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From Paragraphs to Essays English Writing 2015/10/231.

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Presentation on theme: "From Paragraphs to Essays English Writing 2015/10/231."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Paragraphs to Essays English Writing 2015/10/231

2 2 essaysparagraphssentences

3 Paragraphs

4 A Chinese paragraph 同居對現代的年輕人似乎已成為一種新的潮流。在他們的想 法裡,也許會覺得同居在一起,可以互相學習、互相分享自 己的生活經驗,在結婚前提早知道彼此是否合得來, 但他們 往往沒考慮到住在一起所須面對的問題 (INTRODUCTION) 。 例如:金錢方面,住在一起不像住在家裡,可以用家裡的、 吃家裡的,不須花到自己的錢,樣樣不必自己動手、自己來。 住外面的話,各方面都得花自己的錢,如果彼此沒有經濟能 力,想必會是非常辛苦的,必須常常為了錢的事而煩惱,生 活品質也就不會有多高了。在來就是安全方面了,住在一起 每個人都有自己的生活方式,當對方彼此看不慣其生活方式 時,爭吵就難免的了。如果處理不當,也許爭吵就會變成打 鬥,悲劇就釀成了。在法律方面,同居是沒有保障的。如果 女生懷孕的話,她無法控告男生,他們沒有結婚,法律上並 不附與保障,他們只能私底下自己解決問題,這對女生來說, 似乎不怎麼公平。同居要面對的問題很多,同時也必須接受 別人的閒言閒語,所以,我非常不同意同居 (MAIN IDEA/TOPIC SENTENCE) 。

5 The paragraph organization in Chinese Introduction/Opening Development: explanation, description Conclusion (main idea )

6 An English Paragraph It’s important to complete my college education for three reasons. First, having a college degree is the basic qualification on the job market. Because, the times to make progress, everyone have the university and Master degree, if I don’t take this degree I can’t earn much money. For example, my friend has a college degree, and her salary higher than me. Second, it’s a dream to be an English teacher. Because, I have to improvement all English knowledge and skills, For instance, at present, many students are very smart. Learning more about English is important. If I don’t have learned a lot of knowledge how can I teach students? Third, I want save my money and time. Because, I study that I can’t spend money and kill time in the weekend. So I can save my shopping money and I can’t waste my time in the holiday. For example, in the weekend, I usually go shopping to buy some fashionable things, and go café shop to kill my time. So study is good for me. In conclusion, it’s never too old to learn. I can study forever until end.

7 The paragraph organization in Chinese (Opening) Topic Sentence Development: explanation, description, examples Conclusion

8 What is NOT a paragraph? A paragraph is not a collection of random and unrelated sentences.

9 What IS a paragraph? Paragraph IdeasOrganizedExpression A paragraphs is an organized expression of ideas.

10 Is it a paragraph? Nowadays, there are so many young girls go to abortion. Why are they so negligent? Obviously, they do not think they will get pregnant. So they have not protect themselves. We know sex education is very important. The more you know, the safer you have. Abortion is bad for body, and young girls may get hurt by abortion. Is the text on the left an organized expression of the writer’s ideas? –What is the main topic? –Is it organized? –Are the sentences well- formed? Your Answer?

11 Is it a paragraph? Euthanasia is still a controversial problem. Some people agree that euthanasia should be endorsed by law. When a patient has a serious illness and he or she cannot stand the pain any more, the patient should have the right to relieve their pain by instant death. A quick and painless relief is more human than an long-lasting pain. Is the text on the left an organized expression of the writer’s ideas? –What is the main topic? –Is it organized? –Are the sentences well-formed? Your conclusion?

12 Is it a paragraph? Euthanasia is still a controversial problem. Some people agree that euthanasia should be endorsed by law. When a patient has a serious illness and he or she cannot stand the pain any more, the patient should have the right to relieve their pain by instant death. A quick and painless relief is more human than an long-lasting pain. Is the text on the left an organized expression of the writer’s ideas? –What is the main topic? –Is it organized? –Are the sentences well-formed? Your conclusion?

13 The typical structure of a paragraph 132015/10/23

14 What is a topic sentence? A topic sentence tells –a main topic –controlling ideas Example –High college tuition is imposing a negative impact on the students from the poor families. –Main topic? High college tuition is imposing an impact on students –Controlling ideas? a negative impact on the students from the poor families

15 What does a topic sentence do in a paragraph? The main idea of a topic sentence announces the general topic of the paragraph –What the paragraph is about The controlling ideas of a topic sentence show –What specific ideas will be discussed. –How the paragraph will be possibly developed.

16 Essays

17 What is an essay? Form –Multiple paragraphs –Standard 5 paragraphs Function –To present your ideas/arguments in detail 172015/10/23

18 Main Types of Essays Narrative essays –To tell a story Comparison/contrast essays –To make a comparison/contrast Cause-effect essays –To discuss reasons or influences on a subject Argumentative essays –To present your opinions 182015/10/23

19 Paragraphs vs. Essays Topic sentence ------  Supporting idea A.--  Supporting idea B.--  Supporting idea C.--  Conclusion -----------  Introductory paragraph (thesis statement) Paragraphs A Paragraphs B Paragraph C Concluding paragraph 192015/10/23

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