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The Evolving Role of Women By: Namrata Joshi. Definition of Feminism Today The doctorine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal.

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Presentation on theme: "The Evolving Role of Women By: Namrata Joshi. Definition of Feminism Today The doctorine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Evolving Role of Women By: Namrata Joshi

2 Definition of Feminism Today The doctorine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men. According to Thesis: As time has progressed, so has society’s view of women as indicated by the steady shift in literature.


4 The Service for Representing Adam Prime example of what women were thought to be in the Medieval Period Adam blames Eve He is portrayed as stronger and her creator He portrays himself as Eve’s “partner and stronger than [she]” (44). Adam says, “Through you I am dead, thus I have lost life” (541).

5 Figure says to Adam, “Born of you, she is no stranger” (18). In this irony, the male view of women in the Medieval Period is seen Eve is known throughout history as the woman who has lead man to fault, yet she was created from him If Adam is seen as stronger than Eve, why cant he resist temptation on his own?

6 The Renaissance Characteristics of the Renaissance Woman: Be Lecherous Needing control by a man Overly Sexual Serve Men Good at running a household Some were educated at lower levels

7 The Duchess of Malfi Callous brothers try to control her She rules over her dutchi without the aid of a man, commanding respect Rules even after her secret marriage to Antonio Compared to Elizabeth I –Never married –Not lost behind the name of a man

8 The Duchess rules over her people while balancing a family efficiently She stands against the dominant male figures, ultimately doing what makes her happy She announces, “I am the Duchess of Malfi.” –She is a sum of the parts –In spite of the trials and tribulations she endures, she proves her strength

9 Elizabeth Oakes “The Duchess of Malfi as a Tragedy of Identity” “In this play, the Duchess comports herself in a way that is congruent with society’s mores.” Her brother, Ferdinand does not want her to remarry for his own personal reasons –“He, not her society is condeming her to a life of solitude.” –The widows economic power empowers her and allows her to make her own choices. (Oakes)

10 Society forces her situation upon her, but she overcomes it “What fortune I have, I have it from my [deceased] husband and a widow is free.” The Duchess values her own power and this is important.

11 Shakespeare Brilliant playwright for his time While women were still viewed as inferior, he satirizes society by giving women in his plays key, influential roles.

12 Titus Andronicus Lavinia- one of the most gruesome images “Her hands cut off, and her tongue cut out, and ravished” (2.4) Shakespeare shows the lengths people will go through to avenge the wrong doings of those they love Tamora, Queen of the Goth is forced by Titus to marry She seeks revenge and thus Lavinia is violated

13 The two women in the play ultimatley control what happens to the other characters Cause and Effect set up –Wrong doings done to Titus and his family –How he obtains revenge Titus’ plans for revenge fueled by his mutilated daughter and the crimes against her –He becomes more enraged every time he sees her Had Tamora not injured Titus’ family, he would not have had to plot revenge through a counter attack –Ex: Serving her sons body to her

14 Metamorphoses Titus was a noble man who became consumed with obtaining revenge The women mirror this when they each undergo their own metamorphosis –Tamora refuses to hear Lavinias plea –Lavinia is so enraged at Tamora’s sons that she temporarily becomes insane until she can reveal who hurt her The women are vital even though it is not blatantly obvious


16 Titus Andronicus –Gruesome –Shocking –Women are significant and necessary –Tragedy Comedy of Errors –Slapstick humor –Also unbelievable –The twins are significant –Comedy

17 The Comedy of Errors ADRIANA –Wife of Antipholus of Ephesus Believes women should NOT be at a man’s command Women are self thinking Women are independent “This fool begged patience in thee will be left” (2.1 41) Finds her sister ridiculous and naiive LUCIANA –Unmarried Believes women SHOULD be at a man’s command Women should be subservient Women’s role is as inferior to men and that is their purpose Men are “masters to their females, and their lords” (2.1 24-25). Submissive obedience to men even if they cheat

18 Irony –The women are twins yet their ideas drastically differ –This is illustrated in Act II Adriana is angrily waiting for her husband’s arrival for dinner Luciana believevs Adriana should patiently wait because “a man is a master of liberty; time is their master, and when they see time they’ll go or come” (2.1 7-9). Adriana rebuttals by asking, “Why should their liberty than ours be more” (2.1 10).

19 If the women’s thinking was a product of their upbringing (society), they would have the same views Women indicate a shift in thinking –One is the stereotypical woman who was there to serve men –The other is the more powerful, new age woman who is capable of anything


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