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Death, Biblically Viewed. Death is universal – Hebrews 9: 27.

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1 Death, Biblically Viewed


3 Death is universal – Hebrews 9: 27.

4 Death, Biblically Viewed There is more to man than the body (I Pet. 3: 4, 2 Cor. 4: 16, I Thes. 5: 23).

5 Death, Biblically Viewed Death is a separation of the spirit from the body – James 2: 26

6 Death, Biblically Viewed The question is, is there life after death? Answer: Job 14: 14; Psalm 90: 10.

7 Death, Biblically Viewed “Sheol” is used 65 times. Sheol can correspond to “hades” (Acts 2: 27). “Hades” found 10 times. “The common receptacle of disembodied spirits” (Thayer, pg. 11). “Gehenna” found 12 times (Hell). “Tartarus” found once (2 Pet. 2: 4).

8 Death, Biblically Viewed Luke 16: 19-31 Great fixed gulf Abraham’s bosom Tartarus

9 Death, Biblically Viewed Luke 16: 19-31 Great fixed gulf Abraham’s bosom Tartarus J U D G M E N T

10 Death, Biblically Viewed Luke 16: 19-31 Great fixed gulf Abraham’s bosom Tartarus J U D G M E N T Heaven Hell

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