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Jonathan Rile Brandon Strickland Dr. Leslie Cottrell Dr. Roy Nutter.

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Presentation on theme: "Jonathan Rile Brandon Strickland Dr. Leslie Cottrell Dr. Roy Nutter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jonathan Rile Brandon Strickland Dr. Leslie Cottrell Dr. Roy Nutter

2 Problem Statement  Currently, there is not a medium that can match pairs of researchers and the community together based on common interests.

3 Goals and Objectives  Gather a sizable base of users for preliminary matching  Match users based on their interests  Create a platform for researchers and the community to come to together and work on common issues

4 Technologies and Ideas  Amazon Web Services  Ruby  Ruby on Rails  Json  SQLite3

5 System Details  Context Diagram  An example interaction with code follow through

6 Context Diagram

7 Example Of Interactions

8 User Interface  Bootstrap Formatting  Rails Generated  View dependent on what type of user you are  Color Neutral  Simple as possible

9 Home Page

10 Email Notifications

11 Messages Inbox

12 Editing your Personal Profile

13 Proposed Accomplishments  Messaging System  Scalable Database  Robust Test Suite  Trouble Ticket System  Collaboration System  User Profiles  Search Function  PDF hosting for uploading

14 Actual Accomplishments (Implementations)  Small Scale database  User Profiles  Messaging  Collaborations Scaffolding  Framework for future new User Models to be added simply by inheritance.

15 Business Potential  Since Rails is easily modified, you can use it for anything that is similar to the product we have created.  Tutoring Applications  Companies may want private versions of this tool

16 Reflections and Suggestions  Don’t impose your expectation on a framework.  TDD

17 References   content/uploads/2013/11/question- mark1.jpg content/uploads/2013/11/question- mark1.jpg

18 Questions?

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