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,,Lord of the flies”. ,,Lord of the Flies “takes place on an island, which Golding never gives an exact location.

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Presentation on theme: ",,Lord of the flies”. ,,Lord of the Flies “takes place on an island, which Golding never gives an exact location."— Presentation transcript:

1 ,,Lord of the flies”


3 ,,Lord of the Flies “takes place on an island, which Golding never gives an exact location.

4 In the beginning of the novel plane was shot down in an atomic war carrying boys from a boarding school, on their way home Piggy finds a conch shell and shows Ralph how to make noise with it.

5 The beast scares all the younger children and most of the older children as well. They all decided that they needed a fire to survive on island. They used Piggy’s glasses as a means of starting it.

6 Ralph concerned on building shelter so that they could be safe from nature. Piggy’s glasses are accidentally broken by Jack The hunters had killed a pig, and so the boys roast it and feast on it. At the meeting Ralph emphasized the importance of the signal fire

7 Jack declaring Ralph a bad leader After the excitement of the pig hunt, the boys gather and perform a strange tribal dance The story picks up with Jack and his tribe at their new hideout at Castle Rock They cut off the pig’s head as a sacrifice for the beast and paint themselves in the pig’s blood Simon thinks the head is the Lord of the Flies.

8 Piggy, much angered by this incident desires to go to Castle Rock and make Jack give him his glasses back. Roger tries to hit Ralph with a large boulder and instead knocks Piggy off the cliff In the confusion that results, Ralph is able to escape into the woods Ralph is forced to hide in the bushes for a long time As Ralph runs onto the beach, a rescue ship is sighted and the boys seemingly return to their former behavior.

9  The Need for Civilization and Order In “Lord of the Flies”, morals can be seen in the form of aggressive behavioral actions.

10 Ralph Jack Piggy

11 Simon Roger

12 The island= human heart “beastie” = Fear of the Unknown Piggy and the glasses= Clear sightedness, intelligence The conch =Democracy and Order The beast= the capacity for evil within everyone

13 “The Lord of the Flies “

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