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Military Empires Ch. 7 Is it better to be feared or respected as a ruler? Please write a 3.8 paragraph to answer. See next slide.

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Presentation on theme: "Military Empires Ch. 7 Is it better to be feared or respected as a ruler? Please write a 3.8 paragraph to answer. See next slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Military Empires Ch. 7 Is it better to be feared or respected as a ruler? Please write a 3.8 paragraph to answer. See next slide

2 Please write a 3.8 Paragraph Opening sentence should answer question. 2 sentences summarizing point 1 2 sentences summarizing point 2 2 sentences summarizing point 3 Concluding sentence restating your opening sentence

3 The Assyrian Empire 650 BC

4 Assyrians- Fear or Respect? Many of the captives I burned in a fire. Many I took alive. From some of these I cut off their hands, noses, ears, and fingers. I put out the eyes of many. I fixed up a pile of corpses in front of the city gate. I flayed the nobles and spread their skins out on the piles. After a wild battle in the field, I took it. I slew 600 of his warriors with my weapons; 3,000 prisoners I burned in a great fire; I did not take a single hostage…. I stacked the bodies like towers; the young men and girls I burned alive. I skinned the king of Hulai alive and hung his skin on the city walls. I demolished and burned the city."

5 I. Assyrians War like because of where they lived Began conquering cities by 800 BC Very effective army –Iron weapons –Cavalry –Psychological warfare

6 Skilled at attacking cities –Battering rams –Seige towers Government –Empire broken into provinces –Roads built to link provinces –Ashurbanipal, King and scholar, created first library

7 II. Chaldeans

8 Descendants of Hammurabi Nabopolassar rises up and defeats hated Assyrians Nebuchadnezzar becomes King and ushers in the Golden Age Capital city was Babylon –Rebuilt by Nebuchadnezzar –Richest city because of trade –Police forces and postal service –Hanging Gardens of Babylon Conquered by Persians

9 Babylon- Ishtar Gate

10 Hanging Gardens of Babylon

11 Another Hanging Gardens

12 Great Pyramid at Giza: Only one remaining

13 Statue of Zeus at Olympia

14 Temple of Artemis Built in honor of Greek Goddess Artemis

15 Mausoleum at Harnicarrsus Built for King Mausollos

16 The Colossus of Rhodes Stood for only 56 years

17 Lighthouse at Alexandria

18 Map of Seven Wonders

19 Remains of Babylon

20 III. Persian Empire

21 III. Persians Cattle herders from central Asia Cyrus, and later Darius, set out to conquer the worldCyrus –Army Recruited an army of hundreds of thousands Elite group called immortals –Tolerated other religions-Judaism –Allowed people to govern themselves –Largest empire the world had seen Government –Governors, Secretary, and General ruled 20 provinces –Collected taxes, settled disputes, and protected people –Inspectors checked on Governors

22 What kind of leader was Darius? The laws were intended to keep the stronger from destroying the weak. Judges were appointed for life unless they were removed for miscarriage of justice. Darius claimed that he loved what is right and hated lies and what is wrong, that he was not angry but restrained those who were angry. Those who injured he punished. Those who did not speak the truth he did not trust, believing that anyone who lies destroys. He even withdrew a death sentence when he realized that he had violated his own law not to execute anyone for only one crime, but in weighing the man's services against his crime ended up making him a governor. However, the death penalty was used for offenses against the state or the royal family, and mutilation was common for lesser crimes.

23 Religion –Zoroasterism Ahura Mazda vs. Ahriman Trade –Helped to spread idea of coins –Built Royal Road –Encouraged trade but did not trade

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