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Jane Caldwell Director of Grants and Special Programs Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board TACRAO, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Jane Caldwell Director of Grants and Special Programs Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board TACRAO, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jane Caldwell Director of Grants and Special Programs Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board TACRAO, 2012

2 Exemptions vs Waivers Exemptions allow residents or nonresidents to enroll while paying a reduced tuition and/or fee amount. Waivers allow nonresidents to enroll while paying a reduced amount of nonresident tuition. 2

3 True or False. There is a state application form required for exemptions for the children of nurse faculty. True. It can be downloaded from the website. Get all the facts Paying for college Types of financial aid Exemptions Name another program for which this is true. Preceptor Exemption 3

4 Name one program that has an academic progress requirement. Educational Aide Exemption Exemption for Firefighters taking Fire Science Courses Exemption for Peace Officers Enrolled in Law Enforcement or Criminal Justice Courses 4

5 True or False. A nonresident student is not eligible to receive a dual credit exemption. False. The enabling legislation (TEC 54.016 and TEC 130.008) authorizes a governing board to lower tuition and fee charges. The authority is not limited to residents. 5

6 Is the valedictorian exemption optional or mandatory? Is the competitive scholarship waiver mandatory or optional? They are both optional. 6

7 Which program is limited to undergraduate studies – Firefighter or Peace Officer Exemption? Exemption for Peace Officers enrolled in Criminal Justice or Law Enforcement courses 7

8 For what program does the Coordinating Board select the recipients? Good Neighbor Scholarship. (TEC 54.331) 245 awards/year; 400-500 applications received per year 8

9 What are the largest exemption and waiver programs in terms of cost? Exemption Options: Hazlewood Texas Tomorrow Fund Dual Credit Waivers RA/TA Waivers for Military in Texas Competitive Scholarship-Based 9

10 True or False. The new Hazlewood Exemption Program report is due by November 15. What semester/terms are to be reported by November 15? True. Summer 2011-Fall 2012 10

11 What programs establish tuition rates based on reciprocity? Border state waiver Border county waiver Reciprocal Educational Exchange Program 11

12 Name an exemption program that is limited to a specific number of semester credit hours. Hazlewood – 150 Legacy – assigned hours, up to 150 Child of Disabled Peace Officer -- 120 Child of Deceased Public Servant – BA or 200 12

13 Which of the following awards can still be made, but at the school’s expense? Educational Aide Exemption Early High School Graduation Scholarship TANF Exemption Combat Exemption All except the EHS Program 13

14 Which programs have an age limit for receiving awards? Foster Care Exemption – no later than 25 th birthday Legacy (Hazlewood) Exemption – less than age 26, unless given a hardship extension Hazlewood (children of deceased/disabled members) – less than 26 14

15 Which of the following waivers are available for military families? 1. Child or spouse of non-TX member, based on letter of intent 2. Child or spouse of non-TX member killed in action who comes here within 60 days of mbr’s death 3. Vet, child or spouse who moves here after discharge, if eligible for fed vet benefits 4. Vet stationed in TX, and spouse and children All of them 15

16 E/W Staff Leg. Proposals Add academic progress requirements for continuation awards Eliminate the use of exemptions to avoid penalties for excess hours or drops Require each institution to identify an E/W contact point for students/parents Have the state share the costs, at least for Hazlewood Require recipients to submit FAFSAS? 16

17 Hazlewood Staff Leg. Proposals Confirm in statute that: Veterans who are out of state due to military orders are eligible to use Hazlewood Veterans can revoke assigned Hazlewood hours Clarify Eligibility requirements for disabled and fallen vets Veterans’ choices about stacking fed/state benefits Align state and fed language RE disabled vets Apply age 26 only to Legacy children Recommend the state appropriate funds for reimbursing institution for Hazlewood 17

18 Thank you For all the work you do to help Texas students! 18

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