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Project Status: Year 1. Milestones and Deliverables Year 1 contained: 25 milestones (from 78) 9 deliverables (from 38) Of these: 22 milestones and 7 deliverables.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Status: Year 1. Milestones and Deliverables Year 1 contained: 25 milestones (from 78) 9 deliverables (from 38) Of these: 22 milestones and 7 deliverables."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Status: Year 1

2 Milestones and Deliverables Year 1 contained: 25 milestones (from 78) 9 deliverables (from 38) Of these: 22 milestones and 7 deliverables completed successfully (3 tasks pending)


4 Milestone 3b:  Submission of approximately 5,000 measuring days of new data in the database Milestone 4h:  Implementation of approved Oracle structures for non- spectral and ancillary data Milestone 8c:  Extension of fast model, version two 3b. The web-page interface for data submission was completed on schedule at the end of month 12, but this did not leave any time for the actual submission of data during this reporting period. Some 17,000 days of spectral data have already been collected in preparation for submission, however, and these will be transferred to the database in the next few months. 8c. The Fastrt model has been extended to include dependencies for variable rural aerosol loadings, altitude, albedo, and cloudiness. The final design depends on the speed and performance of the fast model. In particular, the QA flagging must not in total take more than 2-3 seconds per spectrum, which was not expected when at the time of writing the proposal. NPI expect to have code ready by September. 4h. The design of new Oracle structures for auxiliary data is completed, but a delay in their formulation prevented installation before the end of this reporting period. The installation is scheduled for the beginning of August. See also deliverable 4.3. Milestones overdue

5 Deliverable 3.1:  Submission of UV spectral and broadband data from 20 European sites Deliverables overdue 3.1 The web-page interface for data submission was completed on schedule at the end of month 12, but this did not leave time for submission of data during the current reporting period. Spectral and broadband data have been collected in preparation for submission from 22 different sites, however, and these will be transferred to the database in the next few months. Deliverable 4.3:  Addition of further Oracle structures for non-spectral and ancillary data 4.3 Following an exhaustive examination of the issues surrounding the collection and storage of auxiliary information, BAS formulated a detailed description of new Oracle table structures. While the new tables are not yet installed, the bulk of the work is completed and FMI aim to have the tables in place by the beginning of August.

6 Installation of new database hardware; transfer of UV database Web-page interface to the database Main results




10 Installation of new database hardware; transfer of UV database Web-page interface to the database BASINT


12 Main results Installation of new database hardware; transfer of UV database Web-page interface to the database New structures for auxiliary data

13 New symbols for data description line of multiple line data: ozone_column ( O3COL ; Dobson Units ; float ; ) Column label for the ozone column in Dobson units snow_cover ( SNOWCVR ; ; int ; ) Column label for snow cover flag (1: snow cover; 0: no snow cover; -1: don’t know) cloud_amount ( CLD8 ; ; int ; ) Column label for cloud amount in oktas (0: clear sky; 1: one okta or less of cloud cover; … ; 8: complete overcast; 9: no data due to fog or snow flurry) sunshine_duration ( SUNT ; hours ; float ; ) Column label for sunshine duration in decimal hours year_UTC ( UYEAR ; ; int ; [1900:2100] ) Column label for the year in Coordinated Universal Time month_UTC ( UMONTH ; ; int ; [1:12] ) Column label for the month in Coordinated Universal Time day_UTC ( UDAY ; ; int; [1:31] ) Column label for the day of the month in Coordinated Universal Time SQL> desc ozone_info Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ------------------ SUBMIT_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(8) REGISTERATION_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(5) OZONE_INFO_ID NOT NULL CHAR(14) INSTRUMENT_IDENTIFIER CHAR(20) ALTITUDE NOT NULL NUMBER(6,2) LATITUDE NOT NULL NUMBER(6,4) LONGITUDE NOT NULL NUMBER(7,4) ZONE_STD NUMBER(5,3) UNCERTAINTY_TIME VARCHAR2(100) UNCERTAINTY_TIME_SEC NUMBER(32) CALIBRATION_DATE DATE MODEL_IDENTIFIER CHAR(20) CALIBRATION_PROCEDURE_FILE VARCHAR2(20) SQL> desc ozone_day Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ------------------ OZONE_INFO_ID NOT NULL CHAR(14) DATE_UTC NOT NULL DATE OZONE_DAY_ID NOT NULL CHAR(14) OZONE_DAILY NUMBER(5,2) SQL> desc ozone Name Null? Type ----------------------------------------- -------- ------------------ OZONE_DAY_ID NOT NULL CHAR(14) TIME_UTC NOT NULL NUMBER(7,5) SOLAR_ZENITH_ANGLE NUMBER(6,3) OZONE NOT NULL NUMBER(5,2) Data types considered: 1. Ozone column (daily representative values and diurnal variation) 2. Information on snow cover 3. Cloud amount 4. Sunshine duration (Oracle structures and Flexstor formats for integrated irradiance already exist.)

