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Canadian Foodgrains Bank & CRWRC. What is the Canadian Foodgrains Bank? A Christian response to hunger CFGB is a partnership of 15 Canadian church agencies,

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian Foodgrains Bank & CRWRC. What is the Canadian Foodgrains Bank? A Christian response to hunger CFGB is a partnership of 15 Canadian church agencies,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Foodgrains Bank & CRWRC

2 What is the Canadian Foodgrains Bank? A Christian response to hunger CFGB is a partnership of 15 Canadian church agencies, which together seek a Christian response to hunger by Ending Hunger by supporting partnerships and activities overseas, influencing necessary changes in public policies, and deepening the involvement of Canadians

3 How does CFGB work? $20 million in CIDA matching funds available to member agencies at a 4:1 ratio Food Security Fund CFGB General Fund Member Agency Accounts $8.4 million

4 Types of CFGB funded projects Food Aid – providing food to people in need Seed Distribution – rehabilitating lost crop Food Security – assisting households and communities to produce food for themselves or to earn the income they need to purchase food Complementary Nutrition - activities that deal with other factors that affect nutrition and health

5 How does CFGB work with CRWRC $

6 CRWRC’s CFGB Account 07/08 Donated Grain Value: $614,502 Grain tonnage: 2,781 Cash Donations: $396,745 Total Donations: $1,011,247

7 Leveraging our equity

8 Mozambique 35 projects in 16 countries 15,570 MT of food to 540,000 people CRWRC Programming

9 Increasing Food Prices There are about 1.2 billion people who live on $1 a day or less. Many use 80-90 percent of that income to obtain food. Price Increases, March 2007 – March 2008 Corn Rice Soya Wheat Source: Bloomberg, except rice: FAO/Jackson Son & Co

10 FOOD FOR WORK PROJECT IN MALI MALI ALGERIA MAURITANIA WESTERN SAHARA SENEGAL NIGER GUINEA LIBERIA SIERRA LEONE IVORY COAST BURKINA FASO GHANA NIGERIA BENIN TOGO Fast Facts: Population: 11,995,402 Literacy rate: 46.4% Life expectancy: 49.5 Population below poverty line: 64% Religions: Muslim 90%, indigenous beliefs 9%, Christian 1% In July 2007 floods destroyed or damaged dams and agricultural wells. The food-for-work project repaired two dams, rebuilt 211 garden ploys and 596 agricultural wells. Bamako Mopti











21 For more information, contact: CRWRC- Canada 3475 Mainway Burlington, ON L7R 3Y8 905-336-2920 1-800-730-3490

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