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Published byJune Bridges Modified over 9 years ago
Current and Near Future Long Baseline Experiments Stéphane T’Jampens CEA Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SPP
2 Outline Current Experiment: Current Experiment: K2K (latest results) K2K (latest results) Near Future: Near Future: MINOS MINOS OPERA OPERA ICARUS ICARUS
3Introduction Primary goal of these first generation long baseline projects: Primary goal of these first generation long baseline projects: Confirm and verify the nature of oscillations observed in the atmospheric data Confirm and verify the nature of oscillations observed in the atmospheric data Provide more precise measurements of the corresponding oscillation parameters Provide more precise measurements of the corresponding oscillation parameters K2K and MINOS: mainly disappearance K2K and MINOS: mainly disappearance OPERA/ICARUS: mainly appearance OPERA/ICARUS: mainly appearance
5 The K2K Experiment
6 Neutrino Oscillation ν 2 22 μμ E.L1.27Δm sin.θ2 1)νν(P Fixed flight length (250km) ØSuppression in the number of events ØDistortion of the neutrino energy spectrum 2 =1
8 Accumulated POT (Protons On Target) Jan 99Jan 00Jan 01Jan 02Jan 03Jan 04 protons/pulse (×10 12 ) Accumulated POT (×10 18 ) K2K-I K2K-II 8.9×10 19 POT for Analysis
9 Near Detectors 1KT water Cherenkov detector: fiducial: 25 ton H 2 O 1KT water Cherenkov detector: fiducial: 25 ton H 2 O Fine Grained Detector (FGD): Fine Grained Detector (FGD): Scintillating-fiber tacker with water target (SciFi) 5.9 ton H 2 O Scintillating-fiber tacker with water target (SciFi) 5.9 ton H 2 O Lead-glass calorimeter (LG) before 2002 Lead-glass calorimeter (LG) before 2002 Scintillator bar detector (SciBar) after 2003 9.4 ton CH Scintillator bar detector (SciBar) after 2003 9.4 ton CH Muon range detector (MRD) 700 ton Fe Muon range detector (MRD) 700 ton Fe Fine Grained Detector 1KT Water Cherenkov Detector
10 Expected No. of Interactions at Far Site (SK) Measurement by 1KT used as normalization Measurement by 1KT used as normalization Same detector technology as SK most of the systematic uncertainties are canceled Same detector technology as SK most of the systematic uncertainties are canceled Neutrino flux ratio Flux far /Flux near calculated by MC Neutrino flux ratio Flux far /Flux near calculated by MC validated by Pion Monitor measurements validated by Pion Monitor measurements Expected: 150.9 +11.6 -10.0 (if no oscillation)
11 Number of Events @SK (BG: 1.6 events within 500 s 2.4×10 -3 events in 1.5 s) T SK T spill GPS SK TOF=0.83msec Observed: 108 events Analysis Time Window 500 sec 5 sec T DIFF. (s) - 0.2 T SK - T spill -TOF 1.3 sec Expected: 150.9 +11.6 -10.0 (if no oscillation) All events: 108 events (1R : 56)
12 Neutrino Energy Reconstruction
13 Near Detector Energy Spectrum Measurement 4 event categories: 4 event categories: 1KT: P <1.5 GeV/c 1KT: P <1.5 GeV/c fully contained 1-ring fully contained 1-ring -like sample -like sample FGD: P >1 GeV/c FGD: P >1 GeV/c 1 track 1 track 2 track QE ( ≤25°) 2 track QE ( ≤25°) 2 track nonQE ( ≥30°) 2 track nonQE ( ≥30°) SciFi 2 track sample
14 2 -fitting Method (p , ) (E ), nonQE/QE QE(MC)nonQE(MC) E 0-0.5 GeV 0.5-0.75 GeV 0.75-1.0 GeV 1.0-1.5 GeV and so on (8bins x 2) DATA (1KT) P (MeV/c) (deg) Also (p , ) for FGD 1-track, 2-track QE and 2-track nonQE
15 Fit Result of Neutrino Flux at KEK Site PRELIMINARY 2 = 638.1 / 609 dof nonQE/QE=1.02
16 Oscillation Analysis @SK L total =L norm x L shape x L syst Normalization term: (all SK events: 108) Shape term: (1R SK events: 56) Systematic term: L norm = Poisson(N obs,N exp ( m 2,sin 2 2 ,f)) L shape = Product of Gaussians (flux, nonQE/QE, efficiency, syst. parameters), m 2,sin 2 2 ,f) P(E rec i N 1i 1Rμ = Maximum Likelihood Method: 56 108
17 Best fit values: Best fit values: sin 2 2 1.53 sin 2 2 1.53 m 2 [eV 2 ] = 2.12 10 -3 m 2 [eV 2 ] = 2.12 10 -3 Best fit values in the physical region: Best fit values in the physical region: sin 2 2 1.00 sin 2 2 1.00 m 2 [eV 2 ] = 2.73 10 -3 m 2 [eV 2 ] = 2.73 10 -3 Results sin 2 2 =1.53 can occur by statistical fluctuation of 14.4% A toy MC sin 2 2 m2m2 1.00 2.73 14.4% PRELIMINARY 1.53
