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Willie Cruickshank.

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Presentation on theme: "Willie Cruickshank."— Presentation transcript:

1 Willie Cruickshank

2 Dementia Friendly Communties
Why and What?

3 Aging society means more people likely to develop dementia ( no cure or disease modifying traetments in sight).

4 Suffolk has older than national average population – ergo, high prevalence of dementia.

5 Does XXXX help to make the area a good place to live for people with dementia?
Overall GP Surgery KEY Church Always Usually Bank Person with Dementia Café/pubs Carer Neighbours Local Shops Supermarket Survey conducted in 2012 –(417 respondents) on subjective opinion of dementia frienbdlyness in Norfolk & Suffolk Carers more pessimistic views Library Council Bus Leisure 2012

6 Lonely in the last month
Of people with Dementia Living alone feel lonely Of people with Dementia feel lonely National survey conducted in 2013 Of over 55s have felt Lonely in the last month

7 People with dementia feel their biggest barriers
69% Of people with dementia did not feel they could contribute to their community However, when people thought they could, suggestions included 10% Socialising 8% Volunteering 6% Sharing skills 3% Helping out at religious services People with dementia feel their biggest barriers To participating in their local area are: 69% 68% 60% 59% 59% 44% 33% 33% Provided insight into how people with dementia feel about their community Lack of confidence Worried about becoming confused Getting lost Mobility difficulties Physical health Not wanting to be a burden Transport Lack of opportunity

8 Getting out of the house Have had to give up everything
Of survey respondents feel a part of their community When asked what they have had to stop doing, people said: Dementia – impact on life (and for carer too) 28% Getting out of the house 22% Exercise 16% Transport 23% Shopping 9% Have had to give up everything

9 Dementia is a disability

10 35% 10% 63% When asked how often they left the house: 14% 10% 35%
Go out once a WEEK or less 10% Go out once a MONTH or less 63% Of people with dementia do not wish to try new things in their community To do it people with dementia want Impact of disability is significant 14% Better transport 10% Improved health Of which 14% Want more activities 35% More care and support

11 33% 74% 47% 40% 3% The opportunity for change: Source: YouGov
Of people think that shops and local businesses would benefit in areas where people with dementia were supported to be more involved in their local community 74% Think supporting people to Be a part of the community Would help reduce stigma 47% Think that dementia-friendly Areas would be nicer places For everyone to live 40% Think everyone has a role to play to support people with dementia in their community 3% Think that people with dementia don’t have anything to offer their communities This is the time to change – the opportunity is here. Source: YouGov

12 Dementia Challenge Launched in March 2012 with 3 Champion Groups
The Prime Minister’s Dementia Challenge Launched in March 2012 with 3 Champion Groups Health and Care (Alistair) Improving Dementia Research Creating Dementia Friendly Communities Angela Rippon and Jeremy Hughes, Alzheimer’s Society Co-Chairs That is why PM challenge included DFCs

13 What are Dementia Friendly Communities?
“A dementia-friendly community is one in which people with dementia are empowered to have aspirations and feel confident, knowing they can contribute and participate in activities that are meaningful to them.”  DFC is defined as

14 Creating a system of recognition
The Dementia Friendly Communities Champion Group has been working with the Alzheimer’s Society and the Dementia Action Alliance on a programme of work on these main issues: Getting evidence from people with dementia and carers about what would make it possible for them to live better in their community Creating a system of recognition Creating local Dementia Action Alliances Educating the public so that more people understand dementia The group are working on…..

15 If you want to become a DFC there is guidance out there.

16 FOUNDATION CRITERIA Make sure you have the right local structure in place to maintain a sustainable dementia friendly community Identify a person or people to take responsibility for driving forward the work to support your community to become dementia friendly and ensure that individuals, organisations and businesses are meeting their stated commitments Have a plan to raise awareness about dementia in key organisations and businesses within the community that support people with dementia Develop a strong voice for people with dementia living in your communities. This will give your plan credibility and will make sure it focuses on areas people with dementia feel are most important Raise the profile of your work to increase reach and awareness to different groups in the community Focus your plans on a number of key areas that have been identified locally Have in place a plan or system to update the progress of your community after six months and one year Foundation criteria are…..

17 …..Developments At the Alzheimer's Society Annual Conference, on 9 July, they will be launching the: Code of practice for the recognition of dementia friendly communities and the Local Government Association guidance for Dementia Friendly Communities Geoff Moore is our East of England DFC lead BUT – there are changes afoot so sit tight

18 Its not rocket science.

19 Willie Cruickshank

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