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The Bernays-Schönfinkel Fragment of First-Order Autoepistemic Logic Peter Baumgartner MPI Informatik, Saarbrücken.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bernays-Schönfinkel Fragment of First-Order Autoepistemic Logic Peter Baumgartner MPI Informatik, Saarbrücken."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bernays-Schönfinkel Fragment of First-Order Autoepistemic Logic Peter Baumgartner MPI Informatik, Saarbrücken

2 The BS Fragment of FO AEL2 Motivation Starting point: Some reasoning tasks on ontologies can naturally be expressed as specific model computation tasks BMW Rover BA Rover BuySell Com GT „BMW buys Rover from BA“ XML Schema

3 The BS Fragment of FO AEL3 Motivation DL with L -Operator - Inheritance - Roles - Integrity constraints BS-AEL BS-AEL Calculus Decide satisfiability of certain function-free clause sets S 1 … S n Epistemic Model Rules with L -Operator - Transfer of role fillers - Default values - Integrity Constraints BMW Rover BA Rover BuySell Com GT „BMW buys Rover from BA“

4 The BS Fragment of FO AEL4 Contents Semantics of Propositional Autoepistemic Logic Semantics of First-Order Autoepistemic Logic Transformation of Bernays-Schönfinkel Fragment of Autoepistemic Logic to clausal-like form Calculus to compute epistemic models for clausal-like forms

5 The BS Fragment of FO AEL5 Propositional Autoepistemic Logic

6 The BS Fragment of FO AEL6 Propositional Autoepistemic Logic – Examples (1)  = L A ( A "integrity constraint"), does not have an epistemic model: M I1I1 I2I2 AA :B:BB M is sound but not complete: take I :A:A :B:B

7 The BS Fragment of FO AEL7 Propositional Autoepistemic Logic – Examples (2)  = L A ! A ("select A or not") has two epistemic models M1M1 I1I1 A M 1 is complete: ({ : A }, M 1 ) ² L A ! A M2M2 I1I1 I2I2 A :A:A

8 The BS Fragment of FO AEL8 Propositional Autoepistemic Logic – Examples (3)  = A ! L A (" A is false by default") has one epistemic model M 1 M1M1 I1I1 :A:A ({ A }, M 1 ) ² A ! L A M3M3 I1I1 I2I2 A :A:A is not sound M2M2 I1I1 A ({ : A }, M 2 ) ² A ! L A is not complete:

9 The BS Fragment of FO AEL9 First-Order Autoepistemic Logic - Domains Assumptions - Constant domain assumption (CDA): every I 2 M has the same countable infinite domain | I | =  - Rigid term assumption (RTA): every ground  -term t evaluates to same value in every interpretation: for all I, J : I(t) = J(t) - Unique name assumption (UNA): different ground  -term s, t evaluate to different values: for all I : if s  t then I(s)  I(t) RTA+UNA justifies assumption that  contains all ground  -terms and that every ground  -terms evaluates to itself:  = HU(  ) [  *

10 The BS Fragment of FO AEL10  = HU(  ) [  * res(h)res(p) 9x acc(x)9y rej(y) hp r1r1 r2r2...  = { h, p }  * countably infinite and  * Å HU(  ) = ; HU(  ) ** - h and p are interpreted the same in every interpretation (rigid designators) - existentially quantified variables may be assigned different values in different interpretations ( I 1 vs. I 2 ) ( ! Skolemization requires flexible designators) - Other options:  * = {} or  * = {c} - Chosen option seems to be favourable also allows to model "named nullvalues"

11 The BS Fragment of FO AEL11 First-Order Autoepistemic Logic - Semantics

12 The BS Fragment of FO AEL12 First-Order Autoepistemic Logic – Examples (1)  = 9x P(x) Æ :L P(x) ("'Small' domains may not work") I 1 [x ! 0] M1M1 P(0) I 1 [x ! 0] M2M2 P(0) : P(1) is not sound I 2 [x ! 1] : P(0) P(1) I 3 [x ! 1] P(0) P(1) is epistemic model

13 The BS Fragment of FO AEL13 First-Order Autoepistemic Logic – Examples (2)  = 9x P(x) Æ L P(x) ("Elements from  * can be known"). Models: I 1 [x ! 0] M1M1 P(0) : P(1) P(0) P(1) I 2 [x ! 0] I 1 [x ! 1] M2M2 : P(0) P(1) P(0) P(1) I 2 [x ! 1]

14 The BS Fragment of FO AEL14 First-Order Autoepistemic Logic – Examples (3)  = P(a) Æ 8x L P(x) ("Herband Theorem does not hold") I 1 [x ! a] M1M1 P(a) I 1 [x ! a] M2M2 P(a) P(0) is a model (  * = ; ) I 1 [x ! 0] P(a) P(0) is not complete because of I = fP(a), :P(0)g