18 Results: Norm & E Spectrum (in physical region) Best Fit (KS prob: 52%) No Oscillation (KS prob: 0.11%) 150.9Null-oscillation 104.8 Best Fit: 108Observation: Number of events Null Oscillation Probability is less than 10 -4 (3.9 ) PRELIMINARY (normalized by area)
19 Allowed Region (shape+norm) m 2 =1.7~3.5x10 -3 eV 2 @sin 2 2 =1 (@90%CL) PRELIMINARY
20 K2K Conclusion Both the number of observed neutrino events and the observed energy spectrum at SK are consistent with neutrino oscillation. Both the number of observed neutrino events and the observed energy spectrum at SK are consistent with neutrino oscillation. With 8.9x10 19 POT, K2K has confirmed neutrino oscillation at a 3.9 level. With 8.9x10 19 POT, K2K has confirmed neutrino oscillation at a 3.9 level. m 2 =1.7~3.5x10 -3 eV 2 @sin 2 2 =1 (@90%CL) m 2 =1.7~3.5x10 -3 eV 2 @sin 2 2 =1 (@90%CL) PRELIMINARY
22 MINOS Physics Goals Demonstrate oscillation behavior Demonstrate oscillation behavior Confirm flavor oscillations describe data Confirm flavor oscillations describe data Provide high statistics discrimination against alternative models (decoherence, decay, etc.) Provide high statistics discrimination against alternative models (decoherence, decay, etc.) Provide measurement of m 2 23 Provide measurement of m 2 23 ~10% accuracy ~10% accuracy Search for sub-dominant e oscillations Search for sub-dominant e oscillations MINOS is the first large deep underground detector with a B-field MINOS is the first large deep underground detector with a B-field Direct measurement of vs oscillations from atmospheric neutrino events Direct measurement of vs oscillations from atmospheric neutrino events _
23 Far Detector: 5400 tons Near Detector: 980 tons Det. 2 The MINOS Experiment Two Detector Neutrino Oscillation Experiment (Start 2005)
24 The NuMI Beam 120 GeV protons 120 GeV protons 1.9 second cycle time 1.9 second cycle time Single turn extraction (8.7 s) Single turn extraction (8.7 s) 2.5-4x10 13 protons/pulse 2.5-4x10 13 protons/pulse 0.3 MW on target ! (Graphite target) 0.3 MW on target ! (Graphite target) Initial intensity: 2.5x10 20 protons/year Initial intensity: 2.5x10 20 protons/year
25 Tunable Beam By moving the horns and target, different energy spectra are available using the NuMI beam line. The energy can be tuned depending on the specific oscillation parameters expected/observed CC Events/year (2.5x10 20 POT/year): LE ME HE 1600 4300 9250 Start with LE beam
26 MINOS Far Detector Ø2 sections, each 15m long Ø5.4kt total mass Ø8m Octagonal Tracking Calorimeter Ø485 layers of Ø2.54cm steel plane Ø1cm thick, 4.1cm wide solid scintillator strips with WLS fiber readout ØMagnet coil provides 1.5T
27 Far Detector: fully operational (since July 2003)
28 Beamline and Near Detector Progress Primary Beamline Primary Beamline Major magnets all in place Major magnets all in place Installing instrumentation Installing instrumentation Secondary Beamline Secondary Beamline Installing horns and preparing to pulse Installing horns and preparing to pulse Hadron Absorber almost complete (2kton) Hadron Absorber almost complete (2kton) Near Detector in May Near Detector Near Detector Fewer than 60 planes to go, installing 2-3 planes/day Fewer than 60 planes to go, installing 2-3 planes/day First Horn being Installed
29 MINOS Physics Sensitivity Oscillated/unoscillated ratio of number of CC events in the far detector versus observed energy MINOS 90% and 99% CL allowed oscillation parameter space m 2 = 2.5x10 -3 eV 2, Sin 2 2 =1
30 e Appearance e Appearance m 2 =0.0025 eV 2 MINOS sensitivities based on varying numbers of protons on target
31 MINOS: conclusion NuMI beam installation progressing well ! NuMI beam installation progressing well ! Expect first protons on target December 2004 ! Expect first protons on target December 2004 ! MINOS near detector currently being installed/commissioned at Fermilab MINOS near detector currently being installed/commissioned at Fermilab MINOS Far detector taking physics data since mid-2003 MINOS Far detector taking physics data since mid-2003 Atmospheric s already being seen Atmospheric s already being seen First beam physics data expected in 2005 First beam physics data expected in 2005
33 The CNGS Beam Line SPS: 400 GeV proton beam ~17 GeV Contamination: 2.1% , 0.8% e, <0.05% e 4.5x10 19 POT/year, 200 days/year Far Detectors (L=732 km): OPERA: Observe Decay Topology (Emulsion) ICARUS: Observe Decay Kinematically (LAr TPC) __
