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SS310 Week 6! Welcome to our seminar!! Readings: Chapter 8 & 11 Harrison, 133-150.

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Presentation on theme: "SS310 Week 6! Welcome to our seminar!! Readings: Chapter 8 & 11 Harrison, 133-150."— Presentation transcript:

1 SS310 Week 6! Welcome to our seminar!! Readings: Chapter 8 & 11 Harrison, 133-150

2 Questions about the course? Discussions? To what extent…. Assignment: Create a timeline with at least 8 points that shows the global history of gendered movements since the 1700s. You can find templates for timelines online, or you create your own time line in Word ( Click on Insert, choose Illustrations, SmartArt for templates). Use footnotes to give credit to your sources (In Word, click References, Insert foot notes).

3 Best way to approach the assignment…. History of Women’s Rights 1780’s Olympia de Gorges Mary Wollstonecraft History of Gay Rights

4 A conversational overview of the 1960’s How is 1960 different than 1969? A radical cultural transformation The Beatles example: “Hard Days Night” vs. “Sgt. Pepper’s…”

5 Seminar Question: The social movements of the 1960s questioned how the “inalienable rights” of all Americans were being actualized in this country. According to Gosse (2008), if we are all created equal, then everyone in this country should have: The right not to be segregated and despised because of your color

6 The right to vote and be represented by someone like yourself The right to walk down the street unmolested, without fear of violence The right to protest without being labeled a subversive The right to equal access to education, housing, and jobs without regard to race or gender

7 Seminar continued…. The right to love whom you want, when you want, and how you want The right to be left alone, to privacy, and to have control over your own body

8 Atomic Bomb Arms race Germany was Racing to build one. Nuclear Energy The end of War?

9 Cold War World Map

10 Cold War Battlegrounds….. Korea and Vietnam

11 Chicago in 1968 The Democratic Convention… The Republican Convention is seen as more peaceful, why?? G8 summit moved from Chicago to Camp David…. 2012

12 Chicago’s Mayor Daley


14 The Military in Chicago?

15 Us?

16 The Policeman’s dilemma The nature of the profession The “pigs” Police brutality? Do the pro’s outweigh the cons? My father’s story….

17 Us?

18 Hippies and the 60’s Last week’s discussion….. Sub-cultures or counter cultures today?? Today’s “movements?” Anti-war “Occupy Movement” “Tea Party” Others????

19 1960’s and Civil Rights Problems in the Democratic Party John F Kennedy’s assassination and Lyndon Johnson FBI & J. Edgar hoover 1965 and beyond…..

20 Civil Rights continued…. Black panther party California gun laws Politics of Race: Cleveland mayoral election… Assassination of King and Kennedy

21 The Middle East and Cold War and today’s world….

22 The creation of Israel 1948 resolution War declared Arab view Israel’s view Why controversial? Cold War politics…

23 1967 War: 6-7 days… ???

24 Wailing Wall and Mosque of Al’Aqsa: Occupation of East Jerusalem: 3 holy sites… ©2004 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license.

25 Decolonization in the Middle East ©2003 Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning ™ is a trademark used herein under license.

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