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MGT Family Business Management

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1 MGT 4550 - Family Business Management
MULTIPLE GENERATIONS - ROLES IN THE FAMILY BUSINESS Chapter 3 Family Business Management, Concepts and Practice by A. Bakr Ibrahim & Willard H. Ellis Instructor: Dr. Irene Duhaime

2 Class Schedule - Week 3 MULTIPLE GENERATIONS - ROLES IN THE FAMILY BUSINESS Reading: Chapter 3 Dual Relationship Case: The Steinberg Family, FBM, p.57 Precista Tools, FBM, p.157 Questions 73, 74, 78, 90, 91 from FBAB PROJECT TEAMS TO BE ASSIGNED

3 Content The Social and Business Functions
The Overlap between Functions The Problem of Carry-over Forming One’s Own Identity - Daddy’s Little Girl The Path of Self-evaluation continued ….

4 Content Expectations and Exploitations Zone of Comfort Nepotism
…. continued Expectations and Exploitations Zone of Comfort Nepotism Confusion Supervising Family Members The Art of Disengagement

5 The Social and Business Functions
Dual Relationship Social Function (Family) Decision-making based on emotional and biological imperatives Business Function (Family Business) Decision-making based on objective, rational economic model

6 The overlap between functions
Value Conflict Consists of different sub-systems of the family and the business Each sub-system affects and is affected by the other parts of the system Overlaps cause dysfunction

7 The Overlap between Functions

8 The Problem of Carry-over
Create situations of: no-win transfer of family problems to non-family employees disruption due to family feuds difficulty in distinguishing between roles in family & roles in the business

9 Forming One’s Own Identity - Daddy’s Little Girl
Suppression of identity for offspring Tendency for gender biases to influence decision-making

10 The Path of Self-evaluation
Offspring often: crave autonomy are not prepared for succeeding the founder

11 Expectations and Exploitations
Offspring are often required to meet family expectations Elder family members may exploit younger family members difficult to say ‘no’ working long hours little compensation

12 Zone of Comfort “...establishing well-defined inter-personal boundaries is critical in family firms” to avoid negative impact on family life

13 Nepotism “The advancement of family members on the basis of their relationship in the social function rather than on their qualifications...” Causes some family businesses to lose talented staff

14 Confusion Confusion over Rules and Roles
Acceptable practices e.g. in succession or hiring

15 Supervising Family Members
Hard to criticize elder Hard to evaluate close family members Family members must learn the art of constructive criticism. Senior family members must take the lead to explain the benefits of being open and candid.

16 The Art of Disengagement
Box 3.2 The Art of Disengagement Formulate clear organizational goals, objectives and strategy. Design job descriptions. Establish policy and procedure guide. Design the organization chart. Develop the strategic plan. Prepare a code of conduct. Establish performance evaluation measures. Develop a succession plan.

The Steinberg Family, FBM, p.57 Precista Tools, FBM, p.157 Questions 73, 74, 78, 90, 91 from FBAB


Reading: Chapter 4 Case: Northern Construction Inc., FBM, P.203 Questions 9, 24, 59, 70, 77, 85, 86, 90 FBAB

20 Question 73 Is it a good idea to spend time together away from the business? Can you ever really have a separation between family and business?

21 Question 74 When you and your sibling are contemplating joining the family business, what should you, your sibling and your parents have in mind concerning sibling relationships and roles?

22 Question 83 Should advisors be or become personal friends ?

23 Question 90 What are the different types of company cultures that can exist in a family business and does it matter for family harmony and good business ? What can you do to emphasize more, the culture’s good points and change its negative ones?

24 Question 91 How do you get management and employees to buy in to culture? How do you also market that culture to attract employees and customers plus impress others in the industry?

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