34 The OPERA Detector spectrometer: Magnetized Iron Dipoles (1.6T) Drift tubes and RPCs target and decay detector: Sequence of 31 “modules” consisting of: - “wall” of lead/emulsion “bricks” - two planes of orthogonal scintillator strips (target tracker) Target mass: 1.77 ktons Brick: 56 lead plates 57 emulsion foils 206,336 bricks 8.3kg 10 X0
35 spectrometer: Magnet SM1 completed in June 04 Magnet SM2 completed in March 05 Commissioning: May 05 Drift tubes installed in spring 05 Target: Target tracker: construction in progress (8/week) Emulsion & lead: mass production started in April 03 Bricks installation: September 05 to September 06 (2 bricks/minute) Status of Construction
36 / e Sensitivity / e Sensitivity m 2 [eV 2 ] signal (1.9 x 10 -3 ) signal (2.4 x 10 -3 ) signal (3.0x 10 -3 ) BKGD 1.8 ktons fiducial 6.610.516.40.7 full mixing, 5 years run @ 4.5 x10 19 pot / year Sin 2 2 13 Sin 2 2 13 13 <0.06 <7.1 º e : (@ m 2 23 =2.5x10 -3, sin 2 2 23 =1) Limit @90% CL
37 ICARUS: T3000+Muon Spectrometer
38 Electronic Bubble Chamber Real Events
39 T600 Detector: Cosmic Ray Data More than 27,000 triggers collected during technical run on surface (summer 2001) More than 27,000 triggers collected during technical run on surface (summer 2001) Michel Electron Spectrum: (3000 events analyzed and fully reconstructed in 3D) It has been demonstrated that drift distances amounting that drift distances amounting up to several meters are feasible Installation in LNGS approved: summer 04
40 / e Sensitivity / e Sensitivity m 2 [eV 2 ] signal (1.6 x 10 -3 ) signal (2.5 x 10 -3 ) signal (3.0x 10 -3 ) BKGD 2.35 ktons active 4.911.917.20.7 full mixing, 5 years run @ 4.5 x10 19 pot / year Sin 2 2 13 Sin 2 2 13 13 <0.04 <6º<6º<6º<6º e : (@ m 2 23 =2.5x10 -3, sin 2 2 23 =1) ICARUS Limit @90% CL
41 Conclusion: OPERA/ICARUS CNGS project on schedule and should start in mid 2006 CNGS project on schedule and should start in mid 2006 OPERA: OPERA: Construction and installation at LNGS is progressing well Construction and installation at LNGS is progressing well Mass production started Mass production started ICARUS: ICARUS: Technique validated with the T600 prototype Technique validated with the T600 prototype Installation of T600 at LNGS approved Installation of T600 at LNGS approved Broad physics program: proton decay search, atmospheric, solar and supernova s Broad physics program: proton decay search, atmospheric, solar and supernova s
42 Conclusion K2K has confirmed neutrino oscillation at a 3.9 level. K2K has confirmed neutrino oscillation at a 3.9 level. m 2 =1.7~3.5x10 -3 eV 2 @sin 2 2 =1 (@90%CL) MINOS will be a definitive test for atmospheric oscillations Precision oscillation parameters MINOS will be a definitive test for atmospheric oscillations Precision oscillation parameters CNGS/OPERA/ICARUS will be a definitive test for oscillations appearance CNGS/OPERA/ICARUS will be a definitive test for oscillations appearance Stay tuned for precision oscillation measurements ! Want to know more: follow the WG1 parallel session !
44 Results: Norm & E Spectrum (in unphysical region) Spectrum Shape Best Fit No Oscillation 150.9Null-oscillation 109.9 Best Fit: 108Observation: Number of events PRELIMINARY (normalized by area)
45 A hint of K2K forward deficit. SciBar non-QE Events K2K observed forward deficit. K2K observed forward deficit. A source is non-QE events. A source is non-QE events. For CC-1 , For CC-1 , Suppression of ~q 2 /0.1[GeV 2 ] at q 2 <0.1[GeV 2 ] may exist. Suppression of ~q 2 /0.1[GeV 2 ] at q 2 <0.1[GeV 2 ] may exist. For CC-coherent , For CC-coherent , The coherent may not exist. The coherent may not exist. We do not identify which process causes the effect. The MC CC-1 (coherent ) the effect. The MC CC-1 (coherent ) model is corrected phenomenologically. Oscillation analysis is insensitive to the choice. q 2 rec (Data-MC)/MC DATA CC 1 CC coherent- Preliminary q 2 rec (GeV/c) 2
46 / e Sensitivity / e Sensitivity m 2 [eV 2 ] signal (1.9 x 10 -3 ) signal (2.4 x 10 -3 ) signal (3.0x 10 -3 ) BKGD 1.8 ktons fiducial 6.6 (10) 10.5 (15.8) 16.4 (24.6) 0.7 (1.06) full mixing, 5 years run @ 4.5 x10 19 pot / year Sin 2 2 13 Sin 2 2 13 13 <0.06 <0.05 (beam x1.5) <7.1 º <6.4 º e : (@ m 2 23 =2.5x10 -3, sin 2 2 23 =1) With CNGS beam upgrade (x1.5)
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