15 The BS Fragment of FO AEL15 Calculus Given: BS-AEL formula  = 9x 8y  (x,y) Questions: (1) Does  have an epistemic model? If yes, compute some/all (2) Given  ' Does  ' hold in some/all epistemic models of  ? (undecidable even if  ' is a non-modal Bernays-Schönfinkel Formula) Calculus for (1) - sound, complete and terminating for finite  * (infinite case can be reduced to finite case with sufficiently large  * ) - uses calls to decision procedure for function-free clause sets (e.g. any instance-based method) - first step: transformation of  to clausal-like form

16 The BS Fragment of FO AEL16 Skolemization causes Problems [Baader, Hollunder 95]  (1) implies (2)  But from (1) and (3), (4) does not follow  So, consequences depend from syntax! C D a R Possible Solution (not here) Apply rules to known objects only, those explicitly mentioned:

17 The BS Fragment of FO AEL17 Transformation to Clausal-like Form (1) Input: BS-AEL formula  = 9x 8y  (x,y) Problem 1: Skolemization (with rigid Skolem constants) is not correct: 9 x P(x) Æ 8y :L P(y) has an epistemic model P(c) Æ 8y :L P(y) does not have an epistemic model Therefore convert only 8y  (x,y) to clausal form Problem 2: Want to have L only in front of atoms Rationale: view L P(t) as atom L _ P(t) But L does not distribute over Ç, nested L 's Algorithm: See next slide Result: A conjunction of AEL-clauses equivalent to 8y  (x,y), where an AEL-clause is an implication of the form 8y (B 1 Æ... Æ B m Æ L B m+1 Æ... Æ L B n ! H 1 Ç... Ç H k Ç L H k+1 Ç... Ç L H l ) where the B's and H's are atoms

18 The BS Fragment of FO AEL18 Transformation to Clausal-like Form (2) Input: BS-AEL formula  = 9x 8y  (x,y) Output: equivalent formula 9x (8y 1 C 1 (x,y 1 ) Æ... Æ 8y j C j (x,y j )) where each C i is of the form B 1 Æ... Æ B m Æ L B m+1 Æ... Æ L B n ! H 1 Ç... Ç H k Ç L H k+1 Ç... Ç L H l Sketch: use standard algorithm for conversion to CNF augmented with rules: Nested occurences of L : L in front of disjunction: L in front of conjunction: L in front of negation:

19 The BS Fragment of FO AEL19 L 9y  '(z,y) is Permissible Let  = 9x 8y  (x,y) Suppose  (x,y) contains subformula L 9y  '(z,y) Eliminate it with this rule: Finally move 8y outwards to extend 9 x 8y on the right Example instance:

20 The BS Fragment of FO AEL20 Model Existence Problem Given: -  and  * (if  * is finite then test below is effective) -  -formula  = 9x (8y 1 C 1 (x,y 1 ) Æ... Æ 8y j C j (x,y j )) in clausal-like form  = 9x f C 1 (x,y 1 ),...,C j (x,y j ) g =: 9x P(x) Algorithm: Guess known/unknown ground atoms and verify: Let  * =  [  * be extended signature, giving names to  * elements Guess knowns K µ HB(  * ) and let unknowns U = HB(  * )nK Let P K/U = f L A j A 2 K g [ f:L A j A 2 U g corresponding (unit) clauses If (1) for all A 2 K and for all d 2  * it holds P K/U [ P(d) ² A (2) for all A 2 U there is a d 2  * such that P K/U [ P(d) ² A then (1) M = f I j there is a d 2  * such that I ² P K/U [ P(d)g is an epistemic model of , and (2) K = f A 2 HB(  * ) j for all I 2 M: I(A) = true g The converse also holds Classical BS problems

21 The BS Fragment of FO AEL21 Illustration  = 9x f P(x), P(y) ! L P(y) g  * =  * = f 0, 1 g I1I1 M P(0) : P(1) Computing the epistemic model M Guess knowns K = f P(0) g and let unknowns U = f :P(1) g Let P K/U = f L P(0), :L P(1) g corresponding (unit) clauses Test (1): for all A 2 K and for all d 2  * it holds P K/U [ P(d) ² A ? d = 0 : f L P(0), :L P(1), P(0), P(y) ! L P(y)g ² P(0) yes d = 1 : f L P(0), :L P(1), P(1), P(y) ! L P(y)g ² P(0) yes Test (2): for all A 2 U there is a d 2  * such that P K/U [ P(d) ² A ? d = 0 : f L P(0), :L P(1), P(0), P(y) ! L P(y)g ² P(1) yes d = 1 : f L P(0), :L P(1), P(1), P(y) ! L P(y)g ² P(1) no

22 The BS Fragment of FO AEL22 Conclusions Decidability in presence of infinite domain  * - decidability of fragment  8y  (y) is known (Tableau Calculus, Niemelä 1988) - factor model of finitely many equivalence classes Translation (of fragment) into logic programming framework Further Issues Goal: "efficient" operational treatment of BS-AEL, by exploiting known first-order techniques and provers (Darwin, DCTP) BS-AEL not operationalized so far. Why? Combination DL + AEL + rule language Application areas: inferences on FrameNet, Semantic Web, Null Values in Databases

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