14 Main results Installation of new database hardware; transfer of UV database Web-page interface to the database New structures for auxiliary data Statement of user requirements


16 Main results Installation of new database hardware; transfer of UV database Web-page interface to the database New structures for auxiliary data Statement of user requirements Inventory of QC procedures


18 Main results Installation of new database hardware; transfer of UV database Web-page interface to the database New structures for auxiliary data Statement of user requirements Inventory of QC procedures Topography and surface inhomogeneties


20 Main results Installation of new database hardware; transfer of UV database Web-page interface to the database New structures for auxiliary data Statement of user requirements Inventory of QC procedures Topography and surface inhomogeneties Reports on 3D modelling and flagging


22 The next 9 months…__________________

23 WG1: Data analysis Progress in description of UV climatology [LAP, RIVM] Aerosol climatology for UV modelling [UG] Evaluation of the impact of atmospheric variability on long-term changes in UVR [FMI] Definition of optimal wavelength band and location for investigation of long-term changes in UVR [UH]

24 WG2: Database management Submission of approx. 15,000 days of UV data [BOKU et al.] Database reports [UG] Addition of structures for auxiliary data [FMI] Updated and validated metadata pages [UMIST]

25 WG2: Database management (continued) Installation of web-page interface for BASINT tools [BAS] Flagging of spectral irradiance for wavelength shifts and spectral anomalies [RIVM]

26 Month12151821242730 WG3: Data Flagging 5e. Outline of method for cloud- flagging algorithm [NPI] 6b. Description of method for the flagging of atmospheric anomalies [NPI] 6a. Development & testing of methods to identify erroneous values of spectral UV irradiance [RIVM] 6d. Report on the method used in the detection of natural spectral distortion [LAP] 6e. Report on analysis of wavelength- shift & spectral anomalies for subsets of data in database[RIVM] 6g. Flagging of all valid spectra in database completed [RIVM] 6i. Report on methods for detection of natural factors influencing spectral measurements [LAP] 6j. Flagging of atmospheric anomalies applied to data with suitable ancillary information [NPI] 6.2 Flagging of atmospheric anomalies [NPI] 6.1 Flagging spectral irradiance for wavelength shifts & spectral anomalies [RIVM] 6.4 Report on status and meaning of all database flagging [LAP] 6h. flagging algorithm for atmospheric anomalies made available at the database [NPI] 5h. Beta version of cloud-flagging algorithm available for testing [NPI]

27 WG3: QA/QC Report on status & relevance of flagging within database [LAP] Recommendation on QA at sites [BAS] Quality audit of measuring sites [UG] Evaluation and distribution of QC tools [RIVM, UI] Development & application of cloud flagging algorithm [NPI]

28 WG4: Modelling Development, evaluation and installation of fast RT model [NPI] Algorithm for reconstruction of spectra from filter radiometers [UJF] Cast study on influence of topography and inhomogeneous surfaces [NILU]


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