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Special Education/504 & GT Program Plans Colorado Charter School Institute BOOT CAMP September 1, 2015.

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1 Special Education/504 & GT Program Plans Colorado Charter School Institute BOOT CAMP September 1, 2015

2 Purpose (SPED/504 Plan) Special Education/504 Program Plan will then serve as your Special Education/504 Plan for the administration of your school’s Special Education program. is designed to be an internal reference guide and an onboarding and training tool for your staff as well as a point of reference for CSI. can be modified as your Special Education programming changes and adapts to your school and students but all changes must still meet state, federal and local rules and requirements and any change must be communicated to the CSI Special Education Director.

3 SPED/504 Plan Sections Section 1 A plan to provide adequate highly qualified staff to meet the needs of all students An annual evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the program- A fiscal plan that includes all funding sources that will be used to serve exceptional students Section 2 & 3 A whole school, data driven, Child Find pre-referral prevention based framework for improving student outcomes i.e. MTSS, RtI. A detailed plan for ongoing monitoring of Exceptional Student populations Section 4 An Enrollment process of students with special needs that that does not discriminate. Section 5 A plan to support the needs of special populations, including an identified model of service delivery and continuum of service option. Section 6 A plan for a management information system for protecting the rights and confidentiality of students including record keeping which provides for the collection, IEP documentation and reporting requirements for exceptional students. A process for dispute resolution and procedural safeguard to assure rights of students are protected Section 7 A school plan that address procedures for disciplining exceptional students.

4 Section 1 T HE C HARTER S CHOOL I NSTITUTE (CSI) S CHOOL R ESPONSIBILITIES AND F UNDING R EQUIREMENTS Describe a fiscal plan that reflects an understanding of all funding sources that will be used to serve SPED/504 students i.e. IDEA, ECEA, PPR including an accountability plan that assures the funds are used for special education vs Section 504. Describe a plan to provide adequate (i.e. staff/student ratio)and highly qualified staff (HQ) to meet the needs of all students including identified staff, secured agreements or MOU’s to contract with providers, districts –(see appendix B). Describe an Exceptional Students (SPED/504) program evaluation process that includes an annual evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the program

5 Section 2 Child Find Describe your school’s problem solving process that includes a whole school, data driven, Child Find pre-referral prevention based framework for improving student outcomes through a layered continuum of evidenced based practices including progress monitoring to inform instructional practices for continuous growth and identification of student special populations (SPED/504) i.e. MTSS, RtI.

6 Section 3 Special Education Referral, Evaluation, Eligibility Determination and Reevaluation Processes Describe a detailed plan for ongoing monitoring of SPED/504 Student populations including methods for disaggregating data and strategies for addressing low achieving students i.e. modification of curriculum in lieu of retention (provide specific strategy methods and benchmarking standards for ongoing monitoring of these populations).

7 Section 4 Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) Describe the school’s Enrollment process of students with special needs that that does not discriminate.

8 Section 5 Individualized Education Programs (IEP) IEP & Timelines Describe the comprehensive plan to support the needs of special populations (SPED/504), including an identified model of service delivery and continuum of service option. This plan needs to explicitly align with Federal/State legal requirements as well as with the school’s vision and mission. (Describe the oversight process to insure compliance of IEPs).

9 Section 6 Confidentiality of Information, Procedural Safeguards and Dispute Resolution Processes for Parents and Children Describe the detailed plan for a management information system for protecting the rights and confidentiality of students including record keeping which provides for the collection, IEP/504 documentation and reporting requirements for exceptional students. Describe the process for dispute resolution and procedural safeguard to assure rights of exceptional students are protected

10 Section 7 Student Discipline Procedures Describe the school plan that addresses procedures for disciplining exceptional students.

11 Resources CSI Special Education Website The CSI website has additional information on Special Education procedures, as well as other information that could support the development of your program plan. CSI Special Education/504 Comprehensive Manual The CSI Comprehensive Core manual (User name: sped.manual & Password: csisped) contains a comprehensive collection of Special Education procedures. IDEA and Section 504 Rules This link contains a comprehensive review of IDEA and Section 504 Law. Colorado Rules for the Exceptional Children's Educational Act (ECEA) These rules provide the administrative framework for schools and districts for the provision of services to students. Each section of the program plan lists the relevant statute/rule at the end of each section within this document as a reference.

12 Assurance Assurance of Compliance Certification- SPED/504 Exceptional Students I, ______________________________, hereby certify compliance with the laws set forth above. _________________________________________________________ Signature, Head of SchoolDate Please list any participants who assisted in reviewing the plan ( i.e. administrators, special education staff) _____________________________

13 Gifted Program Plan Kim Caplan, CSI

14 Gifted Program Plan Section 1: Communication Section 2: Definition of Gifted Children Section 3: Identification Section 4: Programming Section 5: Evaluation & Accountability Section 6: Personnel Section 7: Budget Section 8: Record Keeping Assurance

15 Submission 1 (October16) Communication Identification Personnel Budget Submission 2 (December 1) Programming Evaluation & Accountability Record Keeping

16 Section 1: Communication Specify how stakeholder groups will be informed and involved in determining programming options (identification, planning and programming for gifted students).

17 Section 2: Definition CSI and Institute Schools utilize the definition specified in section 12.01(9) of the rules for the administration of the Exceptional Children’s Educational Act (1 CCR 301-8)

18 Section 3: Identification Specify the formal identification process used in the school that aligns with CDE Identification Guidelines.

19 Section 4: Programming Describe gifted student programming strategies and academic/talent options or services that will meet the needs matched to identified strengths in the areas of exceptionality.

20 Section 5: Evaluation & Accountability Describe methods and tools used for assessment and evaluation of gifted students’ academic performance and growth and affective growth as a result of programming.

21 Section 6: Personnel Describe certified and qualified personnel who will be involved in the indirect and direct delivery of services and the development of school staff in the area of gifted education.

22 Section 7: Budget Provide a brief narrative about how state funds and contributing funds from the administrative unit will be used to support the program plan. State funds are not expected to fully fund the program plan.

23 Section 8: Record Keeping Describe the means by which the school records and sustains the advanced learning plan process as a part of the student record keeping system.

24 2015-16 SPED/504/GT Timelines September 1: Boot Camp Introduction to Program Plans Oct 16 : GT Program Plan Draft Submission 1 (sections 1,3,6,7) Nov 6: GT Submission 1 Feedback from CSI December 1: SPED/504 Draft Due; GT Revisions and Draft Submission 2 (sections 4,5,8) December 30: GT Submission 2 Feedback from CSI March 1: Draft with comments/edits returned to CSI Schools May 15 th : SPED/504 & GT Final Program Plans Due

25 THANK YOU Matt Hudson, CSI Kim Caplan. CSI

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