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1242.2219 Information System Economics INFORMATION MANAGEMENT.

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Presentation on theme: "1242.2219 Information System Economics INFORMATION MANAGEMENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 1242.2219 Information System Economics INFORMATION MANAGEMENT

2 Issues  Types of information  Data problems  The DBA  Database issues  Data mining  Data warehousing  Information  Knowledge  Intelligence  Where next?

3 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Issues Types of Information  Datawhat  Informationwhy  Knowledgehow to  Intelligencesolve

4 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Inconsistent Data Definitions  Names  Grades  Dates  Catalog(ue) numbers

5 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Inconsistent Data Definitions Peoples’ Names - Order of names Western: first_name, middle_name(s), family_name (christian_name) (surname), generation e.g. Henry C. Lucas, III Oriental: family_name first_name second_name (Western_name)

6 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Inconsistent Data Definitions Peoples’ Names - Order of names But see exceptions: Hungary, westernized oriental names Relational names: Abu Mussa, Ibn Saud, Umm Khaltoum, Bint Hana Shapira, Shapirena, Shapiraita Gender information contained in names/unisex names

7 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Inconsistent Data Definitions Dates Different calendar schemes – solar vs. lunar starting points 28 February 2000 = 22 Adar I 5760 = 22 Shawwal 1420 Order: 3/4/1999 = March 4 or April 3?

8 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Inconsistent Data Definitions Dates Date semantics: Transaction date Date recorded Value date Time and date zone differences: “I got your message tomorrow”

9 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Inconsistent Data Definitions Catalog Numbers Supplier’s catalog number vs. internal organizational number Internal sub-organization catalog numbers Subsidiaries catalog numbers Example: Barbara C. McNurlin and Ralph H. Sprague, Jr. Information Systems Management in Practice, 4 th Ed. Prentice-Hall ISBN: 0-13-847971-2 Library of Congress: T58.64.I54 1998 Dewey Decimal: 658.4’038-dc21 97-1245

10 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Role of the DBA  Design DBMS application  Rationalize data inconsistencies  Maintain data dictionary  Control data distribution and sharing  Maintain data accuracy  Manage data back ups


12 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Data Mining From On-line Analytic Processing (OLAP) via Data Mining to Knowledge Discovery in Data Bases (KDD)

13 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Data Warehousing Problems in Data Warehousing  What data to keep?  How to organize them

14 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Data Mining Problems in Data Mining  Which relationships to evaluate?  Identification of interesting/meaningful relationships

15 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Knowledge Types of Knowledge  descriptive knowledgedata information  procedural knowledge knowledge  problem solving knowledge intelligence  creative knowledge

16 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Where Next? Starting Point Internal External Record Based Traditional Public EDP/MIS Databases Word processing Corporate Document BasedDocument library management web sites

17 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Where Next?  distributed  heterogeneous  unfederated  multimedia Data bases are becoming:

18 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Where Next?  distribution => control problems  heterogeneity => integration problems  unfederated => no common schema  multimedia => how to specify and retrieve multiple media Problems

19 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Where Next?  for applications - refederation  for information retrieval – intelligent search  intelligent routing  route learning and specialization  natural language querying Solution Directions

20 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Summary  Types of information  Data problems  The DBA  Database issues  Data mining  Data warehousing  Information  Knowledge  Intelligence  Where next?

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