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Milan Radovanović, Vigor Majić Petnica Science Center T 3 = Talents to Talents

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Presentation on theme: "Milan Radovanović, Vigor Majić Petnica Science Center T 3 = Talents to Talents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Milan Radovanović, Vigor Majić Petnica Science Center T 3 = Talents to Talents

2 Petnica Science Center experimental school founded by unsatisfied students 32 yrs of continual activity independent non-profit NGO focused on advanced education in sciences, technologies and humanities both for teenagers and school teachers regional coverage = Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, BiH, Croatia,... + international programmes links with and 145 RD centers/university schools network of 2,000+ lecturers 500 schools

3 Activities Training courses, camps, workshops School support (in-service teacher training) University students... Policy impacts 3-20 days, 120-150 a year

4 educational philosophy no marks, tests/exams no ranking no classes no curriculum no teachers no textbooks no rigid discipline no certificates/diplomas active position of students students are respected


6 Results 2,800 courses, camps, workshops2,800 courses, camps, workshops 45,000+ participants45,000+ participants functional core of the new generation of Serbian science and hi-tech economyfunctional core of the new generation of Serbian science and hi-tech economy high policy impact in almost any serious reform process in educationhigh policy impact in almost any serious reform process in education impact on possible brain drain reversingimpact on possible brain drain reversing

7 Fundraising... Government (various funds) † International foundations ↑ EU governmental funds EU projects Science-oriented companies ‰ Private donors ‰ Petnica Alumni Fund ↑ Corporative support

8 WHY Above certain level, teachers in regular schools cannot suport highly motivated and gifted students Special schools could socially isolate students and could become rigid and conservative No similar institution in SE Europe Gifted students strongly support this model of work Why not?

9 SPECIAL FOCUS: Small/mid-size provincial schools Students from poor families Strengthening personal links in the region Cross-disciplinary (problem-oriented) approach Future challenges Innovative young teachers University students Promotion of independent non-profit education

10 Future development Sustainability More in-service teacher training University-oriented activities Tighter international links with best partners

11 30 th anniversary was celebrated under high patronage of the UNESCO

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