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Welcome to the Partners in Care programme Web session three 27 January 2015 Happy New Year! The session will start at midday Dr Lynne Maher Director for.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Partners in Care programme Web session three 27 January 2015 Happy New Year! The session will start at midday Dr Lynne Maher Director for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Partners in Care programme Web session three 27 January 2015 Happy New Year! The session will start at midday Dr Lynne Maher Director for Innovation @LynneMaher1

2 Partners in Care programme Web session three What is going well, even better if…….. Dr. Lynne Maher Director for Innovation @LynneMaher1

3 Background noise- we can hear you! If you are able to mute your phone please do so until you want to speak to the groupBackground noise- we can hear you! If you are able to mute your phone please do so until you want to speak to the group The ‘chat’ box – you are able to write a note/question in the chat box at any time. Please just use the ‘general’ chat box and not the specific Q&A oneThe ‘chat’ box – you are able to write a note/question in the chat box at any time. Please just use the ‘general’ chat box and not the specific Q&A one

4 Agenda for today’s webcall Check in- how are you all doing? What progress have you made since December? Presentation by April McFarland & team from Waikato Workbook review update –By 5pm, Thursday 28 May 2015 Time for questions

5 Did you all have a good time off?

6 Image from: @TheWorldStories

7 Capturing the patient experience You should all be at this stage now. Interactive section……… What tools are you using to capture? What are you struggling with? Raise your hand, use chat box……

8 Capturing patient’s experience Collect stories and thoughts from both patients and staff –Structured conversations –Story boards –Still photography and film provides compelling illustration –Diaries Observe patients and staff delivering and receiving the service

9 Questions?

10 Sharing the learning April McFarlane and team Waikato

11 Outpatient hysteroscopy service Co-design project team Raewyn Titchmarsh April McFarland Lucia Da Silveira Sean McConnell

12 Why outpatient hysteroscopy ? Current process Brief outline of current process Opportunities identified Benefits of proposed project Improve patient experience Reduce main theatre list space Reduce waiting times Reduce main theatre list space → Reduce PACU & Ward bed space

13 Project preparation = Phase 1 Approval Project initiation document was developed and presented Senior management engaged GM / O&G Specialist / Unit Manager / Nurse Manager / CD Gynaecology and CNM of Women’s Health Clinics Service staff engaged provided ideas for the project Partners in Care programme Consumer engaged Quality and patient safety staff engaged Process mapping

14 Phase 2 of preparation Patient story EBD questionnaire Appointment letters Gantt chart Patient pamphlet Process mapping Social time Procedure document

15 EBD questionnaire With consumer input, modified and sent out to current users of this service. This was included with their appointment letter

16 Appointment letters With the consumer, went through the letters and got an understanding from the consumer perspective.

17 Gannt chart 2014-2015 OctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune TaskWho 123451234123451234123412341234512341234 Team meetings Team√√√ √√√√ √√ Modify EBD questionnaireLucia√ Customer survey using modified EBD questionnaire (ongoing until the end of Jan)April / Leanne √→ → →√ Patient Information pamphlet to be reviewed = Raewyn will provide suggestions, if any, for improving the patient information pamphlet. Raewyn √ Clinic appointment letter: An incidental finding, Raewyn suggested an improvement and April was going to contact the relevant person to make the changes April √ Education pamphlet to be modified and sent to Viscom for printingApril √ √ Map Processing: Next meeting will commence at hospital car park, where the client’s journey will be mapped out; Raewyn, to contact April once arrived, so that we know which level to meet. Raewyn √ Next webEx scheduled for Nov 18th at 1200-1300hrs.Team √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Workbook submissions √ √ Public holidays √ √ Team members on leaveApril / Raewyn √√√√ Provides updates on co-design Women's outpatient hysteroscopy project, to project board and WOPD staffApril √ Procedure document to be developed and draft to be presented at the SMO meeting Sean / April √ Procedure document to be sent for consultation to all 'Women outpatient staff' April √ Procedure document to be finalized, signed and ready for uploading onto the controlled document centreSean / April / Lucia √ Project to be implemented √ Team Members Names Number of days available = 109 working days until the end of May 2015 April Mcfarland ( CNM for WOPD) Raewyn Titchmarsh (consumer representative) Lucia Da Silveira (SQC_Quality and Patient Safety) Sean McConnell (O&G Consultant) A reminder of our tasks and approaching deadlines

18 Patient pamphlet With input from consumer & O&G specialist, pamphlet was reviewed

19 Process mapping Videoed the journey from start to end with the consumer

20 Social time Delicious homemade Christmas pies from the consumer

21 Reflections thus far Challenges and successes SMO time constraints No EBD questionnaire received back from consumers Successes: We are on time with our tasks Successfully completed modifying the EBD questionnaire and appointment letter Successfully redesigned the patient information pamphlet and sent for printing Procedure document sent out for consultation. Learnings Gaining insight into consumer perspective EBD questionnaire was not sent out with an explanatory note. The process mapping helped us understand the process from the consumer perspective (e.g., the distance, signage and the multiple ways of being able to access women’s health clinics).

22 Thank you

23 Questions?

24 Work book First stage completion: –Section 1 - Preparation –Section 2 - Capture –Section 6 - Webex session 1 and 2 Second stage completion: –Section 3 - Understand –Section 4 - Improve –Section 5 - Measure –Section 6 - all webex sessions Case Study

25 Time check 86 days Before your final work book and case study needs to be submitted Assuming you are working 5 days a week on your project

26 Via Twitter @FascinatingPictures

27 @ Via Twitter @Renzo_Soprano

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