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LIFE MANAGEMENT Personality. Traits & Temperament Personality- the person you are= feelings, emotions, attitude – It is an extension of your temperament.

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2 Traits & Temperament Personality- the person you are= feelings, emotions, attitude – It is an extension of your temperament plus the traits you learned from your family & environment Temperament- a tendency to act a certain way Character- the ethical and moral side of personality.

3 Character Traits These are the words we might use to say whether you have good or poor character. You can change your traits as you get older. With maturity, you learn to have better traits so you can be successful.

4 Character Traits Honesty/ dishonesty Responsibility/ Irresponsibility Sincerity/ Insincerity Helpfulness/ Indifference Dependability/ Unreliability Loyalty/ Disloyalty

5 Popularity Feeling like you belong can be very important to teens. Conforming to peer pressure can make you do things you do not think you should. You have to make decisions about what matters more to you- how people see you or how you feel about the situation.

6 Popularity Teens like to take risks. It helps you discover who you are. This can be challenging because you have to decide what you are willing to try, how far you are willing to go and who you will try these things with.

7 Messages You Send About Your Personality Facial expressions show a part of your personality & your personal perspective. Verbal expressions tell someone else how well you can communicate and talk to people. “Actions speak louder than words”- it means that your behavior tells others a lot about you. What you do and how you do it sends a message about who you are.

8 Messages You Send About Your Personality Mannerisms- customary gestures give clues to who you are – Movement of hands, how you interact with ppl – Biting nails, playing with your hair Habits- a way of acting without thinking – A routine is a set of habits – Good= cleaning, showering, working hard – Bad= cursing in public, smoking, disrespectful

9 What is “Normal”? When a standard is widely accepted by a social group, it is called a norm. The group’s standards decide what are considered acceptable behaviors. In society, people are asked to conform, or act the way everyone else does. There isn’t a specific “normal”- it is a range of behaviors people can or will accept.

10 “Disturbed” Behavior A person who acts within the average range of social acceptance is considered adjusted. If a person deviates too much from the norm, he or she is maladjusted. – At odds with society, harms oneself – Can be helped through therapy and counseling – People who are too good, too eager, too quiet may have adjustment problems.

11 Roles and Your Personality Role- the part you play in your family, peer group, school and community. Each group expects you to behave in a certain way. Your roles can influence your personality (oldest, youngest, artistic, athletic) What are 5 roles that you play?

12 Gender & Personality A gender role refers to what a community or society considers feminine or masculine. From birth, family, friends and society has given you messages about your gender that has shaped your personality. With experience, we learn to accept and understand people as individuals.

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