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Chapter 8 Secret and Public Keys. FIGURE 8.0.F01: Using a passphrase for a file encryption key.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Secret and Public Keys. FIGURE 8.0.F01: Using a passphrase for a file encryption key."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 Secret and Public Keys

2 FIGURE 8.0.F01: Using a passphrase for a file encryption key.

3 FIGURE 8.0.F02: Hashing a passphrase for a file encryption key.

4 FIGURE 8.0.F03: Reusing the same key stream. Courtesy of Dr. Richard Smith

5 FIGURE 8.0.F04: Eliminating both key streams with “xor.” Courtesy of Dr. Richard Smith

6 FIGURE 8.0.F05: Using a nonce to construct the encryption key.

7 FIGURE 8.0.F06: Wrapping a key: The KEK encrypts the CEK.

8 FIGURE 8.0.F07: Key splitting with xor.

9 FIGURE 8.0.F08: Separation of Duty for an early nuclear missile. Photographed by Dr. Richard Smith at the Titan Missile Museum

10 FIGURE 8.0.F09: Keys on the DVD hidden track.

11 FIGURE 8.0.F10: Decrypting a DVD sector.

12 FIGURE 8.0.F11: Public-key encryption.

13 FIGURE 8.0.F12: Constructing the public/private key pair.

14 TABLE 8.0.T01: Comparison of secret-key and public-key crypto

15 FIGURE 8.0.F13: Asymmetric encryption algorithms.

16 FIGURE 8.0.F14: Procedure for Diffie-Hellman secret sharing.

17 EQUATION 8.0.Eq01

18 EQUATION 8.0.Eq02

19 EQUATION 8.0.Eq03

20 FIGURE 8.0.F15: Encapsulating a key with Alice’s RSA public key.

21 FIGURE 8.0.F16: Retrieving the key with Alice’s RSA private key.

22 FIGURE 8.0.F17: Constructing an RSA key pair.

23 EQUATION 8.0.Eq04

24 TABLE 8.0.T02: Comparable Key Sizes

25 FIGURE 8.0.F18: Bit-flipping attack on encryption with xor.

26 FIGURE 8.0.F19: Data encrypted with its checksum.

27 FIGURE 8.0.F20: An IOU with an adjustable check value.

28 EQUATION 8.0.Eq05

29 FIGURE 8.0.F21: Encrypting a hash: two steps.

30 FIGURE 8.0.F22: Keying a hash: one step.

31 FIGURE 8.0.F23: Signing a check with a digital signature.

32 FIGURE 8.0.F24: Constructing an RSA digital signature.

33 FIGURE 8.0.F25: Verifying an RSA digital signature.

34 FIGURE 8.0.F26: Eve performs a bucket brigade attack.

35 FIGURE 8.0.F27: Constructing a public-key certificate for Alice.

36 FIGURE 8.0.F28: Checking a certificate chain.

37 FIGURE 8.0.F29: A certificate hierarchy that spans multiple enterprises.

38 FIGURE 8.0.F30: A web of trust.

39 FIGURE 8.0.F31: Procedure for verifying a software update.

40 FIGURE 8.0.F32: A set of processes for trusted software update.

41 FIGURE 8.0.F33: Little brother’s encryption program.

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