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1 FTK Rear Transition Module Mircea Bogdan The University of Chicago March 9, 2015 Production Readiness Review.

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Presentation on theme: "1 FTK Rear Transition Module Mircea Bogdan The University of Chicago March 9, 2015 Production Readiness Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 FTK Rear Transition Module Mircea Bogdan The University of Chicago March 9, 2015 Production Readiness Review

2 Mircea Bogdan, March 9, 2015 2 FTK Rear Transition Module PCB modification: -Include +5V LDO -> no need of VME 5V. -Change width of one PCB 3.3V trace. Prototype Rev. B – 3 pieces finished 7/15/2014

3 Mircea Bogdan, March 9, 2015 3 FTK Rear Transition Module Production Plans We plan to order the PCBs and the all the components, and send the kit to the assembly house for manufacturing. The FPGAs were ordered on Dec.29, 2014, and have been shipped. We plan to make the 22 PCBs with EPEC who made the prototypes as well. We plan to do the assembly (20 modules) with Twin Hunter, who made the prototypes as well. Manufacturer will perform Automatic Optical Inspection (checks for component placement). Manufacturer will perform 5DX Check – Stereolithographic X-Ray inspection of solder connections. There will be a First Article (two modules) that will be shipped to us for a 1-week testing.

4 Mircea Bogdan, March 09, 2015 4 FTK Rear Transition Module – Docs Schematics Layout Notes: The Schematics page has links to all schematics; The Layout page has links to the specification drawing, assembly drawings, neutral file, net lengths file, Gerber files, plots of Gerber files, BOM file with manufacturing instructions.

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