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Monopolies vs. Unions UNHOLY MATRIMONY. HARDSHIPS OF URBAN WORKERS Low wages Unsafe working conditions Long hours Unfair wages for women and children.

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Presentation on theme: "Monopolies vs. Unions UNHOLY MATRIMONY. HARDSHIPS OF URBAN WORKERS Low wages Unsafe working conditions Long hours Unfair wages for women and children."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monopolies vs. Unions UNHOLY MATRIMONY

2 HARDSHIPS OF URBAN WORKERS Low wages Unsafe working conditions Long hours Unfair wages for women and children

3 WHAT DO WORKERS DO ABOUT IT? Unions Def: an organized association of workers formed to protect and further their rights and interests Strikes Def: a refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest

4 TALK LIKE A UNION STRIKER DAY Collective bargaining: negotiation of wages and other conditions of employment by a union Blacklisting: refusing to employ for political beliefs/union affiliation Open vs. Closed Shop: Open: you do NOT have to be in a union Closed: you do have to be in a union

5 STRIKE ONE! Haymarket Affair (1886) Union leaders, strikers and political agitators gather to call for an 8 hour work day and to protest police killing strikers two days before Bomb explodes, 7 police are killed and 66 police are injured Police kill several strikers and wound 200 8 anarchists charged and sentenced to death w/o evidence (4 hanged, 1 commits suicide and 3 are later freed)

6 STRIKE TWO! Homestead Strike (1892) Steel union strikes at one of Carnegie’s plants in Homestead, PA Pinkertons brought in to protect “scabs” Violent clash between Pinkertons and strikers w/ dead on both sides Eventually state militia brought in to squash the strike

7 STRIKE THREE! YOU’RE OUT! Pullman Strike (1894) Railcar union strikes in Chicago Led by Eugene Debs Chicago and other markets crippled Pres. Cleveland sends federal troops Violence erupts = 7 dead, 53 seriously injured, 700 arrested (including Debs) *PROVES THE GOVERNMENT WILL PROTECT BUSINESSES OVER WORKERS*

8 PREDICT WHETHER YOU THINK THESE STRIKES WERE GOOD OR BAD FOR UNIONS? Write it in your notes we’ll talk about it after you’re done.

9 STUDENTS OF WEST CREEK UNITE! Write down in your notes your top five grievances against West Creek High School Once we have our lists, we are going to see if we can form one or more unions out of this class Once you have formed your group, I want you to write a “manifesto” declaring the goals of your student union and the tactics you will use to achieve those goals At the end, one particularly eloquent/charismatic member of your group will present your unions manifesto.

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