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CALL for University Lecturers KMUTT January 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "CALL for University Lecturers KMUTT January 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 CALL for University Lecturers KMUTT January 2004

2 Overview of the workshop n Day 1 morning n Reasons for using CALL n Modes of using CALL n Commercial multimedia language learning software n Using Word

3 Overview of the workshop n Day 1 afternoon n Using the Internet for English learning n The Internet as a grammar reference n Language exercises on the Internet n Organising Internet-based English language practice

4 Overview of the workshop n Day 2 morning n Using authentic websites for language learning n Organising Internet-based projects n Searching and using mega-sites n Using WebQuests

5 Overview of the workshop n Day 2 afternoon n Internet resources for professional development n Teacher information and community websites n E-mail discussion lists for teachers n Using computers to conduct research n Conducting research into CALL n Action plans for implementing CALL

6 Workshop website n n Full-text articles n Powerpoints and documents from the workshop n Databases (for ELT literature and Internet English exercises) n Free programs for downloading n Useful links n Discussion forum

7 Why use CALL? n Your institution requires it n Individualised instruction n Access to resources n Mirrors real-world use of English n Any other reasons?

8 Purposes of using CALL n Learning independently n Teacher-supported self-study n Classroom learning n Preparing for teaching n Developing as a teacher n Conducting research

9 Using computers for learning n Facilitating e.g. Microsoft Word n Language learning e.g. CD-ROMs, websites n Exposure to English e.g. simply using a computer, websites, games n Production e.g. website design, e-mail, chat

10 Using computers for teaching n Finding and producing materials and tests n Keeping up-to-date n Networking

11 Using computers for research n Facilitating research e.g. Excel n Finding benchmarks e.g. using a corpus n Collecting data e.g. student e-mail n Conducting research into CALL

12 Modes of CALL n Who does the user communicate with? n With a computer n With a peer n With a stranger n How is the computer set up? n Stand-alone n Networked

13 Commercial multimedia language learning software n Advantages n Professionally produced n Complete package n Attractive n Range of input types n Assessment integrated into the program n Disadvantages n Expensive n Closed-ended n Limited in terms of skills and freedom of student expression n Need for facilities Need to learn how to use the software


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