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ELearning environments: developing pedagogic strategies experiences from four school based teacher education programmes, 1999 - 2006 Tom Power, The Open.

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Presentation on theme: "ELearning environments: developing pedagogic strategies experiences from four school based teacher education programmes, 1999 - 2006 Tom Power, The Open."— Presentation transcript:

1 eLearning environments: developing pedagogic strategies experiences from four school based teacher education programmes, 1999 - 2006 Tom Power, The Open University, U K.

2 Where does eLearning happen? Text (mostly not here)

3 an eLearning environment?



6 eLearning programmes for teacher professional development the Learning Schools Programme (LSP) (1999-2003) the Digital Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP) (2001 onwards) (T&L) (2004-2006) Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) (2007 - 2015)

7 APT technologies Audience / Agents of Change Purposes Tools / Technologies


9 small units that can be quickly engaged with key principles / key issues clear and concise direct relevance / practical application explicit ideas, activities and supporting resources all clearly related and presented in one place research: teachers wanted





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