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This PowerPoint presentation contains 13 questions for Benchmark B of the Social Studies Skills and Methods standard tested on the Grade 5 Social Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "This PowerPoint presentation contains 13 questions for Benchmark B of the Social Studies Skills and Methods standard tested on the Grade 5 Social Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 This PowerPoint presentation contains 13 questions for Benchmark B of the Social Studies Skills and Methods standard tested on the Grade 5 Social Studies Ohio Achievement Test. These questions cover the benchmarks for grades 3, 4, and 5. The grade, standard, and benchmark for each question is listed in the top right corner of each slide. An answer analysis for every question (visible only to the teacher) explains what knowledge students need to have to arrive at the correct answer. Use these slides to review a specific benchmark, or download additional slides to create a comprehensive review for the Grade 5 Social Studies Ohio Achievement Test. If you’d like to print the slides with analyses, choose “Notes Pages” from the “Print What” pull down menu on the Print Screen. Instructions

2 3.SSS.B Look at the bar graph below. How are the dates divided in this bar graph? A. decades B. years C. centuries D. months

3 3.SSS.B Look at the bar graph below. In what year did the most immigrants come to the United States? A. 1880 B. 1900 C. 1910 D. 1920

4 3.SSS.B Look at the flow chart below. What is the first step in the flow chart? A. ship raisins to stores B. pick grapes C. sort raisins for quality D. sun-dry grapes

5 3.SSS.B When they arrived in the United States, people from one part of the world often settled together in a neighborhood or community. Many Italian immigrants settled in an area of New York City now known as Little Italy. Many Chinese immigrants settled a few blocks south in an area known as Chinatown. Why do you think immigrants from the same country settled together in the United States?

6 3.SSS.B Brazil is a large producer of steel. Ohio is a large producer of machinery. Brazil sells steel to Ohio companies at lower prices than steel made in Ohio. The Ohio companies make machinery and sell it to Brazil. Companies there pay less for the Ohio machinery than they would for machinery made in Brazil. Write a paragraph that explains how Ohio’s connection to Brazil influences Ohio manufacturing.

7 4.SSS.B Look at the bar graph at the right. According to the graph, how many millions of bushels of corn did Ohio produce in 2002? A.0 B.47 C.150 D.255

8 4.SSS.B Look at the line graph at the right. According to the graph, in what year was Cleveland’s total population closest to 300,000? A.1870 B.1880 C.1890 D.1900

9 4.SSS.B Which of these statements about Ohio is an opinion rather than a fact? A.Ohio is located in North America. B.Part of Ohio’s northern border is formed by the state of Michigan. C.Ohio is located in the Western Hemisphere. D.The southern part of Ohio is the most beautiful area of the state.

10 4.SSS.B Read the paragraph below. We grow almost everything there is in Ohio. We have vineyards on the lake; we have sugar-beet fields; we have great onion swamps... we have acres of gardens... near the cities, and big wheat fields and corn lands, and hay meadows, and orchards. What is the main idea of this paragraph? What are two supporting details?

11 4.SSS.B Write a paragraph containing two facts and two opinions about the area of Ohio in which you live.

12 5.SSS.B Read the passage below. We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common Defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America. –Preamble to the Constitution of the United States, 1787 Summarize this passage in your own words.

13 5.SSS.B Read the encyclopedia entry below. Thomas Paine (1737­–1809). Political writer. Born in England, Paine came to the American colonies in 1774. In January 1776, he wrote Common Sense, a best-selling pamphlet that helped to inspire colonists to unite against British rule. He also wrote a series of essays called The American Crisis, which encouraged colonists to continue the American Revolution despite hardships. Explain why Thomas Paine was an important figure during the American Revolution.

14 5.SSS.B Read the following quote by Patrick Henry. “There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! The war is inevitable—and let it come!... I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” What was Henry’s reason for giving this speech? support the Revolutionary War support the French and Indian War support the War of 1812 support the Civil War

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