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INSTRUMENTATION/ OID / L. Pasquini/ 1 ____________________________________________________________ FLAMES COORDINATION AND INTERFACES. FIELD CORRECTOR.

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Presentation on theme: "INSTRUMENTATION/ OID / L. Pasquini/ 1 ____________________________________________________________ FLAMES COORDINATION AND INTERFACES. FIELD CORRECTOR."— Presentation transcript:

1 INSTRUMENTATION/ OID / L. Pasquini/ 1 ____________________________________________________________ FLAMES COORDINATION AND INTERFACES. FIELD CORRECTOR. CALIBRATION UNIT (ESO) FIBRE POSITIONER (AAO and Mt. Stromlo) GIRAFFE: Fibres, Spectrograph Mechanics (Meudon), Optics, Gratings, Control Electronics & SW, Detector, Integration, Testing (ESO) DATA REDUCTION & ANALYSIS (Geneve- Lausanne) FIBRE LINK TO UVES (ESO-Meudon- ITALConsortium) SUPER-OS and OPERATIONS (ESO, ITAL Consortium)

2 INSTRUMENTATION/ L. Pasquini/ 2 ____________________________________________________________ FLAMES Basic FLAMES Characteristics FOV 25 arcminutes diameter Positioning fibres on one plate while observing with the other plate 8 objects to UVES - Red arm, R=45000, 1 simultaneous WLC Fibre for accurate RV 132 Objects GIRAFFE Medusa 1.2 arcseconds, R=15000 and R=7000 15 Objects GIRAFFE IFU 2.5x3.5’’, R=22000 and R=9000 1 GIRAFFE ARGUS, Integral Field 7x11’’ (0.5’’ sampling; 4.2x6.6’’ with 0.3’’ sampling) R=22000 and R=9000 Possibility of simultaneous GIRAFFE and UVES observations Provision for additional spectrograph

3 INSTRUMENTATION/L.Pasquini/3 ____________________________________________________________ FLAMES POSITIONER Efficient Operations (positioning while obs., <10 sec/fibre, <5 min plate exch.) Positioning accuracy (< 0.15 arcsec), and stability (< 0.05 arcsec/2 hours) 4 FACBs (3X3 arcsec imaging bundles) for centering and secondary guiding Small distance between buttons (<10 arcsec); 11 arcsec due to button size Low fibre stress, bending, twisting (Fibre photometric stability) Calibration unit for FF and Th-A (2 min/setup, accurate FF flux calibration) Argus: 2 scales and ADC

4 INSTRUMENTATION/ L. Pasquini ___________________________________________________________ FLAMES CORRECTOR OPTICS: BK7 Doublet Transmission: Better than 85% in the 370-900 nm range (single layer MgF2 coating) FoV: 25 arcminutes Optical Quality: Better than 0.25 arcseconds (100% energy) over the whole FoV Nasmyth Calibration Unit: To be used with Nasmyth Screen for additional calibrations (FF and fibre transmission) Exit pupil: concentric to the field curvature End of September 2001 commissioning at Paranal

5 INSTRUMENTATION/ L. Pasquini ____________________________________________________________ FLAMES FIBRES 8 UVES fibres/plate; 1 arcsec, (+ 1 fibre for simultaneous calibration) 132 MEDUSA (1.2 arcsec)/plate 15 IFUs (+ 15 IFU sky)/plate (2x3 arcsec, 0.52” sampling) 1 ARGUS (1 plate) +15Argus sky (7x11 arcsec with 0.52” sampling) 5 Simultaneous Th-A spectra for EACH observation Fibre photometric stability (< 2%) Transmission exceeding specs

6 INSTRUMENTATION/ L. Pasquini ____________________________________________________________ FLAMES GIRAFFE MEDUSA: separation 2.3 core (<0.3% contamination), sampling ~6 pixels IFUs and ARGUS: separation 1.4 core (<20% contamination), sampling ~2.5 pixels One 2x4K EEV detector (Bruce) 18 cm beam, dioptric spectrograph 2 gratings: (HR: 316 l/mm, 63.6 blaze; LR: 600 l/mm, 34 blaze) Sorting Order Filters (Very Efficient)! Stability: < 1 micron/hour Repeatability: 0.3 pixels/day perpendicular to dispersion Fixed setups (22 HR,8 LR) 370-950nm Radial velocity specs: 1% resolution for V>17.5 G stars

