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US History October 13, 2015 Warm Up: Can we ever know what happened at the Homestead Strike? What other materials would you want to look at in order to.

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Presentation on theme: "US History October 13, 2015 Warm Up: Can we ever know what happened at the Homestead Strike? What other materials would you want to look at in order to."— Presentation transcript:

1 US History October 13, 2015 Warm Up: Can we ever know what happened at the Homestead Strike? What other materials would you want to look at in order to try to figure out what happened at Homestead? OBJ: TLW analyze primary and secondary sources. S. 1; DOL: TLW evaluate a historical source for audience, purpose, point of view, context and authenticity. DOK: 2-3

2 The Pullman Strike Chicago, 1894 Interior of a Pullman Sleeper Car
OBJ: TLW analyze primary and secondary sources. S. 1; DOL: TLW evaluate a historical source for audience, purpose, point of view, context and authenticity. DOK: 2-3

3 Pullman Palace Car Company
Railway car company owned by George Pullman Over 6,000 workers Workers had lived in “company town” Rent was 25% higher than other areas Pullman, Illinois OBJ: TLW analyze primary and secondary sources. S. 1; DOL: TLW evaluate a historical source for audience, purpose, point of view, context and authenticity. DOK: 2-3

4 Origins of the Strike Historical Context: Depression of 1893
Pullman cuts workers’ wages But doesn’t cut rent for apartments OBJ: TLW analyze primary and secondary sources. S. 1; DOL: TLW evaluate a historical source for audience, purpose, point of view, context and authenticity. DOK: 2-3

5 Strike Begins May 10, 1894- Workers walk out
OBJ: TLW analyze primary and secondary sources. S. 1; DOL: TLW evaluate a historical source for audience, purpose, point of view, context and authenticity. DOK: 2-3

6 ARU Supports Pullman Workers
American Railway Union is a NATIONAL union of railway workers Eugene Debs, ARU leader, decides to support Pullman strikers Across the nation, railway workers refused to run trains that had Pullman cars attached to them The country is paralyzed OBJ: TLW analyze primary and secondary sources. S. 1; DOL: TLW evaluate a historical source for audience, purpose, point of view, context and authenticity. DOK: 2-3

7 Eugene Debs OBJ: TLW analyze primary and secondary sources. S. 1; DOL: TLW evaluate a historical source for audience, purpose, point of view, context and authenticity. DOK: 2-3

8 President Grover Cleveland sends in troops
OBJ: TLW analyze primary and secondary sources. S. 1; DOL: TLW evaluate a historical source for audience, purpose, point of view, context and authenticity. DOK: 2-3 President Grover Cleveland sends in troops

9 Violence Erupts Presence of Federal troops sets off riots
Rioters burn buildings, troops kill 4 and wound 20 OBJ: TLW analyze primary and secondary sources. S. 1; DOL: TLW evaluate a historical source for audience, purpose, point of view, context and authenticity. DOK: 2-3

10 End of Strike By August, strike fall apart 1000 union workers fired
New workers have to sign contracts promising not to join a union Debs arrested and jailed for 6 months OBJ: TLW analyze primary and secondary sources. S. 1; DOL: TLW evaluate a historical source for audience, purpose, point of view, context and authenticity. DOK: 2-3

11 How did Chicago newspapers cover the Pullman strike?
In Chicago, there were newspapers that supported the workers and newspapers that supported the Pullman Car Company. YOUR JOB: Figure out which newspapers supported whom. Process: The class will be divided into four groups. Each groups gets one document set (A, B, C, or D). EACH Student must complete the graphic organizer for your set and answer the question: Which paper supported the workers and which supported Pullman? You should be prepared to explain how you arrived at your conclusion. OBJ: TLW analyze primary and secondary sources. S. 1; DOL: TLW evaluate a historical source for audience, purpose, point of view, context and authenticity. DOK: 2-3

12 How did Chicago newspapers cover the Pullman strike?
Each group needs a five minute maximum presentation to model with the document camera how you did the close reading on your document. Circle words or phrases that tipped you off to whether the newspaper favored the workers or Pullman. OBJ: TLW analyze primary and secondary sources. S. 1; DOL: TLW evaluate a historical source for audience, purpose, point of view, context and authenticity. DOK: 2-3

13 How did Chicago newspapers cover the Pullman strike?
Exit: Pick a source from your set. Write down which source it is. Who was the audience? What is this document’s purpose? What is the author’s point of view? What else is going on at the time? How “real” is this document? Why would you say that? OBJ: TLW analyze primary and secondary sources. S. 1; DOL: TLW evaluate a historical source for audience, purpose, point of view, context and authenticity. DOK: 2-3

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