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1 1

2 The Book of Esther Author Unknown Purpose
History behind the the Jewish feast of Purim So they will remember and celebrate the holiday 2

3 Unique in the Canon One of only two books named after a women.
Only writing we have concerning the Jews that did not return to the promise land. Lacks any spiritual or religious language. God is not mentioned in the book at all. 3

4 Main Theme The Providence of God

5 Place in History 586 BC - Babylonians conquer Jerusalem & Temple Burned 538 BC - Babylon defeated by Cyrus "the Great" king of Persia 537 BC - Cyrus decreed that the Jews could return to their homeland and Zerubbabel and Joshua the high priest lead back a small remnant. Esther takes place during chapters 6 and 7 of Ezra. Ahasuerus (or Xerxes) king of Persia reigns from 485 to 464 BC. Artaxerxes his son allows both Ezra and Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem. 5

6 Susa - Capital of the Persian Empire

7 Ahasuerus Powerful Rash and quick tempered Proud Self-centered Wicked

8 Mordecai Esther’s cousin Raising Esther
Continually demonstrates courage, faith and a desire to do what is right no matter the cost. God fearing Jew 8

9 Haman The antagonist Second in command Incredibly prideful Cowardly
Manipulative 9

10 Esther Young Jewish orphan Jewish name is Hadassah, which means myrtle
Courageous Faith Wise 10

11 “Who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

12 12

13 Exodus 14:8, Ezra 7:27, Esther 1:10 Powerful Rash and quick tempered
Proud Self-centered Wicked 13

14 “Sovereign Lord,” Acts 4:24

15 Esther’s Obedience Young Jewish orphan
Jewish name is Hadassah, which means myrtle Bitter? No evidence at all 15

16 Bitterness is ugly Ephesians 4:31 16

17 Esther’s Obedience Esther 2:10 Courageous Faith Wise 17

18 Mordecai Esther’s cousin Raising Esther
Continually demonstrates courage, faith and a desire to do what is right no matter the cost. God fearing Jew Esther 2:11 18

19 Esther’s Teachable Heart
Romans 12:15 I Peter 5:5-11 Phil 2:3-11 19

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