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Welcome to Year 3 Miss Browning. PE Tuesdays and Wednesdays Tuesdays with Miss Browning Wednesdays with a specialist PE coach I recommend that children.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3 Miss Browning. PE Tuesdays and Wednesdays Tuesdays with Miss Browning Wednesdays with a specialist PE coach I recommend that children."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3 Miss Browning

2 PE Tuesdays and Wednesdays Tuesdays with Miss Browning Wednesdays with a specialist PE coach I recommend that children have both an indoor and outdoor kit in school at all times. Outdoor kit: trainers, plain black jogging pants and sweatshirt.

3 English – Every day Maths – Every day RE: Come and See – 2.5 hours per week Curriculum in Y3 Science – Thursday afternoon PE – Tuesday and Wednesday Topic – The Romans – Monday afternoon Computing – Friday afternoon Phonics: Every day Spanish – Once a fortnight Please see our class page on the school website for the half term curriculum overview, updates and pictures. website

4 3 TOP TIPS If you want your child to make excellent progress this year I recommend: Daily reading at home Frequent times tables practice Daily spelling practice

5 Library books can be changed during lunchtimes. Daily independent reading. Guided reading twice per week. Reading activities on remaining days. Reading Reading in school Library books Please read a minimum of 5 times per week. Reading logs should be signed by an adult. Children who read 5 times per week will be rewarded. Children who do not read regularly at home will be asked to stay in to read during play times. Reading at home

6 By the end of Year 3 the children should know their times tables up to 12 x 12. Bronze: times tables in order. Silver: times tables out of order. Gold: corresponding division facts. Times tables Times tables challenge Booklet to take home. My Maths Times tables songs Times tables apps/online games. Practising at home

7 Spelling test and new spellings given out every Monday. Spellings New format: handwriting sheets. Reasoning: 1.To practise both handwriting and spelling. 2.The continuous flow of cursive writing improves spelling; the children develop a ‘physical memory’ of a word. Please return the completed sheets every Monday.

8 Homework One piece of Homework will be set every Friday, to be completed and handed in by the following Wednesday. If a child does not return their homework, they will be asked to stay in to complete the task during their playtime. Usually tasks will alternate between a English based task and a Maths based task (on My Maths). My Maths Usernames and passwords should be the same as last year. A reminder of these will be sent home this week.

9 Open door policy Feel free to come to me with any questions or concerns – my door is always open! If you need a private chat, please see me or alternatively ask for an appointment at the school office. Need to speak to me?

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