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Mission - Create a Life for the Future My Life Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission - Create a Life for the Future My Life Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission - Create a Life for the Future My Life Unit

2 Step One - the interview - understand Your job is to create a future life for another person (client). Goal for the next 5 minutes is to find out as much as you can about your client. Ask as many questions as you can. Their goals, dreams, wants, needs, and especially what they are good at doing. What do they see themselves doing, owning, in their future. 1 minute to take notes in your tablet and to make sure you have at least 5 important facts that you just learned about them.

3 Step 2 - Interview other person Your job is to create a future life for another person (client). Goal for the next 5 minutes is to find out as much as you can about your client. Ask as many questions as you can. Their goals, dreams, wants, needs, and especially what they are good at doing. What do they see themselves doing, owning, in their future. 1 minute to take notes in your tablet and to make sure you have at least 5 important facts that you just learned about them.

4 Step 3 - Define- question Use other means to get information regarding client. Students future roadmap worksheet as well as the list of things they are good at doing. Be more specific of questioning. (5 minutes) What do they want to do after high school (career, college, military) What is their career ambition? What kind of hours, location and facilities are they willing to work in. (night shift, hospital, lab, outdoors, indoors, alone) What type of housing do they want to live in, where would they want to reside? (beach, city, country) What type of transportation do they want to have? (car, truck, van, sports car)

5 Step 4 - Research Brainstorm ideas for your client, start with career. Type of occupation/career _____________________________________________ Description of Job _______________________________________________________ Prerequisite – Degree(s) needed __________________(high school, college, grad school or med school) Requirements - ________________________________(exams, tests, experience, physical condition) Monthly Salary ________________________________

6 Continue to research -College or military College – Name of university, college or trade school________________________________________ Location of school___________________________ What is your major/ minor__________________________ Number of years attending college_________ Tuition x amount of years=$______ (total cost for education)

7 Military Branch ________________ Ranking ______________ Occupation Specialty _________________ Monthly starting pay __________________

8 Step 5 - Research Housing Type of housing ________________________________ Description of housing ________________(Bedroom/bath) Location of housing ______________________________ Price of housing __________________

9 Step 6 - Research Transportation Make (brand) of vehicle ____________________ Model (type) of vehicle _____________________ Description of vehicle ______________________ Cost of vehicle ________________________

10 Step 7 - Feedback 10 Minutes Share with client your ideas regarding their life. Ask questions and take notes if needed for any changes that will need to be made. Switch and share. Go back and make changes.

11 Step 8 - Budget Monthly Income ________________ (Choose one from occupation page) Fixed expenses (monthly): Student loan: _____________________ Housing: ________________________ Car/transportation: __________________ Make sure it’s the monthly payment

12 Budget continued Find monthly fixed expenses for them. There may be a combination phone, cable wifi. Cable : _____________________ Wi-Fi : _____________________ Home phone: _____________________ Cell phone: _____________________

13 Budget continued Flexible expenses: Play card game in class Electric Bill _________________ Water Bill _________________ Groceries/food _________________ Entertainment _________________ Household expense _________________ Other _________________ (make sure you notate, leaking roof, party, needs such as clothes or shoes or free choice)

14 Budget continued Monthly income __________________ Total expenses (add all expenses)_________________ Subtract total expenses from income, (Income – expense = budget) Total at the end of the month __________________

15 Step 9- Presentation slides After completing all of the necessary research and budgeting, present your findings to your client then to the class. Make sure you have complete finance, career, housing and transportation information on each slide including graphics. A minimum of 9 slides. Start with introduction of client and end with budget of clients life. Is your client able to save money at the end of every month after paying for all of life’s expenses? IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR GET MIXED UP, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME VIA GOOGLE OR JUPITER GRADES, I WILL TRY TO HELP AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

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