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Data Quality Assessment
Good morning and welcome to this Data Quality Session. It is great to be with you here at USAID/Jordan. As you are aware, the Mission is in the final phases of updating its PMP. You have been working on this for sometime now and you were busy in selecting/developing indicators. Some of these indicators will be reported externally and thus they will need to undergo a DQA. So it’s the DQA season and we think it’s a great chance to have this session at this time. But before we go further, lets have a chance to introduce ourselves. Ask participants to introduce themselves by name, title, and office, have you conducted a DQA before, and what do you hope to learn today. its Wednesday, June 10, 2015 USAID/Jordan
By the end of this session, participants should:
SESSION GOALS By the end of this session, participants should: Understand the reasons for conducting Data Quality Assessment (DQA) Be familiar with the processes and best practice of conducting a DQA I hope we will be able to address all your learning priorities, but what we expect you to do at the end of this session is the following:
Data informs decisions across the Program Cycle High quality data is the cornerstone for evidence based decision-making USAID’s credibility when communicating and reporting requires realistic understanding of the limitations of data So why do we care about data quality? Ask: any body knows? We live in a world where data is every where. And in the development world in general and at USAID in particular this couldn’t be more true. Data is important across all the elements and phases of the program cycle. Show the program cycle. In addition, good decisions require good data. More over, our credibility when we communicate to hour partners, host government, internally or externally within the agency requires that we understand the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of the data we report. But given all this importance for data quality, what do you think about the next question?
Data Quality – Key Trade-Offs
TRUE OR FALSE? The goal of data quality assessment is to eliminate all data limitations FALSE Cost Quality Data Quality – Key Trade-Offs Quality vs. Cost Between dimensions of quality Even under favorable circumstances, data will never be perfect. Data Quality is a chess game of cost versus quality. That is to say, you are always balancing between achieving the highest levels of quality while also working within the reasonable limits of cost. The goal of data quality management is not to eliminate all data quality issues. This is not possible. The goal is to identify possible threats to the quality of data and manage them as best possible. Sometimes, the most that one can do is to note that there is a data quality issue. Performance data should be as complete and consistent as management needs and resources permit
What is it? What is it’s purpose? A process to ensure that the Mission, DO team, and IPs are aware of the: Strengths and weaknesses of data (vs five data quality standards), and Extent to which data integrity can be trusted to influence management decisions Note that the process ends in a document.
Validity: data (and the indicator) clearly and adequately represent the intended result Integrity: data have safeguards to minimize risk of transcription error or data manipulation Precision: data have sufficient level of detail to permit management decision-making Reliability: data reflect stable and consistent data collection processes and analysis methods over time and across sites/partners Timeliness: data available at a useful frequency, are current, and timely enough to influence management decision-making To be of use in performance monitoring and credible for reporting, data should reasonably meet these five standards of data quality: When we refer to Data Quality, validity means that whatever is being measured, is actually what we have intended to capture or measure.
What is it not? An audit although reported data are auditable and are routinely audited An exercise that seeks to find fault and/or place blame Something to fear DQA is an opportunity for USAID and IPs to understand results better and make improvements
Those reported externally to Washington.
WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? COR/AOR/AM is responsible for conducting DQAs with the participation of the PRO M&E Specialists, for indicators in their AMEPs. Ask the audience: Who is responsible: Typically the person responsible for the indicator. Which: examples (PPR indicators AND narrative, data calls, frequently quoted data, etc) WHICH INDICATORS? Those reported externally to Washington. However, “while managers are not required to conduct DQAs on all performance data, they should be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of all indicators they collect to monitor performance.” ADS
WHEN? A DQA must occur for indicators that are externally reported within six months before reporting initial results, and at least every 3 years thereafter In addition, a number of circumstances might prompt a manager to conduct DQA, if: Critically or strategically important data Potential indicator data issues Previous DQA follow up Ask the audience: When are they required A: At least once within the three years prior to reporting to Washington.
Lack of documentation (particularly PIRS) IP collected data do not match USAID definition Double-counting Untimely data Inconsistent/Missing data Biased data collection procedures Data procedures are not clear to all staff Data procedures/tools are not standardized/consistent across Activities, sites and/or over years Data transcription/calculation errors Unclear/inconsistent inclusion/exclusion criteria The Mission have conducted a few DQAs in the last year. By reviewing those and through working with IPs we have identified several common issues that might affect data quality that we wanted to share with you today. I will try to tell you a little about each of those issues but I would like also to hear from you, particularly those who have been on a DQA team before or have reviewed DQA reports. Telll us if you have experienced the issue and how was it, but try to be as concise as possible.
