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MA2213 Lecture 3 Approximation.

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1 MA2213 Lecture 3 Approximation

2 Piecewise Linear Interpolation p. 147
can use Nodal Basis Functions

3 Introduction Approximates = match, fit, resemble
Problem : Find / evaluate a function P that (i) P belongs to a specified set S of functions, and (ii) P best approximates a function f among the functions in the set S Approximates = match, fit, resemble If S were the set of ALL functions the choice P = f solves the problem – “you can’t get any closer to somewhere than by being there”. If S is not the set of all functions then S must be defined carefully Furthermore, we must define the approximation criteria used to compare two approximations

4 Set of Functions In practice S is closed under sums and multiplication
by numbers – this means that it is a vector space Furthermore, S is usually finite dimensional and then S admits a basis Example: Bases for S = { Polynomials of degree < n } : Monomial Basis For distinct nodes Lagrange’s Basis For possibly repeated nodes Newton’s Basis (used with divided differences)

5 Approximation Criteria
Least Squares p In many engineering and scientific problems, data is acquired from measurements observed that measurement errors usually have “Gaussian Statistics” and he invented an optimum method to deal with such errors. Minimax or Best Approximation p Arises in optimal design, game theory as well as in mathematics of uniform convergence

6 Least Squares Criteria
Least Squares (over an finite set) Least Squares (over an interval)

7 Least Squares Over a Finite Set p. 319-333
If then we minimize by choosing coefficients to satisfy

8 Least Squares Over a Finite Set
Remark: these are n equations in n variables Since the coefficients satisfy the equations

9 Least Squares Equations
Construct matrices The least squares equations are The interpolation equations hold if and only if Question When do these equations have solutions ?

10 Least Squares Examples
For The least squares equations are so and the constant function is the least squares approximation or data fit for the data points by a constant function.

11 Least Squares Examples
For The least squares equations are The solution gives the least squares data fit by a polynomial of degree

12 Least Squares MATLAB CODE
function c = lspf(n,m,x,y) % function c = lspf(n,m,x,y) % % Wayne Lawton 28 August 2007 % Least Squares Polynomial Fit % Inputs : n = deg poly + 1, m = # data points, % data arrays x and y of size n x 1 % Output : array c of poly coefficients for i = 1:m for j = 1:n B(i,j) = x(i)^(j-1); end c = (B'*B)\(B'*y);

13 Least Squares MATLAB CODE

14 Least Squares MATLAB CODE
sum of squares error for constant least squares fit sum of squares error for ‘linear’ least squares fit Question : Why did the ssq error decrease ?

15 Least Squares Algebraic Formula
The sum of squares error can be computed, by substituting the value, to obtain

16 Least Squares MATLAB CODE
ssq error for quadratic ls fit Question : Why did the error decrease so little ?

17 Marge, Where are the Least Squares ?

18 Least Squares Over an Interval
If then we minimize by choosing coefficients to satisfy

19 Least Squares Over an Interval
These are also n equations in n variables Since the coefficients satisfy the equations The ‘ interpolation equation ‘ on the interval is

20 Least Squares Over an Interval p. 181
For S = polynomials of degree over the interval the equations are The matrix of coefficients for these equations is called the Hilbert matrix. It is a well-known example of an ill conditioned matrix and is discussed in Example on pages

21 Legendre Polynomials p. 181-183
defined by satisfy they are examples of Orthogonal Polynomials and are useful method to solve the least squared approximation by polynomials p

22 Vandermonde Matrix first expand det by last row to obtain and
then use induction on n to obtain

23 Gramm Matrix Theorem 1. If are linearly
independent, then the Gramm matrix defined by is nonsingular. Proof lin. ind. and Derive this equation

24 Semipositive Definite and Positive Definite
Definitions A real n x n matrix is (semi) positive definite if for every nonzero vector Theorem 2. If is both positive semidefinite and symmetric and satisfies then Proof Assume that For every construct the function and observe that since is positive semidefinite Since therefore for every hence

25 Gramm Matrix Corollary (of Thm 2). If the Gramm matrix for a
set of functions is nonsingular then this set of functions is linearly independent. Proof. Assume that the Gramm matrix is satisfies nonsingular and that It suffices to show that We observe that Furthermore, since satisfies the hypothesis of theorem 2, it follows that and the proof is complete.

26 Questions for Thought and Discussion
Question 1. Is the matrix semi positive definite, positive definite,symmetric ? Is it true that Question 2. Give and example of a positive semidefinite matrix that is not positive definite. Question 3. Find a positive semidefinite nonsingular matrix and a nonzero vector such that Question 4. Give a detailed derivation for all the assertions in the proofs of Theorems 1 and 2.

27 Joseph Louis Lagrange Jan 1736 – April 1813 Giuseppe Lodovico Lagrangia was an Italian-French mathematician and astronomer who made important contributions to all fields of analysis and number theory and to classical and celestial mechanics as arguably the greatest mathematician of the 18th century. Before the age of 20 he was professor of geometry at the royal artillery school at Turin.

28 Isaac Newton January 1643 – March 1727)
January 1643 – March 1727) was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, and alchemist, regarded by many as the greatest figure in the history of science. His treatise Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, published in 1687, described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion, laying the groundwork for classical mechanics.

29 Carl Friedrich Gauss
April 1777 – February 1855 was a German mathematician and scientist of profound genius who contributed significantly to many fields, including number theory, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, magnetism, astronomy and optics. 23, heard about the problem After three months of intense work, he predicted a position for Ceres in Dec 1801 …influential treatment of the method of least squares …minimize the impact of measurement error …under the assumption of normally distributed errors …when asked how he had been able to predict the trajectory of Ceres with such accuracy he replied, "I used logarithms." The questioner then wanted to know how he had been able to look up so many numbers from the tables so quickly. "Look them up?" Gauss responded. "Who needs to look them up? I just calculate them in my head!"

30 Homework Due Tutorial 2 Question 1. Do Problem 8 (a) on page 133.
Question 2. Use Newton’s divided difference method to find a polynomial of degree that satisfies Question 3. Do Problem 1 on page 330. Please show all details in your computation. Question 4. Compute the Gramm Matrix for the three piecewise linear nodal basis functions in the first vufoil if the three nodes are -1, 0, 1 and the interval of integration is [-1,1]

31 Homework Example Question 4. Compute the Gramm Matrix for the
three piecewise linear nodal basis functions in the first vufoil if the three nodes are -1, 0, 1 and the interval of integration is [-1,1] Solution The Gram matrix will be a 3 x 3 matrix, here is one of its entries

32 Questions for Thought and Discussion
Answer 1. The matrix is symmetric, however it is not semi positive definite and therefore not positive definite. Answer 3. The matrix is semi positive definite and nonsingular and if and clearly then

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