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Five minute thinkers Sometimes at the beginning of class, there will be a question or statement for each of you to think about…no need to write it down,

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Presentation on theme: "Five minute thinkers Sometimes at the beginning of class, there will be a question or statement for each of you to think about…no need to write it down,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Five minute thinkers Sometimes at the beginning of class, there will be a question or statement for each of you to think about…no need to write it down, but be ready to answer if called upon! Define the word “science” in your own words. On the strip of construction paper, write a word or short phrase that reminds you of something scientific. Place a hashtag (#) before it. EXAMPLE: #Molecule Turn in your signed syllabus in the homework tray

2 1.2 Doing Science Mr. Perez

3 Vocabulary (pp. 6-23) 1.Science 2.Scientific method 3.Hypothesis 4.Experiment 5.Variable 6.Dependent (outcome) variable 7.Independent (test) variable 8.Constant 9.Control

4 What is science? A systematic process that helps people inquire (or ask questions) about the world around them A way of learning about the natural world through observations and logical reasoning; leads to a body of knowledge.

5 Scientific method Ways, or steps to follow, to solve problems Read p. 13

6 Scientific Method Steps 1.State the question/problem 2.Collect information 3.Form a hypothesis 4.Test the hypothesis & observe 5.Record and analyze data 6.Draw conclusions

7 State the Question/Problem Why is it important to state the question or problem?

8 Collect Information What do you know about the problem? What do you want to know? Research!

9 Form a hypothesis A hypothesis is an educated guess; a tentative explanation for an observation or phenomenon that can be tested scientifically

10 Test hypothesis and observe Experiments are sets of controlled steps carried out to discover, test, or demonstrate something Variables are factors that can change in an experiment Independent (test)- factor that the experimenter changes on purpose Dependent (outcome)- factor that may change as a result of changes made by the experimenter Constant- variable that stays the same

11 Good Experiments Are replicable by other scientists Use a control group to compare results Only involve one variable Have multiple trials

12 Record and analyze data Look over results and arrange data in an organized fashion Charts Graphs Data tables

13 Draw Conclusions Look over your data and summarize it Does it answer your hypothesis? Does it go against your hypothesis?

14 If results go against your hypothesis… Make a new hypothesis and… START ALL OVER

15 Validity Experiments are more reliable and valid the more times they are run… For example, an experiment that has multiple trials and the same results is more important/valid than an experiment that has only one trial and one result.

16 Closing Questions Answer these on a separate sheet of paper: 1. What is your next step in the scientific method if results do not support your hypothesis? 2. How are dependent, independent and constants different? 3. Why must an experiment be replicable in order to be a good experiment?

17 Online Resources ntific-inquiry/scientific-methods.htm ntific-inquiry/scientific-methods.htm Supplemental reading on Pearson eText pp. 6-21

18 References Florida Science Grade 7, Glencoe Science & McGraw Hill Publishing Pearson Interactive Science Course 2, Pearson Education Inc. Google Images

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