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Network programming ( online course ) Jen-Yi Pan 20131016.

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1 Network programming ( online course ) Jen-Yi Pan 20131016

2 Outline  Attendance  Icebreaking activities  Course  DEMO  Summary of the day

3 Attendance 李威龍張晏誠吳建明劉哲安 李韋忠林登堡凃咨宸許名宏 吳昊穎李宗耀陳毅融尉遲仲涵 林原甲林家豐周永銘曾芸瑩 郭威良王維寬 1.Taking attendance by signing your name in the following grid 2.Type your English nick name beside your Chinese name

4 Grouping chapter 1 5, 6 凃咨宸 林原甲 chapter 2 4, 7 李宗耀 周永銘 chapter 3 3, 8 張晏誠 許名宏 chapter 4 2, 9 李韋忠 王維寬 chapter 5 1, 10, 17, 18 吳建明 劉哲安 吳昊穎 曾芸瑩 chapter 6 11, 16 林登堡 郭威良 chapter 7 12, 15 陳毅融 林家豐 chapter 8 13, 14 李威龍 尉遲仲涵

5 Icebreaking activities(1) Chapter 1 Which protocol supports translating an IP address into a MAC address? (a) RARP (b) DHCP (c) BOOTP (d) ARP This question is raises by Chen 凃咨宸.

6 Chapter 1 There are three members in the struct sockaddr_in. Please fill the corresponding letter. This question is raises by Yuan-Jia Lin 林原甲. struct sockaddr_in{ sa_family_t __________; unsigned short int _________; struct in_addr _________; }; A: sin_familyD: sin_port C: sin_addr E: sock_addr B: sock_family F: sock_port Icebreaking activities(2)

7 Icebreaking activities(3) Chapter 2 In the server initialization period, which function is not used? (a)socket (b)send (c)bind (d)listen This question is raises by Yao 李宗耀.

8 Icebreaking activities(4) Chapter 2  True/False question In TCP programming, the data transmission starts at Connection period This question is raises by Ming 周永銘.

9 Course 2.1 General Issues 2.2 Elementary TCP Socket Functions 2.3 TCP Client/Server Example 2.4 Summary

10 DEMO chapter 1  凃咨宸 gethostbyaddr()  林原甲 bind() chapter 2  李宗耀 One on One Chat  周永銘 Echo Q&A

11 Remind  Reschedule 10/30(online course)->11/06 chapter 3,DEMO  張晏誠 許名宏 chapter 4,DEMO  李韋忠 王維寬  The students are responsible for units of chapter three and four and raises a on-line question to all of the participants in the “Icebreaking activities”, and mail the solution to TA. Due 10/23

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