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Resilient Network Coding in the Presence of Eavesdropping Byzantine Adversaries Michael Langberg Sidharth Jaggi Open University of Israel ISIT 2007 Tsinghua.

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Presentation on theme: "Resilient Network Coding in the Presence of Eavesdropping Byzantine Adversaries Michael Langberg Sidharth Jaggi Open University of Israel ISIT 2007 Tsinghua."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resilient Network Coding in the Presence of Eavesdropping Byzantine Adversaries Michael Langberg Sidharth Jaggi Open University of Israel ISIT 2007 Tsinghua University Hongyi Yao Proof incorrect! 2009

2 Network Codes Resilient to Eavesdropping and Jamming Michael Langberg Sidharth Jaggi OR How to share a secret when a (bad) person’s listening and trying to fool the receiver Open University of Israel Tsinghua University Hongyi Yao University of Campinas Danilo Silva NetCod 2010

3 Multicast ALL of Alice’s information decodable EXACTLY by EACH Bob Network Model

4 Multicast Network Model ALL of Alice’s information decodable EXACTLY by EACH Bob [ACLY00] With mixing, C = min{C i } achievable [LCY02],[KM01],[JCJ03],[HKMKE03] Simple (linear) distributed codes suffice

5 Problem! Eavesdropped Links Z I Attacked Links Z O Corrupted links

6 Existence proofs/Conver ses Efficient random distributed schemes Cryptographic schemes Universal schemes Privacy (Secrecy) [CY02], …, [RS07], … [FMSS04],…[OB08], …[SK08],… Security (Error Correction) [CY06]/[YC06], …, [M06], … [JLKKHM07],…[CJL06], [GP06], [ZKMH07], … [KK07], [SKK08]… Background

7 Setup 1.Scheme A B C 2.Network C 3.Data A 4.Code C 5.Bad links C 6.Randomness A 7.Transmission A B C 8.Decode B Eureka Eavesdropped links Z I Attacked links Z O Who knows what Stage Privacy

8 Background Efficient algorithms[SK08][JLKKHM07],[SKK08]  “Optimal” rates (Secrecy) C-Z I (Security) C-2Z O  Poly-time  Distributed  End-to-end  Packet-based  Topology unknown a priori  Information-theoretically secure, private

9 Privacy at rate C-Z I ([CY02],…) Z I random symbols C-Z I rate Network coding + one-time pad Optimal Z I eavesdropped links

10 Security at rate C-2Z O (…,[SKK08]) Optimal rate R = C-2Z O Error-correcting code Network (Operator channel [KK07], Rank-metric codes [SKK08]) Z O corrupted links

11 Privacy + Security at rate C-2Z O -Z I Optimal rate for zero-error codes Network error- correcting code Rate C-2Z O Z I random symbols Overall rate C-2Z O -Z I [NY09], [SK10] ε -error?

12 Shared-secret Security at rate C-Z O [JLKKHM07] Invertible w.h.p. [HKMKE03] C 2 secret hashes of X Linear list with C 2 variables* Secure transmission at rate C-Z O ! Secure + private transmission at rate C-Z O -Z I ! w.h.p., unique decoding! * Different list-decoding used

13 Upper bound: C-Z O -Z I

14 Just one (secret) bit for Bob… [JL07] ??

15 Just one (secret) bit for Bob… [YSJL10] Privacy: [SK08] (Only sees Z I links) Security:

16 Questions?

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