7 INSTRUMENTATION/ L. Pasquini ____________________________________________________________ FLAMES Link to UVES RED ARM HARDWARE modifications to UVES implemented. 3 Standard UVES RED Setups (520, 580, 860 nm) R ~ 45000 Separation: 1.7 arcsec; contamination < 5 % 8 Objects (eventually 1 to sky, no default sky fibre) 7 Objects + 1 Simultaneous calibration (Accurate radial velocities) 6 Objects (Overlap between orders at the blue edge, below 480 nm) Efficiency: 50-60% of the UVES RED standard mode

8 INSTRUMENTATION/ L. Pasquini ____________________________________________________________ FLAMES FLAMES OBSERVING MODES MEDUSA (GIRMED) IFU (GIRIFU) ARGUS (GIRARG) UVES (UVES) UVES Simultaneous (UVES_SIM) Combined UVES + MEDUSA (COMMED) Combined UVES + IFU (COMIFU) Combined UVES + Argus (COMARG)

9 INSTRUMENTATION/ L. Pasquini ____________________________________________________________ FLAMES CALIBRATIONS Calibrations should be taken in day-time to maximize observations STANDARD Calibrations with Positioner: Fibre-Fibre transmission < 2%, Pixel-Pixel variations < 0.5 %, taken in day-time. STANDARD Calibrations will not need to be defined by users For GIRAFFE: all spectra will have 5 fibres dedicated to simultaneous Th-A If STANDARD calibrations not enough: “Attached” FF calibrations with Nasmyth screen illumination system, BUT night time Very large number of possible set-ups (Giraffe: 30*5=150; UVES: 3*4=12) : limited number of setups/night, fixed configurations.

10 INSTRUMENTATION/ L. Pasquini ____________________________________________________________ FLAMES LIMITATIONS and WARNINGS ASTROMETRY! a) better than ~0.3 arcsec relative b) VLT Guide star and Fiducial (FACBs) stars in the same astrometric system as targets ATMOSPHERE! Differential refraction and dispersion (although positioner will position the fibre at the postion corresponding to middle of the exposure) Calibrations: limited number (4-5) of setups / night FIXED setups: (e.g. not tunable wavelength domain, no choice of CCD settings, no choice of echelle order, resolving power….) Short exposures --> low duty cycles

11 VLT INSTRUMENTATION STC 53, April 24-25,2002 FLAMES Installation and commissioning beginning of October 2001 Nasmyth illumination system January 2002 L. Pasquini April 2002 CORRECTOR

12 VLT INSTRUMENTATION STC 53, April 24-25,2002 FLAMES All Fibres have been delivered to ESO and mounted on Oz Poz. 5 fibres (out of 1200) were damaged and were repaired. L. Pasquini April 2002 FIBRE SYSTEM

13 VLT INSTRUMENTATION STC 53, April 24-25,2002 FLAMES After PAA, Oz Poz integrated in Paranal and COMM1 took place end March 2002 Quite successful, accuracy plate geometry 0.001, problem with R encoder and friction due to lower temperature at Paranal; will be fixed in June 2002. L. Pasquini April 2002 OZ POZ INTEGRATION COMM 1

14 VLT INSTRUMENTATION STC 53, April 24-25,2002 FLAMES On March 31 acquisition first 7 spectra of giants in O Cen. Exposures of 5, 10 and 10 minutes last made with FLAMES OS. R=47000 Operating whole night from Control Room. Reduced with DRS on the spot L. Pasquini April 2002 FIRST LIGHT UVES FIBRES March 31

15 VLT INSTRUMENTATION STC 53, April 24-25,2002 FLAMES After first laboratory light on Dec 16, PAE was granted to Giraffe in March 2002 + Very good resolving power and image quality, Resolution, Calibrations for all 30 setups - Lower efficiency (Blue); H-R grating under spec, will be replaced as soon as possible L. Pasquini April 2002 GIRAFFE PAE March 2002

16 VLT INSTRUMENTATION STC 53, April 24-25,2002 FLAMES L. Pasquini April 2002 GIRAFFE FIRST LIGHT JULY 2, MEDUSA, 60 fibres, 543.1 nm, R=6000

17 VLT INSTRUMENTATION STC 53, April 24-25,2002 FLAMES Long Way to go… Fix the Positioner Robot Complete Fibre Mounting & HW Fine Tuning Giraffe Plate Geometry at 10 -4 Functioning FACBs Positioner Calibration Unit Characterize UVES Characterize Giraffe …... GIRAFFE re-integrated on platform and tested (2 weeks). No major problems NEXT COMMISSIONING RUN (Oz Poz, Oz Poz + UVES, GIRAFFE) August 18 Sept. 3 L. Pasquini April 2002 STATUS and DEVELOPMENT

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