Plan Communicate with IPs Request/review Mission and IP documents Identify specific areas of focus to discuss with IP This is the story of DQAs To conduct DQAs there are three distinctive steps: Plan, Conduct, and Analyze, Document, and Follow up. You have seen those steps before in many activities you do. DQA is not different. I want to emphasize here on the importance of planning in the process of conducting DQAs. Particularly communicating with IPs. As you might expect, IPs get very stressed when one of their indicators is DQAed. From our discussion with them, perhaps this is one of the most important issues that they keep mentioning. It is very important for AORs/CORs to inform their partners of which indicators are Mission required indicators, which of them will be DQAed, and when if possible. Planning ad communicating with partners early allows them to prepare and provide you with the documentation you need to conduct a better DQA. It will allow you as well to identify specific areas of focus that you want to discuss with your partner. So lets go through the three steps in more details one by one. Conduct Visit IP/field offices Examine data collection process Verify data compliance against VIP-RT Analyze, Document, and Follow Up Complete DQA checklist Share Implement and monitor recommendations
Communicate with partners/stakeholders
PLAN Communicate with partners/stakeholders What are the indicator(s)? When will the DQA visit be? Who needs to be there? What background documents are needed? How can/should IP prepare? Review DQA checklist and prepare questions for how you will get the answers Remember: (DQA Checklist is not an interview guide!) One checklist per indicator per Activity
Review relevant Mission and IP documents ahead of time
PLAN Review relevant Mission and IP documents ahead of time PMP and AMEP, including PIRS (Mission and IP) For new indicators have IP complete PIRS before DQA All reports to USAID in which performance data was reported (quarterly, annual, others) IP M&E guidelines/SOPs related to different stages of data handling (collecting, monitoring, assessing, sampling, etc.) Previously conducted DQA reports (Mission and IP) Identify particular areas of focus All reports within the DQA period
EXERCISE 20 minutes Review PIRS to plan for DQA and identify areas of specific focus during the DQA Definitions Calculation challenges Availability of data Potential bias Other issues …
CONDUCT Conduct IP office visits (and to field office when possible)
Include IP staff involved in data handling at all stages Ask questions! Lots of them (system vs indicator specific) Review lots of documents! Data verification materials (original sign-in sheets, score cards, photos, inventory record, activity reports, etc.) Assess compliance of data reported with the documented definition Assess the data collection processes and obtain a clear picture of how data is managed from source to report Track a reported result/value back through the system to replicate it Compare data: in different reports, field vs reported, and hard copy vs electronic copy Assess the data storage system Obtain copies of documents/data you review or spot-check Assess difference between documentation and real practice.
EXERCISE 20 minutes Remember: DQA checklist is not an interview guide.
Develop questions to address DQA checklist or other items. Using the same PIRS from the previous exercise and the DQA checklist, identify and practice specific questions that you might want to ask your IP during the DQA to get more information
If you want to know… Ask the partner…
Does the indicator actually measure what you want it to measure? Is this indicator useful for monitoring your activity’s intended results? Why or why not? What procedures are used for data collection and analysis? Describe to me how data are managed from point of collection to final reporting? Show me the different tools along the way. Are there systems to ensure consistent collection, analysis and reporting of data? Who are all of the people that are involved in data collection and reporting? Are there different field offices or sub-contractors that are involved? How do you ensure consistency among different staff/offices? What is the quality of data entry system to record and maintain data? How are data checked for errors in entry, transcription or math errors? Do data reflect the current situation? How long does it take to go from data collection to reporting? The DQA checklist is not an interview guide. You need to ask many more questions to complete the checklist.
Complete DQA checklist for each indicator and IP Not just to check the boxes. Write lots of comments! Assess the findings and determine if improvement is needed Write up recommendations and action items for improving the quality of data where applicable Solicit and incorporate IP responses into the completed checklist Attach all necessary reviewed supporting documents Debrief IP and agree on action plan, schedule, and responsibilities Share completed checklist and report with PRO Implement and Monitor recommendations There need to be sufficient information in the checklist in order for people can understand how you reached your conclusion
COMMON DQA QUESTIONS How do I document DQA for indicators reported by multiple activities? How many pieces of data or documents should be reviewed? Should reported data be corrected if issues are found and how? What if I don’t know what DQ standard an issue identified falls under? What if I don’t know as much about M&E methods as the IP? Should IPs do their own DQAs and how should they be used in USAID DQAs?
ADS 203 PMP Toolkit (Part 2, Module 7) DQA checklist A Step by Step DQA Planning and Implementation Guide
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