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Peru By: Lina B. & Sarah T.. 2 Traditional Dishes from Peru Ceviche is 1 traditional Anticuchos is another Dish. traditional dish.

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Presentation on theme: "Peru By: Lina B. & Sarah T.. 2 Traditional Dishes from Peru Ceviche is 1 traditional Anticuchos is another Dish. traditional dish."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peru By: Lina B. & Sarah T.

2 2 Traditional Dishes from Peru Ceviche is 1 traditional Anticuchos is another Dish. traditional dish.

3 Peru’s Sports Soccer is often played Surfing is another sport in Peru. done in Peru.

4 History of Peru Peru was established in 1542. Peru’s capital is Lima. Peru is a very beautiful place take a look at these pictures.

5 Peru’s Language Peru’s main language is Spanish. Other Languages spoken in Peru are Quechua and Aymara.

6 The Traditional Clothing Women – Lliclla – Chomp – Jobona – Polleras – Monteras – Hojotas Men – Chumpi – Poncho – Hojotas – Chullos – Chuspas These are some Traditional Clothes for Women and Men

7 Peru’s Animals Parrots Alpacas Zebras Capuchin Monkey Poison Frog Jaguar

8 Peru’s Nazca Lines Here we have a link about the Nazca Lines in Peru

9 Peru’s Population 29,164,883

10 Peru’s Government Peru is not a communist country. They have a president and you can vote.

11 Traditional Peruvian Dancing The one we chose to show you is a blend of all Peruvian Dances.

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