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Basic Sentence Parts.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Sentence Parts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Sentence Parts

2 Complete Subject & Complete Predicate
Complete Subject – includes a noun or pronoun that names what the sentence is about. (CS) Complete Predicate – includes the verb or verb phrase that tells something about the complete subject. (CP) Examples: They were celebrating in the streets. The three clowns in the ring tumbled. The fluffy squirrel chattered at us.

3 Simple Subject & Simple Predicate
Simple Subject – the essential noun or pronoun that cannot be left out of the complete subject. Simple Predicate – the essential verb or verb phrase that cannot be left out of the complete predicate. Examples: Jugs of sweet cider covered the table. Some people do not like cider. Mardi Gras is celebrated in many countries.

4 Sentence or Fragment? Sentence – needs both a subject and a verb. (S)
Fragment – is missing either a subject or a verb. (F) Examples: The room in the attic remained closed for many years. Welcomed the visitors. On a cool, damp morning.

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