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Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Learning from Incidents (IP-LFI) Linking research and practice Dr Anoush Margaryan Senior Lecturer and Acting Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Learning from Incidents (IP-LFI) Linking research and practice Dr Anoush Margaryan Senior Lecturer and Acting Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Learning from Incidents (IP-LFI) Linking research and practice Dr Anoush Margaryan Senior Lecturer and Acting Director Caledonian Academy, Glasgow Caledonian University

2 Co-organisers Allison Littlejohn, Open University Neville Stanton, Southampton Rhona Flin, Aberdeen Sue Scott, Edinburgh/York/Helsinki Christian Greiffenhagen, Loughborough Stuart King, Energy Institute Neal Stone, British Safety Council (co-funder S5) With support by Catherine Gabelica and Clare Blackburne, GCU

3 Why do people and organisations fail to learn from incidents? How can learning from incidents be improved? Key questions

4 Gap 1: Limited disciplinary perspectives Gap 2: Limited methodological approaches

5 Adult and Workplace Learning Technology-enhanced learning Organisational Learning Industrial Psychology Human Factors Sociology Science and Technology Studies Disciplines within IP-LFI

6 Gap 3: Poor integration of LFI research & practice

7 Health & Safety Executive Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority NHS Health & Safety Executive Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority NHS Energy Institute British Safety Council Energy Institute British Safety Council BP Phillips66 E.ON Dana Petroleum Costain Group Plc TC Global Pinsent Masons LLP CNOOC Nexen BP Phillips66 E.ON Dana Petroleum Costain Group Plc TC Global Pinsent Masons LLP CNOOC Nexen Glasgow Caledonian Aberdeen Edinburgh Southampton Loughborough Valencia Trento Helsinki Lancaster Glasgow Caledonian Aberdeen Edinburgh Southampton Loughborough Valencia Trento Helsinki Lancaster POLICY-MAKERS/ PUBLIC SECTOR UNIVERSITIES BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL BODIES

8 Six seminars in 2013-2015 Theory, methodology, policy and practice, research-practice nexus, R&D agenda Interdisciplinarity vs multidisciplinary

9 Website Twitter @lfiseminars@lfiseminars Hashtag #lfiseminar

10 October/November 2015: R&D Agenda and Roadmap for LFI @ Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow – watch the NING for further details-

11 10:15-11:05 Ritva Engestroem, University of Helsinki 11:05-11:35 Break 11:35-12:35 Eve Mitleton-Kelly, LSE 12:35-13:25 Lunch 13:25-14:15 Lasse Gerrits, University of Bamberg 14:15-14:45 Luise Vassie 14:45-15:00 Break 15:00-15:45 Group work 15:45-16:40 Group presentations and open discussion 16:40-16:55 Reflections by Allison Littlejohn, Open University 16:55-17:00 Closing remarks by Anoush Margaryan, GCU Programme

12 Questions after each talk: 10-15 mins for longer talks, 5 mins for short talk Timing: colour cards (Catherine) Questions from webcast (Clare) Speakers to repeat questions for the audiorecording

13 Your feedback

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