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From the deep roots of our story to “Something New” Spiritual Development.

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Presentation on theme: "From the deep roots of our story to “Something New” Spiritual Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 From the deep roots of our story to “Something New” Spiritual Development

2 W e, Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, rooted in God and in the Gospel, stand together and courageously commit ourselves to enter into the joys, hopes, griefs, and anxieties of the people of this world. W e choose to be transformed by these questions: How do the choices I make today/we make today affect persons who are in need in our time? What choices must we make as we live out our commitment to God and God’s people?

3 In our time and place, what are the signs that the Spirit of God moves and breathes within each of us, within our Congregation, always creating something new for the life of the world?

4 The Spirit moves in new life: Vocation Work Web re-design Billboards Theater ads Video Blog Come and See days

5 Vocation Awareness Programs: Gift of Mission, Call to Discipleship, College Activities

6 Service Trip An opportunity for young women to experience the spirit of IHM through prayer, community, and ministry

7 The Signs of the Times The IHM name and mission are made visible in a variety of geographic locations

8 New Vocation Team Sr. Kathy Kurdziel leads our new team: Sisters Redempta Sweeney, Fran Fasolka, Maria Rose Kelly, and Associate Alejandra Marroquin.

9 Director of Vocations for Peru Sister Angela Cerna-Plata, our IHM sister from Monroe, begins her vocation work in Peru in the fall of 2012, assisted by our Sisters in Peru

10 Final Profession of Vows Sister Rachel Terry, IHM Little Flower Parish, Bethesda, Maryland April 28, 2012

11 Ongoing Formation Focus on Contemplation Regional gatherings: an invitation to gather for prayer and conversation about the heart of our lives together

12 Joining God’s Prayer in Me An experience of contemplative prayer led by Rose Mary Dougherty, SSND October 15, 2011

13 Embracing the Mystical Vision Reflecting on the mystics and our call to be mystics in this time and place, led by Nancy Hawkins, IHM – March 24, 2012

14 Evenings of Prayer, 2010 - 2012 Our invitation to all to come apart and join us in stillness and in contemplation

15 Congregational Retreat Experiences IHM Forward 2010 OSP IHM Retreat 2011

16 E-Courses, 2010 - 2012 Welcoming Prayer Practicing Spirituality with Brother David Steindl-Rast Contemplation with Richard Rohr Monastery of the Heart with Joan Chittister Practicing Spirituality with Henri Nouwen

17 E-Courses Practicing Spirituality with Thomas Merton Centering Prayer with Cynthia Bourgeault Praying for Justice and Peace with Jane Vennard Exploring the Psalms with Barbara Crafton Practicing the Presence of God

18 Other Online Offerings Ramadan Reflections for September 11 Praying the News All Saints’ Day 24 Ways to Practice Thanks-giving Practicing Spirituality in Winter Holding the Poor in our Hearts

19 Creative Ways to Share Our Spirituality Journey Advent and Lent/Easter reflection books

20 Associate Relationship: an opportunity to carry forward the IHM spirit

21 132 Associates in 8 years 6 States and Peru

22 IHM Sister-Associate Conference June 22-24, 2012 IHM Center



25 Formation in Justice and Peace IHM Center GardenElections 2012

26 Daily Contemplative Readings Contemplation: the Bridge to Justice Contemplation, Compassion, Commitment

27 In this time of pain and promise, how will our lives of contemplation and action continue to be marked by a deep listening to the voice of the Spirit? How can this listening lead us to discover something new, something transformative, as we reach out with tenderness to the joys, hopes, griefs and anxieties of the people of God?

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