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The Brief Overview of the SEEDs Romanian Pilot Experience …a style that gives more meaning to our practice…

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Presentation on theme: "The Brief Overview of the SEEDs Romanian Pilot Experience …a style that gives more meaning to our practice…"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Brief Overview of the SEEDs Romanian Pilot Experience …a style that gives more meaning to our practice…

2 The context  A long collaboration experience with NOMs, universities and other organisations from UK;  Our first international research experience;  42 small probation teams (average: 6- 7 probation counsellors);  The average of caseloads for a RPC at the end of 2013:  App.80 cases offenders with supervision in the community + App. 28 pre-sentence reports;  2013 – “the preparation year” for the new penal legislation enforcement.

3 The content of SEEDs pilot in Romania  Delivery of co-facilitators training;  Delivery of SEED briefing event for Brasov, Dolj and Bucharest managers’ team;  Delivery of SEED core training for three teams by Nigel Hosking and two Romanian co-trainers;  The core training was observed by one expert of ASSW and the feedback questionnaires were collected from the participants at the training;  Delivery of three SEED follow up events (continuous professional development);  Observe and collect practitioners feedback questionnaires after each follow up training (and some practitioners interviewed);

4 The content of the pilot in Romania (continued)  Observation of the practice sessions and peer learning group was delivered in three teams;  Questionnaires for offenders collected (the evaluation included all the cases coming into supervision in this period in three teams trained to deliver SEED);  Drafting an interim report on questionnaires from practitioners and training observation by the experts of Sheffield University;  Drafting a final report, including questionnaires for offenders and compliance data on all offenders, by the experts of Sheffield University.

5 Elements of the transfer and adjustment of the pilot  Area of the SEEDs pilot implementation: Three probation services selected: - 14 probation counsellors trained from Bucharest team; - 7 probation counsellors trained from Dolj team (Craiova County); - 8 probation counsellors trained from Brasov team. Opportunity to have the comparison groups (trained/un-trained) in the same PS

6 Elements of the transfer and adjustment of the pilot (continued)

7 Adjustment and translation of the training materials: Some adjustment of the sessions, such as: the session about professional’ s ethics and values, the TBC recorded session, the ending of supervision; Some terms is good to remain in English than to be translated; All the materials were translated and for DVD`s clips were used some transcripts. Tips: Using the same translators/interpreters for all training sessions; Invite specialists to verify the translation; Using subtitle or transcript for the DVD`s clips.

8 Elements of the transfer and adjustment of the pilot (continued) Trainings delivery: One more day for the core training and for each follow up courses; Two training groups organized and maintained during the all trainings;

9 Elements of the transfer and adjustment of the pilot (continued) Trainings delivery: The training agenda and materials were adapted according with the length of courses; Two Romanian trainers were involved to delivery the training sessions; Preparation sessions for the team of trainers. Tips: The involvement of the local trainers and specialists will permit you to disseminate the model in the future.

10 Elements of the transfer and adjustment of the pilot (continued) Observation sessions: A new practice for managers and teams; An objective and structured method of feed- back; An opportunity for managers to find out the professional potential of their staff. One manager from pilot observed the practice of all PC, trained an untrained;

11 Elements of the transfer and adjustment of the pilot (continued) Peer learning groups: A welcome practice; A new style of staff interaction; A special invitation: untrained PC, managers or the coordinator of the SEEDs pilot; Tips: In the large teams that organize the PLG named more responsible for organized these groups- one for each.

12 Elements of the transfer and adjustment of the pilot (continued)  Applying and collecting questionnaires for the convicted persons: Started to apply questionnaires for the convicted persons after 5 months of supervision (not 2 months as planned); Application of the questionnaires started at the end of June – beginning of July 2013 until October – December 2013; Collected until April 2014.


14 SWOT Analysis for SEEDs Strong points:  Professional development of probation officers;  Confirmation of what you do;  Acquiring new exercises/worksheets;  Quick intervention methods adapted to beneficiary needs and crisis;  Meetings are highly-structured and focused;  Improving the professional relation with beneficiaries;  Beneficiaries are more involved, engaged;

15 SWOT Analysis for SEEDs Strong points:  Activating self-reflection (e.g. Unconscious bias)  Increasing team cohesion and feed-back;  Sharing experiences - referring of the observation sessions and peer learning group;  Feedback from the convicted persons.

16 SWOT Analysis for SEEDs Weaknesses:  Time for organisation and performance (availability);  Mobility of one of the team (Dolj team)  Training for a part of the members of the teams.

17 SWOT Analysis for SEEDs Opportunities:  Possibility of improving practice (including the New Criminal Code);  Offering new models for good practice;  Continuous professional development;  Separation from the daily routine and the possibility of reflecting on the method of working with beneficiaries;  Possibility of structuring different departments within the service;  Possibility of using SEED as a program to be applied as an obligation given by the court.

18 SWOT Analysis for SEEDs Threats:  Limited space for the activity with beneficiaries - lack of confidentiality, it can affect the 1 to 1 relation and the intervention;  Limited time – high level of case load;  New legislative framework - determines limited time for SEED.

19 Questions and reflection …

20 Special thanks for… Angela, Joanna, Ioan, Nigel

21 Contact details: Thank you!

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