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Planning & Community Development Department 1336 and 1347 East Colorado Blvd. Pre Development Plan Review City Council Meeting January 28, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning & Community Development Department 1336 and 1347 East Colorado Blvd. Pre Development Plan Review City Council Meeting January 28, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning & Community Development Department 1336 and 1347 East Colorado Blvd. Pre Development Plan Review City Council Meeting January 28, 2013

2 Planning & Community Development Department Subject Site

3 Planning & Community Development Department 3 Background Zoning: ECSP-CG-2 (East Colorado Specific Plan, Sub-area 2) Site located in the College District area of the East Colorado Specific Plan Former Ford Dealership, currently vacant Two parcels comprise site:  North Parcel – measures 127,961 square feet (2.94 acres)  South Parcel – measures 30,895 square feet (.71 acres) Pre Development Plan Review (PPR):  Mixed Use Project (Hotel, Residential, Retail) Met with applicant on December 11, 2012

4 Planning & Community Development Department North Parcel Renderings 4 Colorado Blvd. Hill Ave.

5 Planning & Community Development Department North Parcel Renderings 5 Hill Ave. Colorado Blvd.

6 Planning & Community Development Department 6 North Parcel Renderings Colorado Blvd.

7 Planning & Community Development Department North Parcel Project Summary NORTH PARCEL - Proposal consists of two buildings. 300 room hotel with 30,000 sq.ft. of retail (Building A)  Building will measure 371,088 square feet.  Height - three to seven stories, or 74 feet (Specific Plan allows up to 45 feet). Up to 90 feet high for architectural features. A second building (Building B) is proposed along Holliston Avenue  Option one - Residential project with 40 to 75 dwelling units (Specific Plan allows up to 94 units).  Option two - 100 room hotel with a height of up to four stories, or 47.5 feet (Specific Plan allows up to 45 feet). Two levels of subterranean parking to accommodate up to 490 parking spaces. 7

8 Planning & Community Development Department 8 South Parcel Renderings Colorado Blvd. Hill Ave.

9 Planning & Community Development Department South Parcel Project Summary SOUTH PARCEL Proposal consists of one building (Building C).  Building will measure 89,595 square feet.  Height - three to four stories, or 47.5 feet (Specific Plan allows up to 45 feet). Applicant considering multiple options:  Option one – Residential with 45 to 100 dwelling units with 10,000 sq.ft. of retail (Specific Plan allows up to 22 units).  Option two – 120 room hotel with 10,000 sq.ft. of retail Two levels of subterranean parking to accommodate up to 150 parking spaces. 9

10 Planning & Community Development Department 10 Combined Project Summary BOTH PARCELS Proposal consists of three buildings.  Buildings will measure 460,683 square feet (combined).  Building heights - three to four stories (47.5 to 70 feet high, up to 90 feet with architectural features). Applicant considering multiple options which could result in:  Potential Hotel – 300 to 520 rooms  Potential Retail - 40,000 square feet  Potential Residential – 0 to 175 dwelling units  Potential Parking – up to 640 parking spaces

11 Planning & Community Development Department 11 Discretionary Entitlements Applicant is proposing to establish a Planned Development (PD). Preferred by Applicant in order to:  Streamline the review process;  Provide more flexibility from zoning standards when designing projects for large sites; and  Must still be consistent with the General Plan. Planning Commission makes recommendations on PD to City Council. City Council makes final decision. The project subject to Design Review process.

12 Planning & Community Development Department 12 Overall Comments Through the PPR process, staff identified several key issues that will require additional analysis during the formal review process:  The size of the project in relation to surrounding uses;  The height and scale of the building and how it relates to the surrounding uses; and  Consistency with the College Campus area of the East Colorado Specific Plan.

13 Planning & Community Development Department Planning Division Comments 13 Project Subject to Design Review Issues that will be analyzed during the Design Review Process:  Design should be in response to surrounding uses;  On-site historic resource should be carefully integrated into project.  Incorporate “inviting” pedestrian design features;  Consider the use of high quality materials and finishes; and  Consider additional landscaping throughout the site. Building on North Parcel is eligible for listing on the National Register.  Design of Buildings should be in response to existing development.

14 Planning & Community Development Department 14 East Colorado Specific Plan:  Project should create a project with a strong urban edge;  Project should create opportunities for a pedestrian oriented streetscape;  Uses in the College District should be college/neighborhood serving;  Plazas and outdoor spaces should be incorporated into the design of projects; and  Buildings up to 45 feet high. Planning Division Comments

15 Planning & Community Development Department 15 Existing General Plan Colorado Blvd. Madre St. Sierra Madre Blvd. Allen Ave. Hill Ave. Catalina Ave. Walnut St. Del Mar Ave. PCC PROJECT SITE

16 Planning & Community Development Department Existing General Plan Remaining caps from the 1994 General Plan for the East Colorado Specific Plan: 736 Housing Units  General Plan allows housing units to be converted to non- residential square feet utilizing a conversion factor  Each residential unit may be converted to commercial floor area at a rate of 1,000 square feet per unit. 143,322 square feet of commercial development 100,000 square feet of institutional development 16

17 Planning & Community Development Department Student Housing Option Market Housing Option Hotel Option Existing Caps Residential736 units Commercial143,322 sq.ft Proposed Project Residential175 units85 units0 units Commercial298,000 sq.ft. 460,683 sq.ft. Amount Over Existing Cap Residential0 units Commercial(154,678 sq.ft.) (317,361 sq.ft.) Proposed Conversion 1 res. unit = 1,000 sq.ft. 155 units to 155,000 sq.ft. commercial 318 units to 318,000 sq.ft. commercial Remaining Balances Residential406 units496 units418 units Commercial0 sq.ft. Existing General Plan

18 Planning & Community Development Department 18 Proposed General Plan General Plan Vision for the East Colorado Specific Plan:  Calls for the area around PCC to be an activity center with a mix of housing and commercial uses to serve the college and surrounding neighborhoods  The proposed designation for this site is “Medium Mixed Use” Proposed General Plan FAR  Envisions a 0.0 to 2.25 FAR  Project proposes a 2.9 FAR Proposed General Plan Heights  Does not include height limits (would be part of Specific Plan update)

19 Planning & Community Development Department 19 Proposed General Plan General Plan draft development allocation for the East Colorado Specific Plan: Student Housing Option Market Housing Option Hotel Option Proposed Allocation Residential500 units Commercial525,000 sq.ft Proposed Project Residential175 units85 units0 units Commercial298,000 sq.ft. 460,683 sq.ft. Remaining Balances Residential325 units415 units500 units Commercial227,000 sq.ft. 64,317 sq.ft.

20 Planning & Community Development Department Environmental Review Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared Will analyze the project’s potential to result in significant impacts, as identified by State and local environmental guidelines. Staff will execute a contract for environmental services once a formal application is submitted. 20

21 Planning & Community Development Department 1336 and 1347 East Colorado Blvd. Pre Development Plan Review City Council Meeting January 28, 2013

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