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Normal blood sugars and how to achieve them. ‘High blood sugar is the hallmark of diabetes and the cause of every long-term complication of the disease’

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Presentation on theme: "Normal blood sugars and how to achieve them. ‘High blood sugar is the hallmark of diabetes and the cause of every long-term complication of the disease’"— Presentation transcript:

1 normal blood sugars and how to achieve them

2 ‘High blood sugar is the hallmark of diabetes and the cause of every long-term complication of the disease’ Dr. Richard Bernstein ‘Diabetes is clearly a disease of poor sugar metabolism and sugar (i.e. carbohydrate) is the dietary source of this imbalance.’ Dr. Wolfgang Lutz ‘Type 2 diabetes is a disease of carbohydrate overload’ Dr. Chris Allan ‘Replacing carbohydrates with saturated fat has a beneficial effect on blood sugar and cardiovascular health’ Dr. Jeff Volek, University of Connecticut

3 78 units per day 75% reduction

4 traditional diet normal glucose

5 our evolutionary history


7 High Dietary carbohydrate High blood sugar Excessive insulin Overeating & obesity Carbohydrate craving DIABETES

8 ‘ The fallacy that eating fat will make you fat is about as scientifically logical as saying that eating tomatoes will turn you red.’ Dr Richard Bernstein

9 15% 20%


11 September 2000September 2007 ‘traditional diet’low carbohydrate diet HbA1c7.6HbA1c4.6 Cholesterol ratio2.6Cholesterol ratio1.7 Body Mass Index28.9Body Mass Index21.8 Triglyceride1.7Triglyceride0.6 HDL cholesterol1.7HDL cholesterol3.0 LDL cholesterol2.4LDL cholesterol1.8

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