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The Small Enterprise Development Agency Lindani Dhlomo Provincial Manager – Seda KZN 01 September 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The Small Enterprise Development Agency Lindani Dhlomo Provincial Manager – Seda KZN 01 September 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Small Enterprise Development Agency Lindani Dhlomo Provincial Manager – Seda KZN 01 September 2010

2 SEDA VISION AND MISSION MISSION: To develop, support and promote small enterprises to ensure their growth and sustainability in coordination and partnership with other role players VISION: To be the centre of excellence for small enterprise development in South Africa

3 Increased contribution of small enterprises to SA economy, economic growth, job creation and equity EXPECTED IMPACT

4 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: Enhance competitiveness and capabilities of small enterprises through coordinated services, programmes and projects STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: Ensure equitable access for small enterprises to business support services through partnerships SEDA STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES

5 The seda Target Market  seda focuses primarily on developing products and services to assist small, micro (both formal and informal) and co-operative enterprises, while continuing to provide products and services to medium enterprises.

6 Seda Operations (Sample)


8 IMPLICATIONS OF MANDATE Local delivery Shift from wholesale to retail model increasing foot print Create national credible brand Back it with uniform quality service and standards Find win-win partnerships

9 Some of the Seda Services  Information, advice and referrals  Import and export training  Trade information  Business assessments  Technical support  Business mentoring  Market access advice  Business linkages  SMME Hotline: 08607663729  Seda Callcentre: 0861103703

10 Contact Information BranchTelephone number uMgungundlovu (Pietermaritzburg)033 264 3100 uThungulu (Richards Bay)035 789 3735 uGu (Port Shepstone)039 688 1560 Sisonke (Ixopo)039 874 7100 uThukela (Ladysmith)036 638 9780 Amajuba (Newcastle)034 312 9096

11 Contact Information Contd. PartnershipsTelephone number Seda eThekwini031 3089900

12 Thank you!

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