not Athenian, taught public speaking, and influenced the famous philosopher Plato and Pericles Ch 4 Sec 4 Age of Pericles Date WOW

9 The Peloponnesian War Other city-states grew suspicious of Athenian Empire and joined forces with Sparta War broke out in 431 BC and lasted until 404 BC Pericles’ Funeral Oration: reminded Athens of the power of democracy and gave them courage Sparta surrounded Athens, but Athens used navy to bring them supplies Ch 4 Sec 4 Age of Pericles Date WOW

10 Peloponnesian War 2 nd year of siege: deadly disease hit Athens and killed 1/3 of the people, including Pericles The standoff continued for another 25 years Deal of the Devil: Spartan made deal with Persian Empire 405 BC: Sparta’s new navy destroyed the Athens fleet and Athens surrendered Ch 4 Sec 4 Age of Pericles Date WOW

11 Effects of Peloponnesian War Athenian Empire collapses Weakened all major city-states Many people killed and farms destroyed Many people were jobless No unity Sparta tried to rule all of Greece, but city-states rebelled and fighting broke out again Ch 4 Sec 4 Age of Pericles Date WOW

12 Pericles’ Funeral Oration “Our constitution is called a democracy because power is not in the hands of a minority, but of the whole people. When it is a question of settling private disputes, everyone is equal before the law; when it is a question of putting one person before another in positions of public responsibility, what counts is not membership of a particular class, but the actual ability which the man possesses. No one is kept out of government because of poverty. And, just as our political life is free and open, so is our day-to-day life in our relations with each other.” (Recorded by Thucydides) (In your book on pg 145) Ch 4 Sec 4 Age of Pericles Date

13 WIO Chapter 4 page 148-149 Assessment and review: Answer questions 1-20 in your ISN Ch 4 Sec 4 Age of Pericles Date

14 Where Do These Passages Come From???? “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Ch 4 Sec 4 Age of Pericles Date

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