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Matching Shovels ©Dr. B. C. Paul 2000 revised 2008 Note – Matching procedures depicted in these slides are widely understood among those schooled in the.

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2 Matching Shovels ©Dr. B. C. Paul 2000 revised 2008 Note – Matching procedures depicted in these slides are widely understood among those schooled in the subject and can be found in many handbooks or manufactures literature. These slides include reproductions from the Caterpillar Performance Handbook and equipment literature from P+H. Also included are screen shots from the FPC computer program by Caterpillar Equipment Company.

3 Match Up a Hydraulic Front Shovel As with FELs we want a shovel that Fills the truck in a logical integer number of passes Can get the material over the edge of the truck Center the load in the truck For Material Easy Load stockpile 1 to 1.1 Average 0.95 to 1 Rather Difficult 0.9 to 0.95 Difficult 0.85 to 0.9 Note Hydraulic Front Shovel get better fill and have better bucket maneuvering

4 Zoom in on a Bucket Size l About a 0.93 fill is quite safe to guess l 102/0.93*#of passes = bucket size 3 passes 36.56 yd^3 (pretty big) 4 passes 27.42 yd^3 5 passes 21.93 yd^3

5 Go Shopping for a Front Shovel Cat’s Front Shovels are Somewhat limited (we will Use them in our example) Hitachi and others have some Excellent offerings. Only the 5230B is in the Size range we are looking For with a 22.2 yd^3 bucket

6 Buckets Limited in Front Shovel Configuration Fill Factor = 102/(5*22.2) = 0.9189 – ie about 92% Reasonable for our material and matches the truck with an Integer number of passes

7 Checking on Loading Height and Reach Over 36 feet up – ya that Will load a 16 ft high truck Well over 12 feet Extension definitely Reaches the center of the truck Just in case we are not Sure it shows the dimensions Of a 785 truck

8 Note This l Even a big front end loader struggles with lift and reach l Hydraulic Front Shovels really have almost no challenge if they are sized anywhere close to right

9 Time to Input into FPC I will create a 2 nd Fleet for comparison Click Add New Fleet Input name and description

10 Input My Same Truck Info Now we will Select a loader

11 Pick My 5230B Front Shovel Select Cat Standard Machines Select Hydraulic Excavators Pick the 5230B from The list Click Ok

12 Check Out Cycle Time l The Cat program defaults to single truck loading 0.7 for the truck exchange 0.05 to dump first bucket 0.48 min for each subsequent pass (4) Total 2.67 minutes l 20 minute truck cycle / 2.67 loader cycle One loader can handle 7.5 trucks Pick 2 loaders

13 Adjust My FPC inputs 2 loaders 85% availability 92% Fill Factor

14 Try Matching a Cable Shovel l Cable Shovels Favor Larger Sizes l Their buckets are called dippers l Their Dippers are rated on struck- not heaped capacity

15 Fill Factors by Material Constraint l Cable Shovels have more limited motion than a hydraulic front shovel l Easy - Sand and Gravel get about 0.95 to 1 l Medium - Unconsolidated - some boulders 0.90 to 0.95 l Hard - Well Blasted - has void space (Limestone) 0.8 to 0.9 l Very Hard - Interlocking Chunks 0.7 to 0.8

16 If We Estimate Fill Factor at 0.93 l Size Dipper = Truck Volume/(#passes*fill factor) 102 cubic yard truck volume limit l 3 Passes 36.6 cubic yard l 4 Passes 27.4 cubic yard l 5 Passes 21.94 cubic yard

17 Cat Handbook Limitation l Cat Does not make cable shovels They do put P+H products in their program

18 Lets Fish a Little with the Program I created a 3 rd fleet And put in my 10 cat 785s When I selected a Loader I picked Cat Standard Machines (even though P+H is Not Cat) Picked Power Shovel List shows 2300 and 2800 are my size

19 Checking Out the Choices l 2300XPA has a 27 cubic yard standard dipper 4 Pass load 102/(27*4) = 0.944 still in range of medium material 3 Pass load – 2800XP 102/(39*3)= 0.872 this will probably be limiting fill by truck size Lets pick the 2800XP

20 Information Goes In Now we need some Number and availability Adjustments Cable Shovels are Rugged and very Available – usually 0.9 We also back calculated Our fill factor at 88%

21 Input the Easy Pickens 88% Fill 90% availability Now we need to Estimate how many Loaders.

22 Cycle Time For Loading a Truck l 0.7 minutes truck change out l 0.05 minutes for first dump l 0.5 minutes for each of 2 remaining l Total = 1.75 minutes l Truck Cycle 20/ 1.75 = 11.4 trucks Lets go with just 1 loader

23 What if I Want to Check Loading Height Etc. Go to My Courses Web Site Pick the Reading Room.

24 In the Reading Room Scroll down to Surface Mining

25 Scroll Down to Electric Mining Shovels Pick the PDF file for A P+H2800

26 Pick off the Manufactures Specs You Need to Check

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